Stand Up and Be Thankful!

I don't agree with kneeling during the anthem but I can tolerate it very much better than seeing the flag burned or even these treatments of the flag that I find disrespectful:


The flag should never have placed upon it, nor on any part of it, nor attached to it any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture, or drawing of any nature.


The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery.

So it’s my Country right or wrong which is infamous. Or my country is always right which is juvenile.

The OP makes both arguments which is a head scratcher. When I joined the Army it was because the Propaganda was true. We were superior to the Soviet’s because our rights were not written in pencil. Our rights were upheld by the courts.

Since that time we have gotten worse. Our rights are practically nonexistent. Both sides demand the other shut up. Both sides are wrong.

Look where we have come from. Patrick Henry said “I may disagree with what you are saying, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it”.

Today it is that someone should die for saying something that you don’t like. I’ve said it before. I served 9 years in the Army. I would not join today. I would not defend what we have become.

I will not be infamous or juvenile. You of course are free to do either or both.
If your American citizenship means anything to you, and you are truly grateful for it, you stand for the National Anthem and you pledge your allegiance to the country that flag represents.

This is the only country in the world that allows you to express a contrary opinion without experiencing any retribution. If you are thankful for your freedom to express yourself, you stand for that National Anthem and pledge allegiance to the country that flag represents.
Clap, clap, claptrap !
These Black players imagine they are protesting the treatment guilty Black men get when they break the law.

Why don't they ever protest the crimes Black men, including Black players commit? Where was the protest against animal abuser Michael Vick? No protests against the players who take drugs, who beat their wives and girlfriends. Not a single protest. Why not protest football player OJ when he killed his wife? These are all the animals that they support.

Criminals get the support. The heroin dealer who sells smack to children, he's the reason for a knee or two. That's what makes these protests even more asinine, absurd and disgusting than they already are.
Interesting, since when is demanding someone appreciate the rights and freedoms they have being a snowflake?

It's not. It's your gutless evasions that make you a snowflake. Non-snowflakes don't run from their failures. You do.

For example, you didn't answer. Are you still standing by your crazy claim that only the USA is the only nation in the world that allows free speech?

Oh? So why is Moonglow doing it? Perhaps he didn't get the memo.

He did no such thing. He responded to you telling everyone about how the military felt. You brought up a topic, didn't like the response you got, and now you're declaring the topic is off-limits. That's another fine snowflake move.

Once again, is this guy trying to "hide behind the skirts of the military to push an anti-constitution agenda"? Or will you keep ignoring it?

Fuck off, liar. I answered you directly, as everyone can see from my post.

So, my work here is done. I've demonstrated you're a coward and liar. Buh-bye. If you'd like to continue, you'll need to apologize for lying.
Interesting, since when is demanding someone appreciate the rights and freedoms they have being a snowflake?

It's not. It's your gutless evasions that make you a snowflake. Non-snowflakes don't run from their failures. You do.

For example, you didn't answer. Are you still standing by your crazy claim that only the USA is the only nation in the world that allows free speech?

Oh? So why is Moonglow doing it? Perhaps he didn't get the memo.

He did no such thing. He responded to you telling everyone about how the military felt. You brought up a topic, didn't like the response you got, and now you're declaring the topic is off-limits. That's another fine snowflake move.

Once again, is this guy trying to "hide behind the skirts of the military to push an anti-constitution agenda"? Or will you keep ignoring it?

Fuck off, liar. I answered you directly, as everyone can see from my post.

So, my work here is done. I've demonstrated you're a coward and liar. Buh-bye. If you'd like to continue, you'll need to apologize for lying.


Anger, the death knell of an argument.

Notice how you're the one calling me a liar and a coward and I'm the one posing cogent points.

Now if you'd like to continue, you can begin by containing your baseless hysteria.
This is not the only country in the world that allows you to express a contrary opinion, and there are plenty of examples of people expressing contrary opinions and experiencing plenty of retribution here.

Good. I was wondering when someone was going to catch that. That was an intentional misstatement on my part.

Imagine being a conservative in this day and age, on a college campus. Or, just imagine being a conservative period. Or, imagine being a liberal under the delusion that his point of view is the prevailing one and that anyone holding a contrary point is a "bigot", "racist", "homophobe", "misogynist" and et cetera worthy of hatred, scorn and exclusion.

If we are supposed to be indivisible, like Carbine expressed, why do people act like this? Diversity of opinion invites disunity and divisibility. Naturally.
I was a libertarian on campus. Many people thought my views were whacky. At no point did I feel discriminated against because of it. Granted I got out before the real craziness began at some of these universities, but I've been there and done that.
The Pledge says...

'one nation...indivisible'?

Tell that to the RWnuts who yak about the legality of secession, who advocate it, who praise the states of the South who attempted it, and demonize those who thwarted it.

No, Carbine, "indivisible" to you means "of the same mind and opinion" not as countrymen.

When I need a mental midget to tell me what I think, you'll be the first to know.
I have been pleasantly surprised by the number of people who are ignoring the superstitious cult of the American flag and anthem, and the number of people who are supporting them.

Perhaps the American people are beginning to be less stupid and brainwashed than I have heretofore thought them.

Nothing like President Bigmouth Dotard for waking people up and making them angry.
I have been pleasantly surprised by the number of people who are ignoring the superstitious cult of the American flag and anthem, and the number of people who are supporting them.

Perhaps the American people are beginning to be less stupid and brainwashed than I have heretofore thought them.

Nothing like President Bigmouth Dotard for waking people up and making them angry.

Let’s deal with this. Just because someone does not agree with you does not mean they are stupid. Think of the Breakfast Club. One could make a lamp. One could explain the physics behind the light but could not make the lamp actually work. Neither were stupid.

The smartest person in the world may well be the gardener you ignore. The person with the most education may be an idiot. As evidenced by the Justina Peltier case. The girl was taken from her parents and the treatment of her doctors because another Doctor, who was a Harvard man, disagreed with the diagnosis. A year later she was returned to the treatment that had shown effectiveness in treating her condition. The Harvard man was wrong.

Bush got us into Afghanistan and Iraq. Obama and Hillary got us into Libya and Syria. One was an idiot for getting us into Iraq. What does that make the other?

I support the Second Amendment. Does that make me an idiot? I belong to the NRA. Does that make me a racist gun nut? I am also a member of the ACLU. Does that make me a communist tool?

When the Anthem protests started. My first thought was the old saying. I may disagree with what you say but I will fight to the death for your right to say it. Then again, that is usually my first thought when free speech is the issue. Including when the KKK speaks.

Am I anti-Trump for the anthem and a racist fascist for the KKK?

I still do not regret my vote for Trump. Mainly because I still honestly believe Hillary would be a disaster even if we were not mired down in two wars she helped start.

The old saying. The truest test of intelligence is when a man agrees with you is arrogant as hell. It creates the terrible situation where you are surrounded by sycophants instead of advisors. I’d much rather have people who disagree with me as advisors. It makes sure I consider every angle before a decision is made. The mere presence of a sycophant does not make the action wise or smart.

After all we violated international sanctions to create the civil war in Libya. That was not wise or smart by any stretch of the fevered imagination.
Most Americans are not stupid because of genetic idiocy (well... at least not all of them), but because they are uneducated and utterly stunned by brainwashing, propaganda and conditioning.

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