Stalker Cop pleads guilty for Disorderly Conduct.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
Imagine this friends. You are being stalked, and the guy doing the stalking is a cop. He sends you unwanted text messages constantly. He drives by your house. He comes to your house in uniform and in the cop car and enters your house. This harassment, intimidation, and stress you have to endure knowing there is nothing you can do about it. Finally the rest of the Justice System gets involved. You've endured this for years. Finally some justice.

Yep, the cop pleads guilty to Disorderly Conduct, in exchange for which the other misdemeanor charge of stalking is dropped. The penalty? $525 in fines, thirty days in jail, twenty of which is suspended for a year, and the last ten days are to be served as community service. The cop will also have to go through counseling and a psychological evaluation.

Meeker County deputy pleads to disorderly conduct

So the penalty for stalking the guy for years is a few days of community service, a few hundred dollars in fines, and the time to sit down across from a shrink that loves cops, and understands them.

Boy talk about being made an example of. It reminds me of when I was a kid, and MTV got started. The rock stars who were caught with drugs would do a public service commercial about how you shouldn't do drugs. The message there was kids, if you grow up and become a mega rock star, and you get caught with drugs, you'll have to do a stupid fucking commercial just like this one. That will teach you.

Seriously, a cop who stalks someone is a problem. The cop who does so in his cop car is a big fucking problem. But of course, we have to understand and support the cops. Because these guys have a tough job. I mean imagine how hard it was for Deputy Engler. Taking time out of his busy day writing traffic tickets and looking for drugs in cars he stops to find time to send harassing text messages and drive by the house of the guy he's been harassing for years.
Mmmmmm somebody found hisself some more copporn.

There is no shortage of it. I mean it is literally everywhere. The best source is the Cato Institute website

I'm sure you would call them all cop haters too. Why don't you try your pathetic hand at analyzing their motivations?
I'll stick with my life rather than a libertarian site, thanks.

So if anyone has had a different life they must be wrong. 73% of Republicans and Republican leaning people trust the police. What do you think about the 27% of Republicans who don't?

Ignorant is defined as that the individual does not know. What do you call it when they won't learn? A bit more than half the country has good or great trust in the police. What is wrong with the other half?
Mmmmmm somebody found hisself some more copporn.

There is no shortage of it. I mean it is literally everywhere. The best source is the Cato Institute website

I'm sure you would call them all cop haters too. Why don't you try your pathetic hand at analyzing their motivations?
I'll stick with my life rather than a libertarian site, thanks.

So if anyone has had a different life they must be wrong. 73% of Republicans and Republican leaning people trust the police. What do you think about the 27% of Republicans who don't?

Ignorant is defined as that the individual does not know. What do you call it when they won't learn? A bit more than half the country has good or great trust in the police. What is wrong with the other half?
Well, I don't believe your polls but a lot of people act up and think there will be no consequences. Most people don't interact with cops, some are frequent flyers.
Mmmmmm somebody found hisself some more copporn.

There is no shortage of it. I mean it is literally everywhere. The best source is the Cato Institute website

I'm sure you would call them all cop haters too. Why don't you try your pathetic hand at analyzing their motivations?
I'll stick with my life rather than a libertarian site, thanks.

So if anyone has had a different life they must be wrong. 73% of Republicans and Republican leaning people trust the police. What do you think about the 27% of Republicans who don't?

Ignorant is defined as that the individual does not know. What do you call it when they won't learn? A bit more than half the country has good or great trust in the police. What is wrong with the other half?
Well, I don't believe your polls but a lot of people act up and think there will be no consequences. Most people don't interact with cops, some are frequent flyers.

And some refuse to admit the truth. OVER THE LINE: Police shootings in Georgia

Blue Lives Matter

When it comes to facts, you got nothing.
Mmmmmm somebody found hisself some more copporn.

There is no shortage of it. I mean it is literally everywhere. The best source is the Cato Institute website

I'm sure you would call them all cop haters too. Why don't you try your pathetic hand at analyzing their motivations?
I'll stick with my life rather than a libertarian site, thanks.

So if anyone has had a different life they must be wrong. 73% of Republicans and Republican leaning people trust the police. What do you think about the 27% of Republicans who don't?

Ignorant is defined as that the individual does not know. What do you call it when they won't learn? A bit more than half the country has good or great trust in the police. What is wrong with the other half?
Well, I don't believe your polls but a lot of people act up and think there will be no consequences. Most people don't interact with cops, some are frequent flyers.

And some refuse to admit the truth. OVER THE LINE: Police shootings in Georgia

Blue Lives Matter

When it comes to facts, you got nothing.
I have my life's experience, Shitstain. I don't let shitstains lead me around the internet where they want me to go. I hope your face gets smashed in, it's the only way you can learn. I especially hope to catch it on Liveleak. Porn for me!
Imagine this friends. You are being stalked, and the guy doing the stalking is a cop. He sends you unwanted text messages constantly. He drives by your house. He comes to your house in uniform and in the cop car and enters your house. This harassment, intimidation, and stress you have to endure knowing there is nothing you can do about it. Finally the rest of the Justice System gets involved. You've endured this for years. Finally some justice.

Yep, the cop pleads guilty to Disorderly Conduct, in exchange for which the other misdemeanor charge of stalking is dropped. The penalty? $525 in fines, thirty days in jail, twenty of which is suspended for a year, and the last ten days are to be served as community service. The cop will also have to go through counseling and a psychological evaluation.

Meeker County deputy pleads to disorderly conduct

So the penalty for stalking the guy for years is a few days of community service, a few hundred dollars in fines, and the time to sit down across from a shrink that loves cops, and understands them.

Boy talk about being made an example of. It reminds me of when I was a kid, and MTV got started. The rock stars who were caught with drugs would do a public service commercial about how you shouldn't do drugs. The message there was kids, if you grow up and become a mega rock star, and you get caught with drugs, you'll have to do a stupid fucking commercial just like this one. That will teach you.

Seriously, a cop who stalks someone is a problem. The cop who does so in his cop car is a big fucking problem. But of course, we have to understand and support the cops. Because these guys have a tough job. I mean imagine how hard it was for Deputy Engler. Taking time out of his busy day writing traffic tickets and looking for drugs in cars he stops to find time to send harassing text messages and drive by the house of the guy he's been harassing for years.
Don't get it. Did you expect the death penalty?
There is no shortage of it. I mean it is literally everywhere. The best source is the Cato Institute website

I'm sure you would call them all cop haters too. Why don't you try your pathetic hand at analyzing their motivations?
I'll stick with my life rather than a libertarian site, thanks.

So if anyone has had a different life they must be wrong. 73% of Republicans and Republican leaning people trust the police. What do you think about the 27% of Republicans who don't?

Ignorant is defined as that the individual does not know. What do you call it when they won't learn? A bit more than half the country has good or great trust in the police. What is wrong with the other half?
Well, I don't believe your polls but a lot of people act up and think there will be no consequences. Most people don't interact with cops, some are frequent flyers.

And some refuse to admit the truth. OVER THE LINE: Police shootings in Georgia

Blue Lives Matter

When it comes to facts, you got nothing.
I have my life's experience, Shitstain. I don't let shitstains lead me around the internet where they want me to go. I hope your face gets smashed in, it's the only way you can learn. I especially hope to catch it on Liveleak. Porn for me!

You demanded proof. I provided proof. Now you want me pummeled so I learn that authority is good. Nice. I can see why you are angry. You have been proven wrong time and time again. Only you are too dishonest to admit it. Are you sure you weren't a cop?
I'll stick with my life rather than a libertarian site, thanks.

So if anyone has had a different life they must be wrong. 73% of Republicans and Republican leaning people trust the police. What do you think about the 27% of Republicans who don't?

Ignorant is defined as that the individual does not know. What do you call it when they won't learn? A bit more than half the country has good or great trust in the police. What is wrong with the other half?
Well, I don't believe your polls but a lot of people act up and think there will be no consequences. Most people don't interact with cops, some are frequent flyers.

And some refuse to admit the truth. OVER THE LINE: Police shootings in Georgia

Blue Lives Matter

When it comes to facts, you got nothing.
I have my life's experience, Shitstain. I don't let shitstains lead me around the internet where they want me to go. I hope your face gets smashed in, it's the only way you can learn. I especially hope to catch it on Liveleak. Porn for me!

You demanded proof. I provided proof. Now you want me pummeled so I learn that authority is good. Nice. I can see why you are angry. You have been proven wrong time and time again. Only you are too dishonest to admit it. Are you sure you weren't a cop?
From a week ago? I don't even remember the conversation. My life doesn't revolve around you. And you posted some links not "proof". I can post thousands of links too.

Point is I don't care about your puckered up ass. You are the type that needs a good ass whipping from time to time and I'm happy to fund it.
So if anyone has had a different life they must be wrong. 73% of Republicans and Republican leaning people trust the police. What do you think about the 27% of Republicans who don't?

Ignorant is defined as that the individual does not know. What do you call it when they won't learn? A bit more than half the country has good or great trust in the police. What is wrong with the other half?
Well, I don't believe your polls but a lot of people act up and think there will be no consequences. Most people don't interact with cops, some are frequent flyers.

And some refuse to admit the truth. OVER THE LINE: Police shootings in Georgia

Blue Lives Matter

When it comes to facts, you got nothing.
I have my life's experience, Shitstain. I don't let shitstains lead me around the internet where they want me to go. I hope your face gets smashed in, it's the only way you can learn. I especially hope to catch it on Liveleak. Porn for me!

You demanded proof. I provided proof. Now you want me pummeled so I learn that authority is good. Nice. I can see why you are angry. You have been proven wrong time and time again. Only you are too dishonest to admit it. Are you sure you weren't a cop?
From a week ago? I don't even remember the conversation. My life doesn't revolve around you. And you posted some links not "proof". I can post thousands of links too.

Point is I don't care about your puckered up ass. You are the type that needs a good ass whipping from time to time and I'm happy to fund it.

So you have memory problems. You can't remember what you said two days ago. I'm sorry you are suffering from Alzheimer's. As for funding that whipping. I would not suggest going cheap on it. Let me know when you are ready to take a swing at it.

By any chance is this your symbol?


All the way. Chairborne!
Well, I don't believe your polls but a lot of people act up and think there will be no consequences. Most people don't interact with cops, some are frequent flyers.

And some refuse to admit the truth. OVER THE LINE: Police shootings in Georgia

Blue Lives Matter

When it comes to facts, you got nothing.
I have my life's experience, Shitstain. I don't let shitstains lead me around the internet where they want me to go. I hope your face gets smashed in, it's the only way you can learn. I especially hope to catch it on Liveleak. Porn for me!

You demanded proof. I provided proof. Now you want me pummeled so I learn that authority is good. Nice. I can see why you are angry. You have been proven wrong time and time again. Only you are too dishonest to admit it. Are you sure you weren't a cop?
From a week ago? I don't even remember the conversation. My life doesn't revolve around you. And you posted some links not "proof". I can post thousands of links too.

Point is I don't care about your puckered up ass. You are the type that needs a good ass whipping from time to time and I'm happy to fund it.

So you have memory problems. You can't remember what you said two days ago. I'm sorry you are suffering from Alzheimer's. As for funding that whipping. I would not suggest going cheap on it. Let me know when you are ready to take a swing at it.

By any chance is this your symbol?

All the way. Chairborne!
Play your childish games with someone else. This is July 11, 2017. My last comment before you resurrected it was on July 3, 2017. That's is a week ago, like I said, not "two days ago". You are an idiot. Like I said I hope you get a good tuneup from time to time. Cops call your type job security.
I have my life's experience, Shitstain. I don't let shitstains lead me around the internet where they want me to go. I hope your face gets smashed in, it's the only way you can learn. I especially hope to catch it on Liveleak. Porn for me!

You demanded proof. I provided proof. Now you want me pummeled so I learn that authority is good. Nice. I can see why you are angry. You have been proven wrong time and time again. Only you are too dishonest to admit it. Are you sure you weren't a cop?
From a week ago? I don't even remember the conversation. My life doesn't revolve around you. And you posted some links not "proof". I can post thousands of links too.

Point is I don't care about your puckered up ass. You are the type that needs a good ass whipping from time to time and I'm happy to fund it.

So you have memory problems. You can't remember what you said two days ago. I'm sorry you are suffering from Alzheimer's. As for funding that whipping. I would not suggest going cheap on it. Let me know when you are ready to take a swing at it.

By any chance is this your symbol?

All the way. Chairborne!
Play your childish games with someone else. This is July 11, 2017. My last comment before you resurrected it was on July 3, 2017. That's is a week ago, like I said, not "two days ago". You are an idiot. Like I said I hope you get a good tuneup from time to time. Cops call your type job security.

Wow the Alzheimer's is really working on you. The links were in response to your demand in this thread.

Blue Lives Matter

Sunday was two days ago. Are you ever right in any of your assertions? I'll give you an easy one. Insist that water is wet. That way I can say you were right about something.

Do other than your belief that might makes right, the argument of every dictatorial thug in history, what else you have but hopes I get pummeled supposedly for my own good. Hey will they tell me "this is gonna hurt me more than you"?

Sunday was two days ago.
No shit. My last post was July 3 before you brought it up again, not two days ago, like I just said. Your problem is obvious. But you do keep cops employed so it ain't all bad.

The link was where you asked for proof. That was Sunday.

So to summarize. You want to show me that the police are not lawless brutal thugs by having them beat me for no reason. Hey how about showing that the Republicans are not racist by having them lynch an illegal alien.

Dude. Seriously. Quit while you are behind.
Sunday was two days ago.
No shit. My last post was July 3 before you brought it up again, not two days ago, like I just said. Your problem is obvious. But you do keep cops employed so it ain't all bad.

The link was where you asked for proof. That was Sunday.

So to summarize. You want to show me that the police are not lawless brutal thugs by having them beat me for no reason. Hey how about showing that the Republicans are not racist by having them lynch an illegal alien.

Dude. Seriously. Quit while you are behind.
I wasn't in the thread since the 3rd. I don't give fuck when you posted a link. Links aren't proof. You aren't important. Period.
Sunday was two days ago.
No shit. My last post was July 3 before you brought it up again, not two days ago, like I just said. Your problem is obvious. But you do keep cops employed so it ain't all bad.

The link was where you asked for proof. That was Sunday.

So to summarize. You want to show me that the police are not lawless brutal thugs by having them beat me for no reason. Hey how about showing that the Republicans are not racist by having them lynch an illegal alien.

Dude. Seriously. Quit while you are behind.
I wasn't in the thread since the 3rd. I don't give fuck when you posted a link. Links aren't proof. You aren't important. Period.

Yeah. I'm so unimportant that you think I should be beaten savagely to teach me the lesson that the cops are not brutal lawless thugs hiding behind their badges.

I am the reason that cops are employed according to you. I'm not sure how that works since I never call them and don't interact with them. But somehow it's all me.

You need to pick a story and stick to it.

Now. I've proven that half the people killed by police in Georgia were shot in the back or unarmed at the time. I've proven that a majority of police shootings in Albuquerque were unjustified by the Department of Justice. I've proven that Judges and Lawyers believe that cops lie in about 20% of the cases. I've proven that this is known and called Testilying. I've proven that the Chief of the NYPD and SFPD have said it was a real problem.

You have proven nothing except that you are ignorant and determined to remain so.

You said you were willing to pay to have me beaten. Apparently in your fantasy world this will erase all the proof that the police themselves admit is true.

Let me guess. You are one of those guys who think that Fahrenheit 451 should be banned.

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