Spygate and The Steele Dossier Were The Cover Story – The Real Issue is Years of Obama-era


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Spygate and The Steele Dossier Were The Cover Story – The Real Issue is Years of Obama-era Surveillance and Political Spy Operations…

Spygate and The Steele Dossier Were The Cover Story – The Real Issue is Years of Obama-era Surveillance and Political Spy Operations… | The Last Refuge
22 April 2019 ~~ If you read the Weissmann/Mueller report carefully one aspect stands out strongly; the Mueller investigation was fully committed to The Steele Dossier. An inordinate amount of the report is focused on justifying their investigative validity and purpose in looking at the claims within the Steele Dossier.... Repeatedly, the investigative unit references their mandate based around the Steele Dossier, and the mid-summer 2016 origin of the FBI counterintelligence operation. Why? Why was/is Crossfire Hurricane (July ’16) and the Steele Dossier (Oct. ’16) so important to the principle intelligence apparatus, and the Mueller team (’17, ’18, ’19)? I believe former NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers has told us the answer. In early 2016 Rogers caught on to a massive and pre-existing weaponization of government surveillance and the use of collected NSA metadata for political spy operations. Everything, that comes AFTER March 2016 is one big blanket cover-up operation….. ALL OF IT.
The Russian election interference narrative; the use of Joseph Mifsud, Stefan Halper, the London and Australian embassy personnel; Erika Thompson, Alexander Downer, U.S. DIA officials; everything around Crossfire Hurricane; and everything after to include the construct of the Steele Dossier; all of it was needed for the creation of an ‘after-the-fact‘ plausible justification to cover-up what Mike Rogers discovered in early 2016, AND the downstream unmasked records that existed in the Obama White House SCIF.
Just like the Susan Rice justification Memo, fraudulent justifications are what’s behind those paragraphs in the Rosenstein scope memos as delivered to Weissmann and Mueller.
Fusion GPS was not hired to research Trump, the intelligence community was already doing surveillance and spy operations. The intelligence community needed Fusion GPS to give them a plausible justification for already existing surveillance and spy operations. See the difference? Fusion-GPS gave them the justification they needed with the Steele Dossier.That’s why the Steele Dossier is so important in the scope memos.

The unmitigated gall of the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats trying to impeach Trump when Bath House Barry should have been frog marched out of the White House for the crimes he committed.
Admiral Mike Rogers is unquestionably a genuine national hero of historical significance in this mess. I would hope when this scandal winds down in the years ahead and the perpetrators have received justice, that President Trump will commend Admiral Rogers and award him the nation’s highest honors because he put his life on the line for our country by exposing these criminal acts by the former administration and their sycophants. This is no game. Admiral Rogers not only heroically succeeded in bringing the coup d’ etat information to the President, he had to keep a cover so that the Left would not learn of his intentions.
American intelligence organizations have employed assassins to eliminate problem politicians in the past. Likewise one must wonder what restrains them from employing them now domestically.

Read more:
Susan Rice | The Last Refuge
NSA Director Rogers Disclosed FISA Abuse Days After Page Warrant Was Issued
Yawn so what? I don’t expect that anyone would actually care unless it’s about trump

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