Spot the difference competition - Confederates v. Kneelers



Spot the difference.

On the one hand you have those flying the Confederate flag.

These are the sort of people who are telling the kneelers that they're disrespecting the US armed forces, they're disrespecting the flag, they're disrespecting the anthem.

On the other hand you have the kneelers.

The Confederate troops committed Treason. The US Constitution is quite clear on what Treason is, and the Confederacy committed treason and every soldier who took up arms to FIGHT THE SOLDIERS OF THE US ARMED FORCES committed treason.

Now, flying the Confederate flag shows no respect to the members of the US armed forces. The Confederates killed members of the US armed forces.

Flying the Confederate flag shows no respect to the flag of the United States. It says "we don't want to be a part of that flag, we don't want our star on that flag".

Kneeling in a protest does not disrespect the US flag. The US flag exists because it represents the States, the government, the Constitution. A Constitution which protects freedom to criticize the government.

The kneelers have killed zero US Armed Forces personnel.
The Confederates killed 110,000 people in battle and 25,000 to 30,000 in Confederate prisons.

How is it that the people who fly the flag of treason, the flag of killing US military personnel can turn around and tell those who kneel, that they're disrespecting the anthem and the flag?

Your assertion that it's supporters of the Confederacy who believe the NFL players are being disrespectful shows you're a partisan liar who can't be taken seriously and are unworthy of being a part of a debate.

The OP is be kind.

In a previous thread, myself and two other posters responded about
the use of the Confederate Flag being flown in Vietnam.

At the Firebase, I was at...the Confederate flag and American flag
flew on the same pole. At the other poster's Firebase...The Confederate
Flag was the only flag that flew over the camp.

The Confederate Flag was everywhere in Vietnam. And in case
you missed was being flown by American soldiers, sailors
and marines.
Get back when a confederate flag flies at a NFL game.



Weak sauce...all of your examples are either unofficial 'fan flags' or Confederate Flags affixed as part of state flags. You can find no example where the Confederate Flag was flown in replacement of the US Flag.

Why do I need to find a place whee a Confederate Flag was shown in replacement of a US flag exactly?

The fact is that people went to NFL games with CONFEDERATE FLAGS which says FUCK YOU to the US MILITARY.

The point here is that the Confederacy was treasonous and that people continue to support the Confederacy, while AT THE SAME TIME, complaining about NFL players (who, you might note, are not replacing the US flag) kneeling and supposedly disrespecting the US military.

It's called HYPOCRISY.

Or better yet, it's looking for reasons to be offended.
The confederate flag is a part of U.S. history. If you call it treason, then I guess California is committing it to. Since they are talking succeeding since Trump was elected. Kneeling during the anthem is being disrespectful to those who defend it.View attachment 153382
This is who you are disrespecting, with your childish attitude.

I disagree. The right to protest is part of that Constitution they died defending. Calling them SOB's and attacking the NFL is disrespecting those who fought and died defending that Constitution.
Yes, they do have that right. Still doesn't take away the fact that it disrespects our troops.
The difference that the Confederates had the balls to secede and fight for their beliefs. The last time I checked those 'kneelers' are still reaping the benefits of a system and culture they refuse to respect.

This is bullshit. You're looking for reasons to be offended by one thing, and not by another.

The Confederates had the balls to fight, the NFL players risk losing their jobs over this.

The kneelers killed nobody, the Confederates killed 140,000 US TROOPS.

And apparently, the kneelers are disrespecting the US military and the Confederate flag wavers AREN'T.

Can you explain this?

The real difference is that the confederates, at least the leaders, knew what they were fighting for, the kneelers, not so much.

The "protest" isn't about social injustice it is about Trump. The protestors are taking the chance of destroying the NFL over Trump. How f..king stupid can they be? Rhetorical question.


Spot the difference.

On the one hand you have those flying the Confederate flag.

These are the sort of people who are telling the kneelers that they're disrespecting the US armed forces, they're disrespecting the flag, they're disrespecting the anthem.

On the other hand you have the kneelers.

The Confederate troops committed Treason. The US Constitution is quite clear on what Treason is, and the Confederacy committed treason and every soldier who took up arms to FIGHT THE SOLDIERS OF THE US ARMED FORCES committed treason.

Now, flying the Confederate flag shows no respect to the members of the US armed forces. The Confederates killed members of the US armed forces.

Flying the Confederate flag shows no respect to the flag of the United States. It says "we don't want to be a part of that flag, we don't want our star on that flag".

Kneeling in a protest does not disrespect the US flag. The US flag exists because it represents the States, the government, the Constitution. A Constitution which protects freedom to criticize the government.

The kneelers have killed zero US Armed Forces personnel.
The Confederates killed 110,000 people in battle and 25,000 to 30,000 in Confederate prisons.

How is it that the people who fly the flag of treason, the flag of killing US military personnel can turn around and tell those who kneel, that they're disrespecting the anthem and the flag?

Your assertion that it's supporters of the Confederacy who believe the NFL players are being disrespectful shows you're a partisan liar who can't be taken seriously and are unworthy of being a part of a debate.


The problem is that isn't my assertion. So.... I'm fed up of people telling me what I think. Adieu.
The difference that the Confederates had the balls to secede and fight for their beliefs. The last time I checked those 'kneelers' are still reaping the benefits of a system and culture they refuse to respect.

This is bullshit. You're looking for reasons to be offended by one thing, and not by another.

The Confederates had the balls to fight, the NFL players risk losing their jobs over this.

The kneelers killed nobody, the Confederates killed 140,000 US TROOPS.

And apparently, the kneelers are disrespecting the US military and the Confederate flag wavers AREN'T.

Can you explain this?

The real difference is that the confederates, at least the leaders, knew what they were fighting for, the kneelers, not so much.

The "protest" isn't about social injustice it is about Trump. The protestors are taking the chance of destroying the NFL over Trump. How f..king stupid can they be? Rhetorical question.

Maybe so.

The kneelers know there is a problem, they're not really sure what it is, but they know it's there. But then again most confederate soldiers didn't really know why they were fighting. So....

Potentially there are leaders of this kind of movement that know what they want to get out of this. Who knows?

If the protest is about Trump, then why did it start under Obama? Yes, Trump has managed to make the protests more widespread. But then again his attitude towards certain groups of people, and as representative of the government, I'd say the protests are in part at him. But because he's making the problems worse, not better.


Spot the difference.

On the one hand you have those flying the Confederate flag.

These are the sort of people who are telling the kneelers that they're disrespecting the US armed forces, they're disrespecting the flag, they're disrespecting the anthem.

On the other hand you have the kneelers.

The Confederate troops committed Treason. The US Constitution is quite clear on what Treason is, and the Confederacy committed treason and every soldier who took up arms to FIGHT THE SOLDIERS OF THE US ARMED FORCES committed treason.

Now, flying the Confederate flag shows no respect to the members of the US armed forces. The Confederates killed members of the US armed forces.

Flying the Confederate flag shows no respect to the flag of the United States. It says "we don't want to be a part of that flag, we don't want our star on that flag".

Kneeling in a protest does not disrespect the US flag. The US flag exists because it represents the States, the government, the Constitution. A Constitution which protects freedom to criticize the government.

The kneelers have killed zero US Armed Forces personnel.
The Confederates killed 110,000 people in battle and 25,000 to 30,000 in Confederate prisons.

How is it that the people who fly the flag of treason, the flag of killing US military personnel can turn around and tell those who kneel, that they're disrespecting the anthem and the flag?

Your assertion that it's supporters of the Confederacy who believe the NFL players are being disrespectful shows you're a partisan liar who can't be taken seriously and are unworthy of being a part of a debate.


The problem is that isn't my assertion. So.... I'm fed up of people telling me what I think. Adieu.

If you don't say stupid things like "These are the sort of people who are telling the kneelers that they're disrespecting the US armed forces, they're disrespecting the flag, they're disrespecting the anthem." people won't tell you what you think.
The difference that the Confederates had the balls to secede and fight for their beliefs. The last time I checked those 'kneelers' are still reaping the benefits of a system and culture they refuse to respect.
Holyfuckingshit! :cuckoo:

The confederates seceded and fought to keep their slaves. And that’s what you admire.


Spot the difference.

On the one hand you have those flying the Confederate flag.

These are the sort of people who are telling the kneelers that they're disrespecting the US armed forces, they're disrespecting the flag, they're disrespecting the anthem.

On the other hand you have the kneelers.

The Confederate troops committed Treason. The US Constitution is quite clear on what Treason is, and the Confederacy committed treason and every soldier who took up arms to FIGHT THE SOLDIERS OF THE US ARMED FORCES committed treason.

Now, flying the Confederate flag shows no respect to the members of the US armed forces. The Confederates killed members of the US armed forces.

Flying the Confederate flag shows no respect to the flag of the United States. It says "we don't want to be a part of that flag, we don't want our star on that flag".

Kneeling in a protest does not disrespect the US flag. The US flag exists because it represents the States, the government, the Constitution. A Constitution which protects freedom to criticize the government.

The kneelers have killed zero US Armed Forces personnel.
The Confederates killed 110,000 people in battle and 25,000 to 30,000 in Confederate prisons.

How is it that the people who fly the flag of treason, the flag of killing US military personnel can turn around and tell those who kneel, that they're disrespecting the anthem and the flag?
That argument don't fly when the kneelers disrespected the flag and military by kneeling over seas but honoring the flag of another country instead. One that many died fighting for our freedom from.
Utter nonsense as those folks who fought and died while serving in our military did so so that folks like NFL athletes can protest.


Spot the difference.

On the one hand you have those flying the Confederate flag.

These are the sort of people who are telling the kneelers that they're disrespecting the US armed forces, they're disrespecting the flag, they're disrespecting the anthem.

On the other hand you have the kneelers.

The Confederate troops committed Treason. The US Constitution is quite clear on what Treason is, and the Confederacy committed treason and every soldier who took up arms to FIGHT THE SOLDIERS OF THE US ARMED FORCES committed treason.

Now, flying the Confederate flag shows no respect to the members of the US armed forces. The Confederates killed members of the US armed forces.

Flying the Confederate flag shows no respect to the flag of the United States. It says "we don't want to be a part of that flag, we don't want our star on that flag".

Kneeling in a protest does not disrespect the US flag. The US flag exists because it represents the States, the government, the Constitution. A Constitution which protects freedom to criticize the government.

The kneelers have killed zero US Armed Forces personnel.
The Confederates killed 110,000 people in battle and 25,000 to 30,000 in Confederate prisons.

How is it that the people who fly the flag of treason, the flag of killing US military personnel can turn around and tell those who kneel, that they're disrespecting the anthem and the flag?

Your assertion that it's supporters of the Confederacy who believe the NFL players are being disrespectful shows you're a partisan liar who can't be taken seriously and are unworthy of being a part of a debate.


The problem is that isn't my assertion. So.... I'm fed up of people telling me what I think. Adieu.

If you don't say stupid things like "These are the sort of people who are telling the kneelers that they're disrespecting the US armed forces, they're disrespecting the flag, they're disrespecting the anthem." people won't tell you what you think.

I'm not sure what you're reading, but where I'm from "these are the sort of people" doesn't mean that I'm talking in exactitudes.
Were you bitching about the rebel flag years ago or did you only recently become offended by it when CNN told you what to think?

I don't watch CNN.

I'm not offended by the Confederate flag. I'm pointing out major fucking hypocrisy among those who think kneeling at NFL games disrespects the US military.

I think they're just looking for a reason to hate. Look for excuses. They don't have much. Protesting is protected by the US constitution, it's a part of what America is and it is, supposedly, what the US military should be fighting to protect.

Whereas the Confederates fought to be free of that. They killed US soldiers.
The difference that the Confederates had the balls to secede and fight for their beliefs. The last time I checked those 'kneelers' are still reaping the benefits of a system and culture they refuse to respect.
What does the CONFEDERATE Constitution say about "Slavery"?

If you know exactly what those beliefs are and you are still saying this sh!t, then you are either a Nazi Klan or a tard. What other choices are there?


Spot the difference.

On the one hand you have those flying the Confederate flag.

These are the sort of people who are telling the kneelers that they're disrespecting the US armed forces, they're disrespecting the flag, they're disrespecting the anthem.

On the other hand you have the kneelers.

The Confederate troops committed Treason. The US Constitution is quite clear on what Treason is, and the Confederacy committed treason and every soldier who took up arms to FIGHT THE SOLDIERS OF THE US ARMED FORCES committed treason.

Now, flying the Confederate flag shows no respect to the members of the US armed forces. The Confederates killed members of the US armed forces.

Flying the Confederate flag shows no respect to the flag of the United States. It says "we don't want to be a part of that flag, we don't want our star on that flag".

Kneeling in a protest does not disrespect the US flag. The US flag exists because it represents the States, the government, the Constitution. A Constitution which protects freedom to criticize the government.

The kneelers have killed zero US Armed Forces personnel.
The Confederates killed 110,000 people in battle and 25,000 to 30,000 in Confederate prisons.

How is it that the people who fly the flag of treason, the flag of killing US military personnel can turn around and tell those who kneel, that they're disrespecting the anthem and the flag?
But then how can we listen to anyone that tells us that we cannot take a knee at the games for prayer, but we can take a knee just to hurt the Patriots? And so the NFL is at war with the Patriots. And so quit joking around. We all knows that Black lives really doesn't matter. Or else if it does, we will be condemning those countries that doesn't gives Blacks rights. And so, do you want to start a protest against the Saudis? The ones that gave Hillary millions of dollars. The ones that Hillary will give the evil eye to those that tries to stop her flow of money.



Spot the difference.

On the one hand you have those flying the Confederate flag.

These are the sort of people who are telling the kneelers that they're disrespecting the US armed forces, they're disrespecting the flag, they're disrespecting the anthem.

On the other hand you have the kneelers.

The Confederate troops committed Treason. The US Constitution is quite clear on what Treason is, and the Confederacy committed treason and every soldier who took up arms to FIGHT THE SOLDIERS OF THE US ARMED FORCES committed treason.

Now, flying the Confederate flag shows no respect to the members of the US armed forces. The Confederates killed members of the US armed forces.

Flying the Confederate flag shows no respect to the flag of the United States. It says "we don't want to be a part of that flag, we don't want our star on that flag".

Kneeling in a protest does not disrespect the US flag. The US flag exists because it represents the States, the government, the Constitution. A Constitution which protects freedom to criticize the government.

The kneelers have killed zero US Armed Forces personnel.
The Confederates killed 110,000 people in battle and 25,000 to 30,000 in Confederate prisons.

How is it that the people who fly the flag of treason, the flag of killing US military personnel can turn around and tell those who kneel, that they're disrespecting the anthem and the flag?
But then how can we listen to anyone that tells us that we cannot take a knee at the games for prayer, but we can take a knee just to hurt the Patriots? And so the NFL is at war with the Patriots. And so quit joking around. We all knows that Black lives really doesn't matter. Or else if it does, we will be condemning those countries that doesn't gives Blacks rights. And so, do you want to start a protest against the Saudis? The ones that gave Hillary millions of dollars. The ones that Hillary will give the evil eye to those that tries to stop her flow of money.


Who are the Patriots? The football team or do you see these Confederate flag waving eejits as being patriots?
Get back when a confederate flag flies at a NFL game.



Weak sauce...all of your examples are either unofficial 'fan flags' or Confederate Flags affixed as part of state flags. You can find no example where the Confederate Flag was flown in replacement of the US Flag.

Why do I need to find a place whee a Confederate Flag was shown in replacement of a US flag exactly?

The fact is that people went to NFL games with CONFEDERATE FLAGS which says FUCK YOU to the US MILITARY.

The point here is that the Confederacy was treasonous and that people continue to support the Confederacy, while AT THE SAME TIME, complaining about NFL players (who, you might note, are not replacing the US flag) kneeling and supposedly disrespecting the US military.

It's called HYPOCRISY.

Or better yet, it's looking for reasons to be offended.
The confederate flag is a part of U.S. history. If you call it treason, then I guess California is committing it to. Since they are talking succeeding since Trump was elected. Kneeling during the anthem is being disrespectful to those who defend it.View attachment 153382
This is who you are disrespecting, with your childish attitude.

will you never get tired hiding behind this woman to smear people, you despicable cuntbag?
The difference that the Confederates had the balls to secede and fight for their beliefs. The last time I checked those 'kneelers' are still reaping the benefits of a system and culture they refuse to respect.

This is bullshit. You're looking for reasons to be offended by one thing, and not by another.

The Confederates had the balls to fight, the NFL players risk losing their jobs over this.

The kneelers killed nobody, the Confederates killed 140,000 US TROOPS.

And apparently, the kneelers are disrespecting the US military and the Confederate flag wavers AREN'T.

Can you explain this?

The real difference is that the confederates, at least the leaders, knew what they were fighting for, the kneelers, not so much.

The "protest" isn't about social injustice it is about Trump. The protestors are taking the chance of destroying the NFL over Trump. How f..king stupid can they be? Rhetorical question.

Maybe so.

The kneelers know there is a problem, they're not really sure what it is, but they know it's there. But then again most confederate soldiers didn't really know why they were fighting. So....

Potentially there are leaders of this kind of movement that know what they want to get out of this. Who knows?

If the protest is about Trump, then why did it start under Obama? Yes, Trump has managed to make the protests more widespread. But then again his attitude towards certain groups of people, and as representative of the government, I'd say the protests are in part at him. But because he's making the problems worse, not better.
Yes, there are problems, rogue or poorly trained cops shooting when they should not, problem. Blacks killing blacks at a rate that far exceeds anything the cops do, problem. Drug use in the inner city, problem.

But this "protest" for the most part is not about any of that. There was little or no protest until Trump tried to tell them what the owners should do and the rich millionaires didn't like it. The whole protest has morphed into being about Trump.

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