Sports Industry Now Has a Net Negative Reaction from US Public

  • Eliminate prayers and any expression of religion in schools.
  • Infiltrate churches and replace true religion with “social” religion.
  • Discredit the U.S. Constitution and America’s Founding Fathers.
  • Infiltrate and gain control of the labor union movement.
  • Infiltrate and gain control of teachers associations.
  • Use schools as transmission belts for socialist indoctrination.
  • Break down traditional cultural standards; discredit the family as an institution.
  • Infiltrate and gain control of the press, radio, TV and the entertainment industry.
  • Use the courts to weaken basic American institutions.
  • Promote the UN as the only hope for mankind; demand that it be set up as a one-world government.
  • Infiltrate and gain control of one or both political parties.
I don't know if anything will turn this thing around. Big mouths like Kaepernick and James started this bogus bullshit and now their followers are executing cops. Maybe the best thing would be for a collapse. I just hope that the NCAA can become a sort of firewall. Todays athletes seem to be in need of some kind of reeducation based on reality. Or maybe the problem is that all our youth are being brainwashed and finally became emboldened enough by politicians like Obama and AOC to totally lose it. The Democrat party has no clue what the USA is. MAGA
5th post
Mathew 6:6
Acts 4: 32-35
Communist destroy everything like Locusts..........then use lie and deceit to sell you ISM..........

They now destroy sports.......the National Pastimes to continue that........which is why I put the video up about the Preacher........

This is no accident.

This needs to be taught to every child in America
fuck lebron and all his minions---this retard still feels the world owes owes you nothing moron. stick all your $$$up your ass. i was never impressed by retards that think/thought they were better because of $$$$---that makes these idiots brain dead. btw , when is this idiot going to take that sheriff up on his offer/ probably never, because lebron thinks he is god-you aint--wake up asswipe, your $$$$ dont make you better than me
Who do these uppity Nwords think they are, so what if the police brutalize some of them. These Nwords need to shut up and just run the ball.
Those "Nwords" brutalize more people than any other group. Youre complaining about the size of our mole hill, while you stand on a fucking mountain. That is precisely why people roll their eyes when you BLM fucktards go whining about shit. YOU people are the biggest problem in the US, yet you run around pointing your fingers at everyone else.

Our society coddles you because most people think youre inferior and incapable of acting like the rest of us, but i dont believe that, therefore i hold you to a higher standard. I treat you like humans. As such, i dont want to hear a fucking peep about your violent criminals getting shot. I hope every last one of them gets shot in the face. I hope ALL violent criminals get shot in the face.
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