Speaker of the House Donald J. Trump???


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
Bay State
When I read this article, I believe there is a definite possibility of this. As of now, the GOP is on life support in the emergency room. Not only has the GOP stabbed Trump and their constituency in the back; worst of all, the GOP has stabbed America in the back. When reading multiple conservative leaning media websites, the comment section is full of people stating they are done with the GOP, and many of them stating they will vote for a democrat over a RINO instead of falling into the tired old false dichotomy of a RINO is better than a democrat. As for me, at 18 years of age I registered to vote as a Republican, but it didn't take me long to see the backstabbing and betrayal of the GOP, it sickened me to see them wrapping themselves in the flag while clinging to the Constitution and then burning both of them shortly after being elected. I ended up switching party affiliation to Libertarian, then about 18 month ago I switched to American Independent. While we witness false bravado of the democrats and republicrats clashing, supposedly having heated debates on the floor, it is even more fixed than professional wrestling. These two parties are nothing more than two cheeks of the same ass, and we all know what comes out of the middle of the ass. Donald Trump not only showed the democrats for who they are, but who woke up republican voting loyalists for what they are - long after I saw the GOP for the frauds they are.

Make no mistake about it, the democrats, republicrats, deep state, big tech and Dominion all conspired in a coup to overthrow Trump. What happened in 2020 would make even the most benevolent dictators envious of the mass voter fraud and coup that transpired in America. But is it enough. Will their efforts turn America into the nazi dictatorial utopia they desire? I hope not, but there could be one saving Grace - Donald J. Trump running for the U.S. House of Representitives.

If DJT runs for a congressional seat in Florida, no amount of voter fraud will prevent Trump from winning that seat. Additionally, if Trump runs for congress, it would lead to a mass wave of Republican voter turn out and a certainty the GOP would regain the house, maybe even the senate. Furthermore; Trump affiliated congressional candidates would have an excellent chance of winning. Trump allies would have enough victories to make it a possibility for Trump to become Speaker. Even the backstabbers in the GOP would be put in a tough position - either vote Trump in as Speaker or see the GOP go the way of the Whig party.

Now, on the flipside, if Trump does NOT run for congress and instead starts a third party, the Patriot Party, then it is a certainty that the GOP will go the way of the Whig party.

Read the article, it definitely will get you thinking. While it will get you thinking, whether it be optimistic or terrified at this prospect, keep in mind that there has been NO WORD from President Trump if he will commit to this.

When I read this article, I believe there is a definite possibility of this. As of now, the GOP is on life support in the emergency room. Not only has the GOP stabbed Trump and their constituency in the back; worst of all, the GOP has stabbed America in the back. When reading multiple conservative leaning media websites, the comment section is full of people stating they are done with the GOP, and many of them stating they will vote for a democrat over a RINO instead of falling into the tired old false dichotomy of a RINO is better than a democrat. As for me, at 18 years of age I registered to vote as a Republican, but it didn't take me long to see the backstabbing and betrayal of the GOP, it sickened me to see them wrapping themselves in the flag while clinging to the Constitution and then burning both of them shortly after being elected. I ended up switching party affiliation to Libertarian, then about 18 month ago I switched to American Independent. While we witness false bravado of the democrats and republicrats clashing, supposedly having heated debates on the floor, it is even more fixed than professional wrestling. These two parties are nothing more than two cheeks of the same ass, and we all know what comes out of the middle of the ass. Donald Trump not only showed the democrats for who they are, but who woke up republican voting loyalists for what they are - long after I saw the GOP for the frauds they are.

Make no mistake about it, the democrats, republicrats, deep state, big tech and Dominion all conspired in a coup to overthrow Trump. What happened in 2020 would make even the most benevolent dictators envious of the mass voter fraud and coup that transpired in America. But is it enough. Will their efforts turn America into the nazi dictatorial utopia they desire? I hope not, but there could be one saving Grace - Donald J. Trump running for the U.S. House of Representitives.

If DJT runs for a congressional seat in Florida, no amount of voter fraud will prevent Trump from winning that seat. Additionally, if Trump runs for congress, it would lead to a mass wave of Republican voter turn out and a certainty the GOP would regain the house, maybe even the senate. Furthermore; Trump affiliated congressional candidates would have an excellent chance of winning. Trump allies would have enough victories to make it a possibility for Trump to become Speaker. Even the backstabbers in the GOP would be put in a tough position - either vote Trump in as Speaker or see the GOP go the way of the Whig party.

Now, on the flipside, if Trump does NOT run for congress and instead starts a third party, the Patriot Party, then it is a certainty that the GOP will go the way of the Whig party.

Read the article, it definitely will get you thinking. While it will get you thinking, whether it be optimistic or terrified at this prospect, keep in mind that there has been NO WORD from President Trump if he will commit to this.

Is this a fan fantasy?
When I read this article, I believe there is a definite possibility of this. As of now, the GOP is on life support in the emergency room. Not only has the GOP stabbed Trump and their constituency in the back; worst of all, the GOP has stabbed America in the back. When reading multiple conservative leaning media websites, the comment section is full of people stating they are done with the GOP, and many of them stating they will vote for a democrat over a RINO instead of falling into the tired old false dichotomy of a RINO is better than a democrat. As for me, at 18 years of age I registered to vote as a Republican, but it didn't take me long to see the backstabbing and betrayal of the GOP, it sickened me to see them wrapping themselves in the flag while clinging to the Constitution and then burning both of them shortly after being elected. I ended up switching party affiliation to Libertarian, then about 18 month ago I switched to American Independent. While we witness false bravado of the democrats and republicrats clashing, supposedly having heated debates on the floor, it is even more fixed than professional wrestling. These two parties are nothing more than two cheeks of the same ass, and we all know what comes out of the middle of the ass. Donald Trump not only showed the democrats for who they are, but who woke up republican voting loyalists for what they are - long after I saw the GOP for the frauds they are.

Make no mistake about it, the democrats, republicrats, deep state, big tech and Dominion all conspired in a coup to overthrow Trump. What happened in 2020 would make even the most benevolent dictators envious of the mass voter fraud and coup that transpired in America. But is it enough. Will their efforts turn America into the nazi dictatorial utopia they desire? I hope not, but there could be one saving Grace - Donald J. Trump running for the U.S. House of Representitives.

If DJT runs for a congressional seat in Florida, no amount of voter fraud will prevent Trump from winning that seat. Additionally, if Trump runs for congress, it would lead to a mass wave of Republican voter turn out and a certainty the GOP would regain the house, maybe even the senate. Furthermore; Trump affiliated congressional candidates would have an excellent chance of winning. Trump allies would have enough victories to make it a possibility for Trump to become Speaker. Even the backstabbers in the GOP would be put in a tough position - either vote Trump in as Speaker or see the GOP go the way of the Whig party.

Now, on the flipside, if Trump does NOT run for congress and instead starts a third party, the Patriot Party, then it is a certainty that the GOP will go the way of the Whig party.

Read the article, it definitely will get you thinking. While it will get you thinking, whether it be optimistic or terrified at this prospect, keep in mind that there has been NO WORD from President Trump if he will commit to this.

Is this a fan fantasy?

All I've been reading today from the right is preteen Trump fan fiction.
When I read this article, I believe there is a definite possibility of this. As of now, the GOP is on life support in the emergency room. Not only has the GOP stabbed Trump and their constituency in the back; worst of all, the GOP has stabbed America in the back. When reading multiple conservative leaning media websites, the comment section is full of people stating they are done with the GOP, and many of them stating they will vote for a democrat over a RINO instead of falling into the tired old false dichotomy of a RINO is better than a democrat. As for me, at 18 years of age I registered to vote as a Republican, but it didn't take me long to see the backstabbing and betrayal of the GOP, it sickened me to see them wrapping themselves in the flag while clinging to the Constitution and then burning both of them shortly after being elected. I ended up switching party affiliation to Libertarian, then about 18 month ago I switched to American Independent. While we witness false bravado of the democrats and republicrats clashing, supposedly having heated debates on the floor, it is even more fixed than professional wrestling. These two parties are nothing more than two cheeks of the same ass, and we all know what comes out of the middle of the ass. Donald Trump not only showed the democrats for who they are, but who woke up republican voting loyalists for what they are - long after I saw the GOP for the frauds they are.

Make no mistake about it, the democrats, republicrats, deep state, big tech and Dominion all conspired in a coup to overthrow Trump. What happened in 2020 would make even the most benevolent dictators envious of the mass voter fraud and coup that transpired in America. But is it enough. Will their efforts turn America into the nazi dictatorial utopia they desire? I hope not, but there could be one saving Grace - Donald J. Trump running for the U.S. House of Representitives.

If DJT runs for a congressional seat in Florida, no amount of voter fraud will prevent Trump from winning that seat. Additionally, if Trump runs for congress, it would lead to a mass wave of Republican voter turn out and a certainty the GOP would regain the house, maybe even the senate. Furthermore; Trump affiliated congressional candidates would have an excellent chance of winning. Trump allies would have enough victories to make it a possibility for Trump to become Speaker. Even the backstabbers in the GOP would be put in a tough position - either vote Trump in as Speaker or see the GOP go the way of the Whig party.

Now, on the flipside, if Trump does NOT run for congress and instead starts a third party, the Patriot Party, then it is a certainty that the GOP will go the way of the Whig party.

Read the article, it definitely will get you thinking. While it will get you thinking, whether it be optimistic or terrified at this prospect, keep in mind that there has been NO WORD from President Trump if he will commit to this.

The only time we'll ever hear from the Trump family again is whenever they're on trial for fraud or treason
Yeah, it is a crazy idea.

Folks in the mainstream, and those in the elitist corporatist police state left, those that are now gas-lighting you, are telling you this guy is a con man and a grifter. They are also telling you that you are all part of a cult.


If you are NOT part of a cult, wake the hell up and realize a couple of things.

First, Trump, as energetic as he seems to be, does have several very bad weaknesses, which have caused his downfall to begin with,
. . . and Second, he is just getting too old now.

If he doesn't start pushing forward younger folks, then yeah, you are in a cult. It is either a cult of personality, or it is a populist movement, you need to chose, but continuing to try to put Trump in power to voice your principle will cause death to your concerns at this point on.

I realize a lot of you believe there was massive voter fraud in this past election. Fine. You have every right to be enraged.

Maybe there was, maybe there was not. Of one thing we CAN be sure, and no asshole that gas-lights you can deny. If there was no voter fraud, some very powerful and very wealthy people have spent an awful lot of money, and made a shit load of tapes and paid hundreds of folks that have come forward to generate what appears to be a grassroots up-swelling and whistle-blowing of a stolen election. So either it was stolen, or someone went through an awful lot of trouble to make it appear that way.

Either way, someone or a collective group of somebodies are being a real big assholes and trying real hard to divide America, regardless of what the reality is.

. . . and passing a law to make folks that refuse to deny this reality, and calling them all, "domestic terrorists," isn't going to make that reality go away either.

This reality of folks feeling powerless in the face of an ever increasing dominance of GlobalCapatalism not giving a fuck, is felt not just on the right, but the left as well.

What ever QAnon tapped into, the same rage and helplessness is felt by Antifa and BLM as well. The rage against the machine, not against their fellow citizens. This is why the establishment is planning to pass that Patriot Act 2.0. It is afraid of all of you.
When I read this article, I believe there is a definite possibility of this. As of now, the GOP is on life support in the emergency room. Not only has the GOP stabbed Trump and their constituency in the back; worst of all, the GOP has stabbed America in the back. When reading multiple conservative leaning media websites, the comment section is full of people stating they are done with the GOP, and many of them stating they will vote for a democrat over a RINO instead of falling into the tired old false dichotomy of a RINO is better than a democrat. As for me, at 18 years of age I registered to vote as a Republican, but it didn't take me long to see the backstabbing and betrayal of the GOP, it sickened me to see them wrapping themselves in the flag while clinging to the Constitution and then burning both of them shortly after being elected. I ended up switching party affiliation to Libertarian, then about 18 month ago I switched to American Independent. While we witness false bravado of the democrats and republicrats clashing, supposedly having heated debates on the floor, it is even more fixed than professional wrestling. These two parties are nothing more than two cheeks of the same ass, and we all know what comes out of the middle of the ass. Donald Trump not only showed the democrats for who they are, but who woke up republican voting loyalists for what they are - long after I saw the GOP for the frauds they are.

Make no mistake about it, the democrats, republicrats, deep state, big tech and Dominion all conspired in a coup to overthrow Trump. What happened in 2020 would make even the most benevolent dictators envious of the mass voter fraud and coup that transpired in America. But is it enough. Will their efforts turn America into the nazi dictatorial utopia they desire? I hope not, but there could be one saving Grace - Donald J. Trump running for the U.S. House of Representitives.

If DJT runs for a congressional seat in Florida, no amount of voter fraud will prevent Trump from winning that seat. Additionally, if Trump runs for congress, it would lead to a mass wave of Republican voter turn out and a certainty the GOP would regain the house, maybe even the senate. Furthermore; Trump affiliated congressional candidates would have an excellent chance of winning. Trump allies would have enough victories to make it a possibility for Trump to become Speaker. Even the backstabbers in the GOP would be put in a tough position - either vote Trump in as Speaker or see the GOP go the way of the Whig party.

Now, on the flipside, if Trump does NOT run for congress and instead starts a third party, the Patriot Party, then it is a certainty that the GOP will go the way of the Whig party.

Read the article, it definitely will get you thinking. While it will get you thinking, whether it be optimistic or terrified at this prospect, keep in mind that there has been NO WORD from President Trump if he will commit to this.

You are very wise for your age. ! ! You’re very astute ! You are like a young Dr Savage
No doubt that Mitch conspired to fix the election and , yes , the GOP won’t exist soon
The vast corruption and of the Gop makes Ancient Rome look ok
T won by several million but the establishment wanted him gone
Soon the the GOP will be extinct

And by establishment you mean anyone who isn't buying the child eating pedo ring conspiracy theory.
T gets fine women
You degenerates on the left are the ones into that

Who is into that? I want you to be very specific when you break the forum rules.
I think only a senile demented creep like a Biden can follow you ??
When I read this article, I believe there is a definite possibility of this. As of now, the GOP is on life support in the emergency room. Not only has the GOP stabbed Trump and their constituency in the back; worst of all, the GOP has stabbed America in the back. When reading multiple conservative leaning media websites, the comment section is full of people stating they are done with the GOP, and many of them stating they will vote for a democrat over a RINO instead of falling into the tired old false dichotomy of a RINO is better than a democrat. As for me, at 18 years of age I registered to vote as a Republican, but it didn't take me long to see the backstabbing and betrayal of the GOP, it sickened me to see them wrapping themselves in the flag while clinging to the Constitution and then burning both of them shortly after being elected. I ended up switching party affiliation to Libertarian, then about 18 month ago I switched to American Independent. While we witness false bravado of the democrats and republicrats clashing, supposedly having heated debates on the floor, it is even more fixed than professional wrestling. These two parties are nothing more than two cheeks of the same ass, and we all know what comes out of the middle of the ass. Donald Trump not only showed the democrats for who they are, but who woke up republican voting loyalists for what they are - long after I saw the GOP for the frauds they are.

Make no mistake about it, the democrats, republicrats, deep state, big tech and Dominion all conspired in a coup to overthrow Trump. What happened in 2020 would make even the most benevolent dictators envious of the mass voter fraud and coup that transpired in America. But is it enough. Will their efforts turn America into the nazi dictatorial utopia they desire? I hope not, but there could be one saving Grace - Donald J. Trump running for the U.S. House of Representitives.

If DJT runs for a congressional seat in Florida, no amount of voter fraud will prevent Trump from winning that seat. Additionally, if Trump runs for congress, it would lead to a mass wave of Republican voter turn out and a certainty the GOP would regain the house, maybe even the senate. Furthermore; Trump affiliated congressional candidates would have an excellent chance of winning. Trump allies would have enough victories to make it a possibility for Trump to become Speaker. Even the backstabbers in the GOP would be put in a tough position - either vote Trump in as Speaker or see the GOP go the way of the Whig party.

Now, on the flipside, if Trump does NOT run for congress and instead starts a third party, the Patriot Party, then it is a certainty that the GOP will go the way of the Whig party.

Read the article, it definitely will get you thinking. While it will get you thinking, whether it be optimistic or terrified at this prospect, keep in mind that there has been NO WORD from President Trump if he will commit to this.

At 18 and to align yourself behind a man like trump it is a very off start. Read books of real men not conmen. I'm with you both parties are corrupt, and kudos to you for figuring this out at early age but to follow trump you are making an even grave and a huge mistake. Recheck your principals against someone of a value...trump is the swamp himself, opportunistic, a 1 percenter.....redo your homework.
Lou Dobbs Warns GOP: “Those 74 Million Americans if They Continue to Be Insulted – Are Going to Say “To Hell With You!” And the Patriot Party Will Be Born

Lou Dobbs: The fact of the matter is, working men and women and their families right now have no representation. This president has made clear who has his priority, his attention, his interest. President Trump, as you say, stood up for the working – men and women and their families. And, it’s stunning to me that the Republican party right now doesn’t understand the threat that he poses. Because, I think of those 74 million Americans, if they continue to be insulted by the leadership of both political parties they are going to say, “The hell with you.” And the Patriot Party will be born and it will be born with extraordinary strength and power.

Trump served his zionist masters well and no longer has a purpose. There is zero chance he will ever be elected to anything. Worse yet, his legacy has emboldened the black, brown, jewish zionist establishment to more aggressively persecute White people than ever.

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