Speak Clearly!

In the men's room at work, the Boss had placed a sign directly above the sink. It had a single word on it -- "Think!"

The next day, when he went to the men's room, he looked at the sign and right below, immediately above the soap dispenser, someone had carefully lettered another sign which read -- "Thoap!"

I had a sign above my desk that said THIMK. People would stare at it 2 or 3 times.
In the men's room at work, the Boss had placed a sign directly above the sink. It had a single word on it -- "Think!"

The next day, when he went to the men's room, he looked at the sign and right below, immediately above the soap dispenser, someone had carefully lettered another sign which read -- "Thoap!"

Was wondering how you know about signs in the men's room. :omg:
My friend and his wife couldn’t decide on a name for their new daughter. His wife like “ Sapphire,” but he thought this would make her turn out to be a stripper. He wanted a name that would be sure to keep her from ever having sex- so he named her “Grandma.”
In the men's room at work, the Boss had placed a sign directly above the sink. It had a single word on it -- "Think!"

The next day, when he went to the men's room, he looked at the sign and right below, immediately above the soap dispenser, someone had carefully lettered another sign which read -- "Thoap!"

Was wondering how you know about signs in the men's room. :omg:

I wanna tell you about women using the men's room.

Go to any broadway play, and run to the lady's room at intermission.....and there's a huge line!

And none at the men's room.....

....so....guess what.
My friend and his wife couldn’t decide on a name for their new daughter. His wife like “ Sapphire,” but he thought this would make her turn out to be a stripper. He wanted a name that would be sure to keep her from ever having sex- so he named her “Grandma.”
In the men's room at work, the Boss had placed a sign directly above the sink. It had a single word on it -- "Think!"

The next day, when he went to the men's room, he looked at the sign and right below, immediately above the soap dispenser, someone had carefully lettered another sign which read -- "Thoap!"

Was wondering how you know about signs in the men's room. :omg:

I wanna tell you about women using the men's room.

Go to any broadway play, and run to the lady's room at intermission.....and there's a huge line!

And none at the men's room.....

....so....guess what.
Men don't like Broadway plays.
My friend and his wife couldn’t decide on a name for their new daughter. His wife like “ Sapphire,” but he thought this would make her turn out to be a stripper. He wanted a name that would be sure to keep her from ever having sex- so he named her “Grandma.”
In the men's room at work, the Boss had placed a sign directly above the sink. It had a single word on it -- "Think!"

The next day, when he went to the men's room, he looked at the sign and right below, immediately above the soap dispenser, someone had carefully lettered another sign which read -- "Thoap!"

Was wondering how you know about signs in the men's room. :omg:

I wanna tell you about women using the men's room.

Go to any broadway play, and run to the lady's room at intermission.....and there's a huge line!

And none at the men's room.....

....so....guess what.
Men don't like Broadway plays.

They do if they know what's good fer um.
Morris, an 82 year-old man, went to his doctor in Estero to get a physical. A few days later the doctor saw Morris walking down the street with a gorgeous young woman on his arm. After a couple of days, the doctor spoke to Morris and said, "You're really doing great, aren't you?"

"Just doing what you said, Doc: 'Get a hot mamma' and 'be cheerful'," Morris replied. To which the doctor replied, "I didn't say that, Morris. I said, 'You've got a heart murmur, be careful!'"
My friend and his wife couldn’t decide on a name for their new daughter. His wife like “ Sapphire,” but he thought this would make her turn out to be a stripper. He wanted a name that would be sure to keep her from ever having sex- so he named her “Grandma.”
In the men's room at work, the Boss had placed a sign directly above the sink. It had a single word on it -- "Think!"

The next day, when he went to the men's room, he looked at the sign and right below, immediately above the soap dispenser, someone had carefully lettered another sign which read -- "Thoap!"

Was wondering how you know about signs in the men's room. :omg:

I wanna tell you about women using the men's room.

Go to any broadway play, and run to the lady's room at intermission.....and there's a huge line!

And none at the men's room.....

....so....guess what.
Men don't like Broadway plays.
That or they just piss in their seats!
My friend and his wife couldn’t decide on a name for their new daughter. His wife like “ Sapphire,” but he thought this would make her turn out to be a stripper. He wanted a name that would be sure to keep her from ever having sex- so he named her “Grandma.”
In the men's room at work, the Boss had placed a sign directly above the sink. It had a single word on it -- "Think!"

The next day, when he went to the men's room, he looked at the sign and right below, immediately above the soap dispenser, someone had carefully lettered another sign which read -- "Thoap!"

Was wondering how you know about signs in the men's room. :omg:

I wanna tell you about women using the men's room.

Go to any broadway play, and run to the lady's room at intermission.....and there's a huge line!

And none at the men's room.....

....so....guess what.
Men don't like Broadway plays.

They do if they know what's good fer um.

The last Broadway play we went to was "Mama Mia." When the movie came out it was disappointing. The play was 10 times better.
My friend and his wife couldn’t decide on a name for their new daughter. His wife like “ Sapphire,” but he thought this would make her turn out to be a stripper. He wanted a name that would be sure to keep her from ever having sex- so he named her “Grandma.”
In the men's room at work, the Boss had placed a sign directly above the sink. It had a single word on it -- "Think!"

The next day, when he went to the men's room, he looked at the sign and right below, immediately above the soap dispenser, someone had carefully lettered another sign which read -- "Thoap!"

Was wondering how you know about signs in the men's room. :omg:

I wanna tell you about women using the men's room.

Go to any broadway play, and run to the lady's room at intermission.....and there's a huge line!

And none at the men's room.....

....so....guess what.
Men don't like Broadway plays.

They do if they know what's good fer um.

The last Broadway play we went to was "Mama Mia." When the movie came out it was disappointing. The play was 10 times better.

It certainly is a Big Apple industry.

The Wuhan closed 'em all.
After returning to the building site from purchasing supplies at the local hardware shop the foreman addressed his workman and delegated the days duties.

" Tom, take Jim and Chris down and finish digging out the drainage ditch, Bill keep running the electricity leads and Wong, you're in charge of the supplies"

The men went about their designated duties and it wasn't until some hours later that the foreman realized that the supplies were still in the back of the truck. Not seeing Wong anywhere around the foreman went in search of his wayward worker.

Just as the foreman had given up hope, Wong jumped out from behind a drum and yelled, "SUPPLIES!!"
After returning to the building site from purchasing supplies at the local hardware shop the foreman addressed his workman and delegated the days duties.

" Tom, take Jim and Chris down and finish digging out the drainage ditch, Bill keep running the electricity leads and Wong, you're in charge of the supplies"

The men went about their designated duties and it wasn't until some hours later that the foreman realized that the supplies were still in the back of the truck. Not seeing Wong anywhere around the foreman went in search of his wayward worker.

Just as the foreman had given up hope, Wong jumped out from behind a drum and yelled, "SUPPLIES!!"



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