Sowell: The 'Trickle-Down' Lie


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
I've been saying for years that the term "trickle down" is simply a libturd epithet meaning "capitalism." No one ever calls the libturds on their fabrications (lies, for those of you in Rio Linda)

New York's new mayor, Bill de Blasio, in his inaugural speech, denounced people "on the far right" who "continue to preach the virtue of trickle-down economics." According to Mayor de Blasio, "They believe that the way to move forward is to give more to the most fortunate, and that somehow the benefits will work their way down to everyone else."

If there is ever a contest for the biggest lie in politics, this one should be a top contender.

While there have been all too many lies told in politics, most have some little tiny fraction of truth in them, to make them seem plausible. But the "trickle-down" lie is 100 percent lie.

It should win the contest both because of its purity — no contaminating speck of truth — and because of how many people have repeated it over the years, without any evidence being asked for or given.

Years ago, this column challenged anybody to quote any economist outside of an insane asylum who had ever advocated this "trickle-down" theory. Some readers said that somebody said that somebody else had advocated a "trickle-down" policy. But they could never name that somebody else and quote them.

Mayor de Blasio is by no means the first politician to denounce this non-existent theory. Back in 2008, presidential candidate Barack Obama attacked what he called "an economic philosophy" which "says we should give more and more to those with the most and hope that prosperity trickles down to everyone else."

Let's do something completely unexpected: Let's stop and think. Why would anyone advocate that we "give" something to A in hopes that it would trickle down to B? Why in the world would any sane person not give it to B and cut out the middleman? But all this is moot, because there was no trickle-down theory about giving something to anybody in the first place.​
yawn boring

I know!

The regularity with which he absolutely nails the truth of so many issues in the news is downright boring.

Sowell is right 99% of the time.

Maybe more!

And to pat myself on the back I'll cite this exchange re; "Trickle Down" from yesterday.

01-04-2014, 04:37 PM

Here's the difference: the later exists. the former doesn't.

BTW, deenie, "extremist" isn't a euphemism meaning "Republican."

Failed "trickle down" economic policy.

Trillions in debt for "freeing" a Middle Eastern theocracy that hates our guts.

Letting Bin Laden go scott free.

"Let him die" masquerading as "health care".

A redistribution of wealth to the top 1%.

Wrecking the economy.

Hatred for education and science.

If that isn't "extremist", then what is?

You loon.

You have no idea what the Trickle Down theory is.

It is BUSINESS as we all know it and need it to be.
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yawn boring

There's an example of the brilliant retorts we've come to expect from our resident collectivists. The logic, the reason, the specificity with which they address the issue and present a sound counter argument. Really, really impressive.

And not an ad hominem in sight...


Okay, in all seriousness, this response would hold up...on a grade school playground. What's next? "So's your old man!"

How painfully pathetic.
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...If there is ever a contest for the biggest lie in politics, this one should be a top contender.

While there have been all too many lies told in politics, most have some little tiny fraction of truth in them, to make them seem plausible. But the "trickle-down" lie is 100 percent lie.

It should win the contest both because of its purity — no contaminating speck of truth — and because of how many people have repeated it over the years, without any evidence being asked for or given.

Years ago, this column challenged anybody to quote any economist outside of an insane asylum who had ever advocated this "trickle-down" theory. Some readers said that somebody said that somebody else had advocated a "trickle-down" policy. But they could never name that somebody else and quote them...
Sowell contends that it's a lie to suggest there is any support for 'trickle down'. Here's what the pope says:

Today everything comes under the laws of competition and the survival of the fittest, where the powerful feed upon the powerless. As a consequence, masses of people find themselves excluded and marginalized: without work, without possibilities, without any means of escape...

...In this context, some people continue to defend trickle-down theories which assume that economic growth, encouraged by a free market, will inevitably succeed in bringing about greater justice and inclusiveness in the world.
Sowell makes a convincing argument that the Pope lied.
The money was all appropriated for the top in the hopes that it would trickle down to the needy. Mr. Hoover didn’t know that money trickled up. Give it to the people at the bottom and the people at the top will have it before night, anyhow. But it will at least have passed through the poor fellow’s hands.

-- Will Rogers
Trust us...

If we only give more money to the "job creators" it will come trickling down with more jobs and prosperity for ALL

Did I tell you the one about how all tax cuts pay for themselves?
Let me get this straight...

Those rich folks are much better off with their money than us working folks

That is why we have to be sure they have a steady supply

Thank you Mr Sowell
Those rich folks are much better off with their money than us working folks

How about you earn your money and others earn theirs, and what anyone spends it on is up to their voluntary choices. Hey, there's a unique concept!

Or do you feel somehow entitled to other people's money?
Those rich folks are much better off with their money than us working folks

How about you earn your money and others earn theirs, and what anyone spends it on is up to their voluntary choices. Hey, there's a unique concept!

Or do you feel somehow entitled to other people's money?

A select few earn their money by ensuring others lose their their careers.
Those rich folks are much better off with their money than us working folks

How about you earn your money and others earn theirs, and what anyone spends it on is up to their voluntary choices. Hey, there's a unique concept!

Or do you feel somehow entitled to other people's money?

(1) "Trickle down" economics refers specifically to supply side economic policy as introduced during the Reagan term. George Bush famously referred to this policy as "voodoo economics" just prior to Reagan's election.

(2) I don't give a shit what anyone spends on anything--but, as a citizen, I certainly care about this nation's economic future. Stealing from and raping the middle class to enhance wealth concentrations in the top 0.5% will certainly damage/destroy the economy. (i.e., economies only work when economic circulation exists.)
Those rich folks are much better off with their money than us working folks

How about you earn your money and others earn theirs, and what anyone spends it on is up to their voluntary choices. Hey, there's a unique concept!

Or do you feel somehow entitled to other people's money?

Code for...

I don't want to contribute to society
Those rich folks are much better off with their money than us working folks

How about you earn your money and others earn theirs, and what anyone spends it on is up to their voluntary choices. Hey, there's a unique concept!

Or do you feel somehow entitled to other people's money?

Code for...

I don't want to contribute to society

So in other words, you DO feel entitled to other people's money. Got it.

Code for...

Stealing is a-okay with me as long as I get the loot.


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