Soviet tanks


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Oct 28, 2020
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I know IDF veterans who faced these tanks in battle so i know some about their performance. i am no technician or engineer to know how they were designed.
T-34. It had good combat record in World War 2 but not in the Arab Israeli wars. The Russians knew how to use. The Arabs didn't.

T-55 upgraded version of the T34 it had a 100mm gun and was built low to the ground. The IDF faced many of them in battle. The T-55 has a bad design problem. The shells are poorly protected so any good hit on the tank causes them to detonate. that happen often. It was used by armies around the world but not a great combat record. the IDF destroyed many in battle.

T-62 It had better armor and a larger 115mm gun. i hear the fire control system had issues. IDF Centurions and Pattons did well against them.

T-72. Heavy armor and 125mm gun. In the 82 war IAF Cobra helicopters destroyed several with TOW missiles. No tank against tank in 82 that I know. In the 1991 Gulf War it was no match for the American Abrams tank but the Abrams had much newer technology.
Anyone knows the technical details tell me.
YouTube is full of tank videos. You can find everything you want and much more on YouTube.
Soviet technology was intended to be most effectively utilized through 'fire ant' tactics.

The bet was 100 T-72's vs. 20 of whatever you have.

Sheer volume would win the day.
I know IDF veterans who faced these tanks in battle so i know some about their performance. i am no technician or engineer to know how they were designed.
T-34. It had good combat record in World War 2 but not in the Arab Israeli wars. The Russians knew how to use. The Arabs didn't.

T-55 upgraded version of the T34 it had a 100mm gun and was built low to the ground. The IDF faced many of them in battle. The T-55 has a bad design problem. The shells are poorly protected so any good hit on the tank causes them to detonate. that happen often. It was used by armies around the world but not a great combat record. the IDF destroyed many in battle.

T-62 It had better armor and a larger 115mm gun. i hear the fire control system had issues. IDF Centurions and Pattons did well against them.

T-72. Heavy armor and 125mm gun. In the 82 war IAF Cobra helicopters destroyed several with TOW missiles. No tank against tank in 82 that I know. In the 1991 Gulf War it was no match for the American Abrams tank but the Abrams had much newer technology.
Anyone knows the technical details tell me.
According to the below source the M60A3 did well in Desert Storm against T-54/55 and T-72. It was a fine tank.

Desert Storm: The US Marines exclusively used the M-60A3 during the conflict. In early February 1991, two hundred USMC M-60A3s of the 2nd Battalion drove north from Khafji, Saudi Arabia into occupied Kuwait where they met a larger Iraqi force of mixed (T-54/55, Type 69, and T-72) tanks on the grounds of Kuwait City International Airport. This was the largest armored battle for the Marines since WWII, and they won soundly destroying almost nine dozen Iraqi tanks with only one M-60A3 lost. The defeat was humiliating not only to Iraq but also to the USSR’s arms export effort, as some of the destroyed tanks were the newer T-72 which was supposed to be superior to the M-60. Despite the commanding performance of the M-60A3, the USMC decided to phase it out shortly afterwards anyways to achieve commonality with the US Army’s M-1 Abrams. Egypt also fielded M-60s during Desert Storm, it is not known if they saw combat.
Tanks and aircraft carriers have their place but that is very limited now. I would suggest that isn't before establishing air superiority.
That would be a more useful discussion that comparing tanks.
Tanks and aircraft carriers have their place but that is very limited now. I would suggest that isn't before establishing air superiority.
That would be a more useful discussion that comparing tanks.
If you want to talk about aircraft that is different discussion. F-16 and F-15 are legend but they are no match for the Rafale or F-22. I have met a F-35 pilot. The F-35 has done good job in Syria penetrating Russian made defense systems.
If you want to talk about aircraft that is different discussion. F-16 and F-15 are legend but they are no match for the Rafale or F-22. I have met a F-35 pilot. The F-35 has done good job in Syria penetrating Russian made defense systems.
No, I wanted to talk about tanks and their usefulness in a war of the sort we can envision between the US and another superpower. And I included aircraft carriers to make an obvious point.
T-34 was one of the best tanks of WWII. It could go faster than many panzers and also had better durability, and in the early stages of the war it had a better main gun than the early panzers. I believe it's suspension was designed by an American in the 1930's (Christie?), and the U.S. Army instead chose to go with a different design for its tanks. That was a bad idea.

German tank crews had superior training and tactics, and that was the advantage that allowed them to have victories in the early stages.
No, I wanted to talk about tanks and their usefulness in a war of the sort we can envision between the US and another superpower. And I included aircraft carriers to make an obvious point.
I do not think the Chinese Type96 can beat the Abrams. The Russian T-90 I do not know. That would be fair fight.
T-34 was one of the best tanks of WWII. It could go faster than many panzers and also had better durability, and in the early stages of the war it had a better main gun than the early panzers. I believe it's suspension was designed by an American in the 1930's (Christie?), and the U.S. Army instead chose to go with a different design for its tanks. That was a bad idea.

German tank crews had superior training and tactics, and that was the advantage that allowed them to have victories in the early stages.

Shermans met the T34/85 in Korea.

Shermans won.

The Russians knew how to use the T-34. The Arabs didn't. Maybe the Chinese and Koreans didn't know how wither.
I do not think the Chinese Type96 can beat the Abrams. The Russian T-90 I do not know. That would be fair fight.
I didn't make it clear enough. I don't want to compare tanks and fight an armchair tank war with anybody. I was hoping for an objective discussion on the use of tanks and I included aircraft carriers because some of the same criteria applies.
Israelis used Shermans too.

I'm sure they used them against T34s.
Israelis used Shermans too.

I'm sure they used them against T34s.
We used the Super Sherman against the T-55. It did well. Super Sherman was upgraded with a 105mm gun with a gyrostabilizer. They had better turrets and diesel engines as well.
I was just saying i know veterans who faced those older Soviet tanks in battle. That is how I know their flaws and performance.
I know IDF veterans who faced these tanks in battle so i know some about their performance. i am no technician or engineer to know how they were designed.
T-34. It had good combat record in World War 2 but not in the Arab Israeli wars. The Russians knew how to use. The Arabs didn't.

T-55 upgraded version of the T34 it had a 100mm gun and was built low to the ground. The IDF faced many of them in battle. The T-55 has a bad design problem. The shells are poorly protected so any good hit on the tank causes them to detonate. that happen often. It was used by armies around the world but not a great combat record. the IDF destroyed many in battle.

T-62 It had better armor and a larger 115mm gun. i hear the fire control system had issues. IDF Centurions and Pattons did well against them.

T-72. Heavy armor and 125mm gun. In the 82 war IAF Cobra helicopters destroyed several with TOW missiles. No tank against tank in 82 that I know. In the 1991 Gulf War it was no match for the American Abrams tank but the Abrams had much newer technology.
Anyone knows the technical details tell me.

The current Russian tank is the T-14..

T-14 Armata - Wikipedia

Good discussion on the T-72...

No, the t72 was not that bad. - AR15.COM

Another good discussion on the T-55 and T-60, by some people who know...

M60 Tank VS the Russian T55 & T60 (What was the better tank?) - Page 1 - AR15.COM
It had good combat record in World War 2 but not in the Arab Israeli wars. The Russians knew how to use. The Arabs didn't.
I do not know how many T34s were in the Soviet formation near Dubno, but according to my information, the balance of forces was as follows: Kleist's 1st tank group had a total of 700 units. And at the disposal of the command of the Southwestern Front of the USSR were six mechanized corps, which included about 4,000 tanks.

As a result, the USSR lost this battle. Part of the blame for this probably lay with the unprofessional command and the lack of experience of tankers, but the technical aspect cannot be ruled out here.
As far as I understand, the T line was a variation of the British Vickers.
In any case, the first tank of this line was created on the basis of the Vickers Mk
According to my information, most of the Soviet tanks of the post-war period were created not of the T34 type, but of the T44 type.
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