South Africa


Gold Member
Jan 8, 2010
A few decades ago our Canadian politicians and the controlled elite media were making a big fuss over apartheid in South Africa. Boycotts of South African products were the order of the day. Eventually, the white regime of South Africa handed power over to Nelson Mandella. Now if one takes the time and goes to Youtube and types in South Africa violence against whites, one will really see apartheid happening all over again except this time it is the whites that are on the receiving end. Incidents of beatings,robbery,rape,theft of land and murder are occouring everyday by Mandela and his communist thugs and nothing is said by our "free" media who like to make us all feel that we will always get the "truth" from our "uncontrolled media". I think that it is about time that we started to hear a lot more from our news media about what is happening against the white people of South Africa. Why are there no boycotts now? Why is South Africa allowed to continue to do what they are doing to whites without the media and our politicians saying anything? Why? Because that would be considered politically incorrect to do so? Yup, me thinks so.

From my take on this, I think that what happens to white people should never be exposed by the media. Only what whites do to non-whites have to become front page news. It certainly appears to look like the controlled media is anti-white. Am I wrong on this? Unless someone can prove to me otherwise, it looks like that is the case alright.
I don't like to rush to judgement but, it appears that the OP may be suffering from stupidity.

What the hell is this "California" girl doing in the Canada section? She must be lost or, ummmm, stupid? :eusa_whistle:

What are you smoking?

*points to address bar* This IS "US Message Boards". If anything, we Canadians are out of place.

Unh? So just what do you mean by "we Canadians are out of place"? So what are you snorting, BC bud? :lol:
What the hell is this "California" girl doing in the Canada section? She must be lost or, ummmm, stupid? :eusa_whistle:

What are you smoking?

*points to address bar* This IS "US Message Boards". If anything, we Canadians are out of place.

Unh? So just what do you mean by "we Canadians are out of place"? So what are you snorting, BC bud? :lol:

I seriously hope you are an immigrant and not a product of our education system, because that would be a dark mark upon one of the best education systems on the planet.

I mean this is an American forum. Its very name "US Message Board" is pretty damn good evidence in my favour.

If "California Girl" is out of place because she's in the "Canada" section as you claim, we Canadians are out of place because the whole damn forum is American.

Please, just pull your head out of your ass for just five seconds and read what I write. Thank you. I can't believe I had to spell it out for you.

Edit: Oh and by the way, BUDdy, you don't "snort" BC Bud. BC Bud is marijuana. I've never heard of anyone snorting marijuana and if you have, that might go a long ways to explaining a few things.
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Why is this in the Canada section?

I don't like to rush to judgement but, it appears that the OP may be suffering from stupidity.

What the hell is this "California" girl doing in the Canada section? She must be lost or, ummmm, stupid? :eusa_whistle:

Ummmm. The latter. :eusa_whistle:

She claims to be from California, living in England**. And now wandering around the Canadian section taking pot-shots at you.

Nice chick, eh? :rolleyes: :cuckoo:

Edited to please the seriously retarded and stupid c*ntlickers in this thread. One of them lives in England. :eusa_whistle:
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A few decades ago our Canadian politicians and the controlled elite media were making a big fuss over apartheid in South Africa. Boycotts of South African products were the order of the day. Eventually, the white regime of South Africa handed power over to Nelson Mandella. Now if one takes the time and goes to Youtube and types in South Africa violence against whites, one will really see apartheid happening all over again except this time it is the whites that are on the receiving end. Incidents of beatings,robbery,rape,theft of land and murder are occouring everyday by Mandela and his communist thugs and nothing is said by our "free" media who like to make us all feel that we will always get the "truth" from our "uncontrolled media". I think that it is about time that we started to hear a lot more from our news media about what is happening against the white people of South Africa. Why are there no boycotts now? Why is South Africa allowed to continue to do what they are doing to whites without the media and our politicians saying anything? Why? Because that would be considered politically incorrect to do so? Yup, me thinks so.

From my take on this, I think that what happens to white people should never be exposed by the media. Only what whites do to non-whites have to become front page news. It certainly appears to look like the controlled media is anti-white. Am I wrong on this? Unless someone can prove to me otherwise, it looks like that is the case alright.

I'm all for an unbiased media reporting just the facts. But, I'm wondering if you think the black South Africans had a cakewalk, specifically safe from wanton (or any other) violence from whites, under apartheid. We'll just focus on violence for the moment and save lack of freedoms for a different discussion.
I don't like to rush to judgement but, it appears that the OP may be suffering from stupidity.

What the hell is this "California" girl doing in the Canada section? She must be lost or, ummmm, stupid? :eusa_whistle:

Ummmm. The latter. :eusa_whistle:

She claims to be from California, living in London. And now wandering around the Canadian section taking pot-shots at you.

Nice chick, eh? :rolleyes: :cuckoo:

And you claim to have graduated high school. So why aren't you smart enough to know that England does not mean London. What a seriously stupid 'graduate' you are.

Just for fun, JenyE, why don't you provide the evidence that I've ever said I live in London.... Otherwise, you are not just stupid, you're also a liar.
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What the hell is this "California" girl doing in the Canada section? She must be lost or, ummmm, stupid? :eusa_whistle:

Ummmm. The latter. :eusa_whistle:

She claims to be from California, living in London. And now wandering around the Canadian section taking pot-shots at you.

Nice chick, eh? :rolleyes: :cuckoo:

And you claim to have graduated high school. So why aren't you smart enough to know that England does not mean London. What a seriously stupid 'graduate' you are.
What are you smoking?

*points to address bar* This IS "US Message Boards". If anything, we Canadians are out of place.

Unh? So just what do you mean by "we Canadians are out of place"? So what are you snorting, BC bud? :lol:

I seriously hope you are an immigrant and not a product of our education system, because that would be a dark mark upon one of the best education systems on the planet.

I mean this is an American forum. Its very name "US Message Board" is pretty damn good evidence in my favour.

If "California Girl" is out of place because she's in the "Canada" section as you claim, we Canadians are out of place because the whole damn forum is American.

Please, just pull your head out of your ass for just five seconds and read what I write. Thank you. I can't believe I had to spell it out for you.

Edit: Oh and by the way, BUDdy, you don't "snort" BC Bud. BC Bud is marijuana. I've never heard of anyone snorting marijuana and if you have, that might go a long ways to explaining a few things.

Chill out buddy, a slight error was made on my part. I meant smoking, not snorting. See, even I can admit I can make a mistake. Could you? Probably not because from your response your Mr. Perfect because you were educated in the best educational system on the planet.

Anyway, in response to your question, no I am not an immigrant, and yes I am a product of your best educational system on the planet. I guess that it is not one of the best or working as well anymore? I just proved that, eh? :lol: :lol:

I think that I am a little to fat to be able to even look at my ass let alone get my head up there. Geez, so sorry you had to spell it out for me. I tell you, some people's kids, eh?
A few decades ago our Canadian politicians and the controlled elite media were making a big fuss over apartheid in South Africa. Boycotts of South African products were the order of the day. Eventually, the white regime of South Africa handed power over to Nelson Mandella. Now if one takes the time and goes to Youtube and types in South Africa violence against whites, one will really see apartheid happening all over again except this time it is the whites that are on the receiving end. Incidents of beatings,robbery,rape,theft of land and murder are occouring everyday by Mandela and his communist thugs and nothing is said by our "free" media who like to make us all feel that we will always get the "truth" from our "uncontrolled media". I think that it is about time that we started to hear a lot more from our news media about what is happening against the white people of South Africa. Why are there no boycotts now? Why is South Africa allowed to continue to do what they are doing to whites without the media and our politicians saying anything? Why? Because that would be considered politically incorrect to do so? Yup, me thinks so.

From my take on this, I think that what happens to white people should never be exposed by the media. Only what whites do to non-whites have to become front page news. It certainly appears to look like the controlled media is anti-white. Am I wrong on this? Unless someone can prove to me otherwise, it looks like that is the case alright.

I'm all for an unbiased media reporting just the facts. But, I'm wondering if you think the black South Africans had a cakewalk, specifically safe from wanton (or any other) violence from whites, under apartheid. We'll just focus on violence for the moment and save lack of freedoms for a different discussion.

Well I don't think that when white South Africans ran the country there was any necklacing going on. From my understanding, it was the whites who settled and built and developed the land and it was the blacks that immigrated to white ruled South Africa from surrounding countries to look for work which was readily available for them. They were not slaves brought in and forced to work in South Africa. They could come and go.
All I am saying here is why are politicians and the media so quiet about what the blacks are now doing to whites. I thought that the game plan was to turn over power to the blacks and in return they would run the country themselves, not to exact revenge.
I do make mistakes and have no problem admitting so. However, the number of instances in which I do make mistakes is considerably fewer because I tend to think before I speak/type.
EDIT - never mind.

Dude, you're not substantiating your comment about "world's best education system" when you are commenting on South Africa's history.

Still don't know why this is in the Canada section. I don't recall South Africa ever being a part of Canada.
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