South Africa in troubled times once again due to corruption


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
South Africa in troubled times once again due to corruption in the highest offices. The long hard struggle for a peaceful Democracy is being threatened by a corruption in the highest offices in the land. It appears that they may have their own Obama and Clinton type supporters that could possibly prefer to call for a religious and race war than give up the truth for the sake of peace. For all of the people there in South Africa we can hope that this renewed call for a race war by Julius Malema - Wikipedia will not bear any fruit.

In 2012 Malema was charged with with money laundering, racketeering and corruption related to a government contract worth $4m (£2.5m). The case was dropped as the judge said the case dragging on for so long was prejudicial to Malema but he was not acquitted of the charges (this was prior to the Clinton loss for the presidential election in 2016). The prosecution can refile these charges at any time. Malema formed the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) party in 2013 following his expulsion from the governing African National Congress (ANC). He was also charge for tax evasion and is being investigated for smuggling too but he does claim in a youtube video he is paying the tax. Maybe they don't have an avenue to evade taxes via an operation like the Clinton Foundation in South Africa? Not sure about anyone else but it does get one kind of curious as to wonder what he's been smuggling into South Africa under Obama's watch.

In 2000 President Bush signed into law the The African Growth and Opportunity Act, or AGOA (Title I, Trade and Development Act of 2000) which provides for a trade agreement to help the people of South Africa and other disadvantaged nations export advantages. This Act is gives certain trade preferences for quota and duty-free entry into the United States for some goods. Which in turn creates more stability in the region.

President Jacob Zuma was asked to resign and step down when it was discovered that his ties with the Gupta family were revealed. Thulisile Nomkhosi "Thuli" Madonsela a South African advocate and a defender of the people reported the corruption in 2016. Meet Thuli Madonsela — South Africa's conscience In 2014, her office released a report showing that President Zuma had used millions of dollars of public money to make upgrades to his private residence — including a swimming pool and an amphitheatre. In her final report as Public Protector, she recommended that he be officially investigated for corruption because of his relationship with one of the country's most powerful business families.

They Gupta family exploited their influence with president Zuma in an attempt to control the finance ministry appointments. They were exposed in March 2016. By August 2016 the Gupta family reported that they would be selling their assets in South Africa and be moving to Dubai. By November 2016 demonstrators for justice demanded a criminal investigation. We have some Gupta's (familia?) right here in the good ole USA too appointed by Obama in 2014 to the Civil Rights Division Vanita Gupta. Gupta is married to Chinh Q. Le aka Chinh Quang or just Chinh Le, who is now the Legal Director, Legal Aid Society of the District of Columbia since 2014. His affiliation comes up with the NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund (CHINH LE and BILL ONG HING of the U C DAVIS) and According to ZOOM info between 2001 and 2006, he served as assistant counsel at NAACP Legal Defense & Educational Fund, Inc., the first two years as a Skadden Fellow (surely he isn't the same Chinh Q. Le that died in 2005- was it UC Davis or Virginia School of Law- :confused-84: weird familia connects). Chinh spent the 2008-2009 academic year as a practitioner-in-residence at Seton Hall Law School and an adjunct associate research scholar at Columbia Law School and has also worked as a litigation attorney at Jenner & Block LLP. He received his J.D. from the University of Virginia School of Law. Upon graduation, he served as a law clerk to the Honorable Walter K. Stapleton [do the math the judge retired in 1999] of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. Chinh is the incoming Co-Chair of the Access to Justice Task Force of the ABA's Section of Litigation. He is also the author of several publications on civil rights and other poverty law issues, including two book chapters and law review articles that have appeared in the North Carolina Law Review and the Ohio State Law Journal) Dang that dude did a lot according to what one reads online and ties to Berkley too. I mean a lot according to his online bio. Its mind boggling so I will get back to Gupta. Vanita Gupta also received the esteemed Bhardwaj award in India (she's right in there with their nomination for Bobby Jindal of Louisiana who parents evidently filed for immigration to the US in 1971? Per wiki...Jindal's paternal grandfather was a Kanpur merchant, and his maternal grandfather was a Ferozepur banker. Is that Bhardwaj award akin to Obama's Noble peace prize? Oh' hell maybe Obama will get the next Bhardwaj award for his acting abilities or best line of the year award)

In evidence supplied to the public protector, Mr Jonas said that Ajay Gupta, one of three brothers in the family, told him at a meeting that they had “made a lot of money from the state” but the Treasury was a “stumbling block to the family’s business ambitions”. As Mr Jonas left the room Mr Gupta offered to deposit 600m rand ($44m) into a bank account of his choice and asked him if he had a bag to carry 600,000 rand in cash, he added.

President Trump and president Zuma confirmed they will continue in efforts to keep South Africa stable in February of 2017.

“The two Presidents also discussed the need to work together on multilateral issues as well‚ especially the quest for peace and stability on the African continent‚” it added. It noted there were 600 US companies in South Africa and strong trade relations between the two countries.

So why should we not require proof of identities again?
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Coincidence, perhaps that ^^^^ was my 11,666 message posted to USMB.

Plus I forgot to put in there the link about Chinh Q. Le is said to be a Roman Catholic.
A Clinton Gupta connection @ discoverthenetworks
A) The most prominent of the four is former Clinton Foundation board member Vinod Gupta, founder and chairman of the database firm InfoUSA. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission alleges that Gupta "improperly used" such things as: "corporate funds for over $3 million of personal jet travel for Gupta and his family and friends to such destinations as South Africa, Italy, and Cancun; $2.8 million of costs associated with Gupta’s yacht; $1.3 million of personal credit card expenses; and costs associated with 28 club memberships, 20 automobiles, his homes around the country, and premiums for three personal life insurance policies." Further, the Commission charges that Gupta "failed to inform Info’s other board members of the material fact that he had purchased shares of an Info acquisition target for his own benefit from which he obtained realized and unrealized ill-gotten gains."

Furthermore SEC charged Gupta with diverting corporate funds along with Rajnish K. Das, 39, and Stormy L. Dean, 52, former chief financial officers of the company which caused "InfoGroup to enter into $9.3 million of undisclosed transactions with other companies he had personal stakes in, and fraudulently used nearly $9.5 million in corporate funds.
Approximately $2.5 million of the undisclosed related party transactions are also reflected in the nearly $9.5 million Gupta received for unauthorized and undisclosed perquisites, the SEC said". "In August 2008, Gupta agreed to pay InfoGroup $9 million in connection with the settlement of a derivative action based on some of the same facts alleged in the SEC's complaint. The commission said it took that repayment into consideration when determining Gupta's disgorgement." "SEC alleged in its complaint that Gupta failed to inform the company's board members that he had purchased shares of an InfoGroup acquisition target,
Opinion Research Corp., for his own benefit." <ORC "who does many campaigns for CNN" a bit of history. One of the primaries listed for OCR is Douglas C. Rescho who is also listed an owner in DRIVELINE RETAIL MERCHANDISING, INC. - Google Search and is a Principal of Lake Capital Chicago, IL. Apparently from reviews they fail to pay their employees. OCR, Lake Capital, Engine Group a London-based agency are apparently all connected now. According to the article at Ad Age in 2014 the Engine Portfolio Included Deep Focus (claims to be an "Intelligence Group Dives Into The Millennial Voter Mindset."), Noise (marketing & digital advertising based out of Toronto or Vancouver?), and Mischief PR (Disney among others are listed as their clients), Trailer Park is also a portion in this group of marketing firms. Subsidiaries of Engine Group
Subsidiaries of OCR

Back to searching for the Gupta's and Clinton's connections. Per NYT,
"Mr. Gupta said he became friends with the Clintons after meeting President Clinton at a dinner in Washington in 1994, and soon began raising money for his re-election.
In a move that is emblematic of his mixing of political and business interests, Mr. Gupta signed Mr. Clinton as a consultant after he left office. Over the years, he appointed Mr. Kerrey, Mr. Pressler, Mr. McAuliffe and Senator Ben Nelson, a Nebraska Democrat, to the boards of his companies, and gave jobs to Mr. Kerrey’s brother, William, and Ms. Pelosi’s son, Paul.
Mr. Gupta said his hiring practices were not motivated by politics, although he acknowledged that having a consulting contract with Mr. Clinton “is definitely worth it.”
Are you buying into all of that? I'm not.


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