Sources say/The word is out

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Just for a moment remember this then ponder my questions.

For the last week democrats, including most on this board have been running with the rumor that Harry Reid started about Romney with no regard to the fact that it's just a rumor. And you all say it's upon Romney to prove Harry wrong.

Now, let's think back to when Obama started the rumor that he wasn't even born here. And the rumor he applied to college as a foreigner. So why isn't it upon Obama to prove otherwise?

Then you had Cain who had all kinds of rumors and again everyone demanded he disprove them.

Time and again speculation and rumors hold more power than truth.

So why doesn't Obama have to disprove the theories about him? And why are many democrats on this board so damn hypocritical?

I'll await the first attempt to spin this into a discussion about me....
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Liberalism is all about ends justifying means, which is why they dont care about being hypocrits, they are ao smart it doesnt apply to them. They dont need logic, reason or facts because they are crusading against descrimination, and thats all the justification they need
Discrimination is their crusade.

Without they have nothing to stand on or motivate their puppets.
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I predicted months ago that this would happen. And for the record back then I said he should release more. Not to quell democrats but to show the people he's an open person. It's just a shame that real issues can't be discussed because of this stupid distraction.
Just for a moment remember this then ponder my questions.

For the last week democrats, including most on this board have been running with the rumor that Harry Reid started about Romney with no regard to the fact that it's just a rumor. And you all say it's upon Romney to prove Harry wrong.

Now, let's think back to when Obama started the rumor that he wasn't even born here. And the rumor he applied to college as a foreigner. So why isn't it upon Obama to prove otherwise?

Then you had Cain who had all kinds of rumors and again everyone demanded he disprove them.

Time and again speculation and rumors hold more power than truth.

So why doesn't Obama have to disprove the theories about him? And why are many democrats on this board so damn hypocritical?

I'll await the first attempt to spin this into a discussion about me....

It's politics, you know this.

The right doesn't feel Romney should disclose what the left wants, the left doesn't feel Obama should disclose what the right wants.

Now to make it about you...why is it that one day you seem to have an understanding of the merry-go-round game of US politics only to come out the next with OPs like this one? :dunno:
Just for a moment remember this then ponder my questions.

For the last week democrats, including most on this board have been running with the rumor that Harry Reid started about Romney with no regard to the fact that it's just a rumor. And you all say it's upon Romney to prove Harry wrong.

Now, let's think back to when Obama started the rumor that he wasn't even born here. And the rumor he applied to college as a foreigner. So why isn't it upon Obama to prove otherwise?

Then you had Cain who had all kinds of rumors and again everyone demanded he disprove them.

Time and again speculation and rumors hold more power than truth.

So why doesn't Obama have to disprove the theories about him? And why are many democrats on this board so damn hypocritical?

I'll await the first attempt to spin this into a discussion about me....

Obama has produced his birth certificate and his tax returns for ten years.

Is it not Romney's turn? Personally I hope he never produces them. The longer he waits the more certain that they contain damning information. Not criminal mind you, just legal screw your country out of as much dough as possible. That kind of thing.

Character issue. Any of the GOP remember what character means?
When I witness ugliness of this nature............

and most particularly from an elected official who has attained a high position of power, I have to wonder who he thinks he's going to convince with his obvious self admitted bullshit.

Only those with a room temperature IQ could even remotely believe any of Harry's ugliness. And Obama already has the STUPID group more than willing to vote for him.

So who gets hurt in the long run? He and his party do.

Because those who are still undecided are more likely to be repulsed by this type of ugly politics and take it out on the Dems at the ballot box.
I predicted months ago that this would happen. And for the record back then I said he should release more. Not to quell democrats but to show the people he's an open person. It's just a shame that real issues can't be discussed because of this stupid distraction.

Distraction is the only reason they have. Obama is in trouble and they know it.
Just for a moment remember this then ponder my questions.

For the last week democrats, including most on this board have been running with the rumor that Harry Reid started about Romney with no regard to the fact that it's just a rumor. And you all say it's upon Romney to prove Harry wrong.

Now, let's think back to when Obama started the rumor that he wasn't even born here. And the rumor he applied to college as a foreigner. So why isn't it upon Obama to prove otherwise?

Then you had Cain who had all kinds of rumors and again everyone demanded he disprove them.

Time and again speculation and rumors hold more power than truth.

So why doesn't Obama have to disprove the theories about him? And why are many democrats on this board so damn hypocritical?

I'll await the first attempt to spin this into a discussion about me....

Obama has produced his birth certificate and his tax returns for ten years.

Is it not Romney's turn? Personally I hope he never produces them. The longer he waits the more certain that they contain damning information. Not criminal mind you, just legal screw your country out of as much dough as possible. That kind of thing.

Character issue. Any of the GOP remember what character means?

Yes , so explain how murdering a border agent demonstrates that fine up standing character? How assisting drug cartels deliver drugs and the launder money for them is a solid trait of upstanding character?

It would probably be better you just SHUT THE FUCK UP.......
Just for a moment remember this then ponder my questions.

For the last week democrats, including most on this board have been running with the rumor that Harry Reid started about Romney with no regard to the fact that it's just a rumor. And you all say it's upon Romney to prove Harry wrong.

Now, let's think back to when Obama started the rumor that he wasn't even born here. And the rumor he applied to college as a foreigner. So why isn't it upon Obama to prove otherwise?

Then you had Cain who had all kinds of rumors and again everyone demanded he disprove them.

Time and again speculation and rumors hold more power than truth.

So why doesn't Obama have to disprove the theories about him? And why are many democrats on this board so damn hypocritical?

I'll await the first attempt to spin this into a discussion about me....

Obama has produced his birth certificate and his tax returns for ten years.

Is it not Romney's turn? Personally I hope he never produces them. The longer he waits the more certain that they contain damning information. Not criminal mind you, just legal screw your country out of as much dough as possible. That kind of thing.

Character issue. Any of the GOP remember what character means?

Yes , so explain how murdering a border agent demonstrates that fine up standing character? How assisting drug cartels deliver drugs and the launder money for them is a solid trait of upstanding character?

It would probably be better you just SHUT THE FUCK UP.......

Sorry, did I strike a nerve?
I have really enjoyed seeing how the dem's/liberals spin the truth. Obama has accomplished nothing good. He has increased the debt more than any one but that is Bush's fault. jobs are not moving but the private secotr is doing fine;. He doesn't even know what the private sector is about because he has never live there. the only probem America has is our President.
I have really enjoyed seeing how the dem's/liberals spin the truth. Obama has accomplished nothing good. He has increased the debt more than any one but that is Bush's fault. jobs are not moving but the private secotr is doing fine;. He doesn't even know what the private sector is about because he has never live there. the only probem America has is our President.

I'm not pinning roses on Obama but that's just completely inaccurate. :thup:
I have really enjoyed seeing how the dem's/liberals spin the truth. Obama has accomplished nothing good. He has increased the debt more than any one but that is Bush's fault. jobs are not moving but the private secotr is doing fine;. He doesn't even know what the private sector is about because he has never live there. the only probem America has is our President.

Simple fact. Bush increased the debt more than anyone. Simple fact. Bush left about a trillion bucks off books when he left. Obama put those back on the books thereby shouldering that much of the Bush debt.

Simple facts. Don't trouble your head with them. It would ruin your whole life view.

I'm not easily surprised, but ol' Harry got me with that one. Right there on the Senate floor, he lets one fly with no shame whatsoever.

Our "leaders" had better stop the bullshit and start "leading" pretty soon, before it's too late.


What's even worse is Harry stood right there on the floor of the senate and said Romneys dead father would be ashamed of him.

What the fuck kind of low ball bullshit was that?

He should be punched square in the face on site for a horrible comment like that
Just for a moment remember this then ponder my questions.

For the last week democrats, including most on this board have been running with the rumor that Harry Reid started about Romney with no regard to the fact that it's just a rumor. And you all say it's upon Romney to prove Harry wrong.

Now, let's think back to when Obama started the rumor that he wasn't even born here. And the rumor he applied to college as a foreigner. So why isn't it upon Obama to prove otherwise?

Then you had Cain who had all kinds of rumors and again everyone demanded he disprove them.

Time and again speculation and rumors hold more power than truth.

So why doesn't Obama have to disprove the theories about him? And why are many democrats on this board so damn hypocritical?

I'll await the first attempt to spin this into a discussion about me....

Obama has produced his birth certificate and his tax returns for ten years.

Is it not Romney's turn? Personally I hope he never produces them. The longer he waits the more certain that they contain damning information. Not criminal mind you, just legal screw your country out of as much dough as possible. That kind of thing.

Character issue. Any of the GOP remember what character means?

Not true at all. I never release my tax returns to the public and I don't cheat.

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