Sorosbots Try to Ban tons of Conservative News sites


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
To Leftists opposition has no right to exist or speak out against them, and they use every trick from violence, to legal restrictions to public smear campaigns to shut down their opponents.

this is how nations wind up in Civil Wars.

Journalism Institute Poynter Tries to ‘Blacklist’ 29 Conservative Outlets as ‘UnNews’
Poynter, the journalism institute responsible for training writers and reporters, decided to promote a left-wing smear of conservative groups online. The result was a hit job written by someone who works for the anti-conservative Southern Poverty Law Center for a journalism organization funded by prominent liberal billionaires such as George Soros and Pierre Omidyar.
Poynter, which has started the International Fact-Checking Network, shared the new report and dataset called “UnNews,” declaring at least 29 right-leaning news outlets and organizations to be “unreliable news websites.”
Report author and SPLC producer Barrett Golding combined five major lists of websites marked “unreliable.” That result, which consisted of 515 names, included many prominent conservative sites — Breitbart,, Daily Signal, Daily Wire, Drudge Report, Free Beacon, Judicial Watch, LifeNews, LifeSiteNews, LifeZette, LiveAction News, the Media Research Center, PJ Media, Project Veritas, Red State, The Blaze, Twitchy, and the Washington Examiner.
These sites stood next to conservative organizations like Alliance Defending Freedom, which represented baker Jack Phillips in the Supreme Court case Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission. While the ADF is not a news site, it was likely targeted because Golding works for the SPLC. The ADF is considered a “hate group” by the SPLC and is marked on the “hate map.” The Washington Post even questioned SPLC’s “political activism” and “bias.”​
i was just reading facebook purged a shitload of conservatives for election season


good thing theyre not bakers or the self righteous delusional stupid left would be nutzo bezerko
To Leftists opposition has no right to exist or speak out against them, and they use every trick from violence, to legal restrictions to public smear campaigns to shut down their opponents.

this is how nations wind up in Civil Wars.

Journalism Institute Poynter Tries to ‘Blacklist’ 29 Conservative Outlets as ‘UnNews’
Poynter, the journalism institute responsible for training writers and reporters, decided to promote a left-wing smear of conservative groups online. The result was a hit job written by someone who works for the anti-conservative Southern Poverty Law Center for a journalism organization funded by prominent liberal billionaires such as George Soros and Pierre Omidyar.
Poynter, which has started the International Fact-Checking Network, shared the new report and dataset called “UnNews,” declaring at least 29 right-leaning news outlets and organizations to be “unreliable news websites.”
Report author and SPLC producer Barrett Golding combined five major lists of websites marked “unreliable.” That result, which consisted of 515 names, included many prominent conservative sites — Breitbart,, Daily Signal, Daily Wire, Drudge Report, Free Beacon, Judicial Watch, LifeNews, LifeSiteNews, LifeZette, LiveAction News, the Media Research Center, PJ Media, Project Veritas, Red State, The Blaze, Twitchy, and the Washington Examiner.
These sites stood next to conservative organizations like Alliance Defending Freedom, which represented baker Jack Phillips in the Supreme Court case Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission. While the ADF is not a news site, it was likely targeted because Golding works for the SPLC. The ADF is considered a “hate group” by the SPLC and is marked on the “hate map.” The Washington Post even questioned SPLC’s “political activism” and “bias.”​

What do you expect? When the radical American Left is running on such greatest hits as baby murder, child mutilation, selling out your heritage and history and burning your flag and racial/religious culture to the ground, they have no choice but to purge opposing voices and viewpoints from the public square completely because any sane human being is gonna run screaming from their core "values" and platforms like an antelope soaked in napalm who just bummed a smoke from a prairie dog.
Liberals of old claimed to be tolerant of all views.

But after getting their asses kicked by


they have all morphed into Nazis that are

not tolerant of any opposing views......

They will use whatever means necessary to suppress free speech.

On the Bright side, the crazier they get the better we look......
i was just reading facebook purged a shitload of conservatives for election season


good thing theyre not bakers or the self righteous delusional stupid left would be nutzo bezerko
facebook purged a shitload of conservatives for election season meddlers
? Do you mean Russians?
Liberals of old claimed to be tolerant of all views.

But after getting their asses kicked by


they have all morphed into Nazis that are

not tolerant of any opposing views......

They will use whatever means necessary to suppress free speech.

On the Bright side, the crazier they get the better we look......
I don't think the hate groups will ever look good. But you can keep trying.
Liberals of old claimed to be tolerant of all views.

But after getting their asses kicked by


they have all morphed into Nazis that are

not tolerant of any opposing views......

They will use whatever means necessary to suppress free speech.

On the Bright side, the crazier they get the better we look......
I don't think the hate groups will ever look good. But you can keep trying.

You are right...

That's why no one is watching lying cnn or msnbctard...

Praise God for President Donald J. Trump....
i was just reading facebook purged a shitload of conservatives for election season


good thing theyre not bakers or the self righteous delusional stupid left would be nutzo bezerko

When I looked at my page this morning, a 7 YEAR OLD POST was part of a warning against "hate speech" they had had found.

I laughed.
Liberals of old claimed to be tolerant of all views.

But after getting their asses kicked by


they have all morphed into Nazis that are

not tolerant of any opposing views......

They will use whatever means necessary to suppress free speech.

On the Bright side, the crazier they get the better we look......

thier was a baker thread yesterday where a lefty proclaimed to be a free marketer
she was reasonable let the market decide .....if hes good the regulars are going to keep coming back and supproters to the mans rights would line up around the block for a good piece of cake or a cookie

id line up for a good slice of one of these right now


Love it with morning coffee

its like reasonable gay marriage supporters and gays standing on line for a chick fila

being reasonable ..respecting others rights and beliefs without being lawsuit crazed NAZI's jumping all over you under the guise of standing against hate

Those were our values ......the really dumbed down "well educated " ones on the left keeps talking about our values ...apparently those are not them anymore .
an older leftist some are more when they were champions of free speech ......normies and righties would absolutely stand with em

Any way she was calling herself a proud progressive and dem
they really should stop calling themselves dems or progressives ...maybe take their party back ...just a suggestion

theyre gone theyre to far gone today

it wouldn't be a problem BUT theyre a problem for the whole country today

forget the government ...their lord and savior and simplistic answer for every problem and issue.

they have to remember that their are other Americans who are no threat to them sucking all the cocks they wanna suck and that we live here to...

the identity politics is the worst

how are we ever going to move on as a nation when they just balkanize it and the people
the answer is we're probably not

got ammo
i was just reading facebook purged a shitload of conservatives for election season


good thing theyre not bakers or the self righteous delusional stupid left would be nutzo bezerko
facebook purged a shitload of conservatives for election season meddlers
? Do you mean Russians?


The witch hunt is over....
No one is talking about Trump's involvement. The Russian interference via social media is WELL documented. And the intelligence agencies tell us they are still busy.
Apparently they pulled the list down, because I can't find it.

List of Poynter Funders:

Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

Annie E. Casey Foundation

Charles Koch Foundation

Democracy Fund

Google News Initiative

John S. and James L. Knight Foundation

LaSalle University

Lumina Foundation

MacArthur Foundation

McClatchy Foundation

National Endowment for Democracy

Newmark Philanthropies

Newton & Rochelle Becker Charitable Trust

Omidyar Network | Luminate

Open Society Foundations

Peter & Carmen Lucia Buck Foundation

Philadelphia Foundation, H.F. Lenfest Fund

Robert R. McCormick Foundation

Tides Foundation (

Major Funders

i was just reading facebook purged a shitload of conservatives for election season


good thing theyre not bakers or the self righteous delusional stupid left would be nutzo bezerko
facebook purged a shitload of conservatives for election season meddlers
? Do you mean Russians?


The witch hunt is over....
No one is talking about Trump's involvement. The Russian interference via social media is WELL documented. And the intelligence agencies tell us they are still busy.

You have my apology...
i was just reading facebook purged a shitload of conservatives for election season


good thing theyre not bakers or the self righteous delusional stupid left would be nutzo bezerko
facebook purged a shitload of conservatives for election season meddlers
? Do you mean Russians?


The witch hunt is over....
No one is talking about Trump's involvement. The Russian interference via social media is WELL documented. And the intelligence agencies tell us they are still busy.
Someone said they spent $165,000. Chicken feed in a presidential election. Wonder how much other countries spent on Hillary's campaign. Will you care?
First they went after the 1st Amendment freedom of religion and then they went after the 1st Amendment freedom of speech and meanwhile they went after the 2nd Amendment and attacked the 5th Amendment.
HOLY SHIT they even banned james woods :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

but goddamit you will bake me a cake with a man on man sex act

the leftard useful idiots are the dumbest mother fuckers on the planet

their masters gotta laugh harder than i do

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