The argument against going green has been itÂ’s too expensive and costs jobs. At the beginning of any industrial invention the expenses have always been high. For example; the first TVÂ’s, the first VCRÂ’s, the first commercial airplanes and the list is endless. Those businesses that created and invested in these things have made millions (Bill Gates). Whenever a new industry comes out it creates jobs. It is true that in one sector jobs might be lost for a time but more jobs are created than lost.
It does not matter one bit whether you believe in global warming, pollution or not. But if you believe in more businesses, increased jobs and lower bills, then pay attention. If you thought being green was for leftist tree huggers, hereÂ’s short list of groups who support going green.
• D.O.D. (that’s right) and a former head of the CIA
• Exxon and Shell Oil Corporation
• The City of Chicago and New York Developers
• The Evangelical Environmental Alliance Bank of America
• People many who believe global warming doesn’t exist
Not exactly your average group of leftist extremist tree huggers!
DOD and a former head of the CIA
– After Desert Storm members of Middle Eastern operational commands in various forward locations (Green Hawks) came to the conclusion that our dependence on oil had some major downsides and began initiating operations in some locations to try and solve some of those problems.
Problem: Transporting and using traditional fuels was inefficient (up to 30% was wasted or never got to its destination) and costly in terms of money and American lives. According to Green Hawk, terrorist prefer attacking convoys which carry fuel supplies. When the fuel arrives it is used to power huge cooling units for barracks which are massively ineffective leaving troops less than combat ready. By going green the military found they can carry their power supplies with them (wind and solar) and by refitting the soldierÂ’s quarters can make it more comfortable and energy efficient. This has reduced the energy costs where used by over 2/3. If the leaders in the Pentagon ever wake up and use these technologies everywhere the savings would be enormous and they would be able to operate on a smaller budget which would means lower taxes.
Problem: As fossil fuels become more scarce and more people are displaced by rising oceans, the world will go to war over fossil fuels and land. These means more wars overseas and more dead Americans. Green Hawk believes that reducing our dependence on oil and using green technology will enable us to avoid oversea wars and have fewer dead.
Shell and Exxon Oil Companies
Why would two oil company CEOÂ’s support putting themselves out of business? Simple
• They have realized based on information from their scientists that the world’s supply of oil is running out and they are driving to extinction in a model T. So, they diversify and get into existing technologies that have a proven track record, are cheaper to create and are more long lasting. Once they do that they will be driving a Bentley again.
• Profit margin. They know that China, Japan and Germany will have cornered the market in Renewable energy sources and manufacture by 2020 and they want their share. So what is standing in their way.
1. Those including the powers that be who are living in the past and use their lobby power to prevent state and federal legislatures from passing laws and regulations that favor renewable energy use and development.
2. The reluctance of some citizens to accept new ideas and use their votes to prove it.
• Are these men interested in global warming or renewable energy. No they are interested n the bottom line, profit margin and their jobs.
City of Chicago, Bank of America and a New York Developer.
All three of these are actively involved in basically the same enterprise. Saving and making money. ItÂ’s the way they are doing it.
In Chicago, the city is encouraging building owners where feasible to either plant grasses on their roofs or paint their roofs white. They are also encouraging them to put in REAL reflective glass. They discovered that by retrofitting building and painting roofs white or putting grasses on them they reduce energy demands by about 1/3. Chicago estimates that if every building that could did it the savings to businesses would be 150 million per year total. This would mean tenants pay less and the owners make more.
In New York a developer retrofitted the Empire State Building. Within less than a year his energy costs have dropped by 40%. Bank of America has also recently retrofitted their headquarters building and plans on going green with any new banks constructed.
Ordinary Citizens
• A man in Roscoe Texas decided to help during a stretch of bad luck in town. He turned to wind driven turbines and gradually built a cooperative where anyone who allowed him to put one on their property would share in the profits. Eventually each cooperative member was earning up to $15,000 per turbine per year. He now owns the largest wind farm in the country. Those turbines are providing 250,000 homes with power. The turbines are manufactured at an abandoned steel mill in New England by former steel workers.
• A man in Alaska who doesn’t think global warming is caused by man wanted to help his neighbors so he started providing them with geothermal energy from hot springs on his property. When he began most people were paying 30 cents per kilowatt hour by the local utility now they are being charged 5 cents by him and soon they will be charged a penny.
• A engineer for a commercial airline manufacturing company Seattle Washington doesn’t believe global warming exists is trying to build the world’s most fuel efficient engine. Why because lower fuel costs means more planes built and that means his company makes money.
Evangelical Environmental Alliance
During Clinton’s second term some evangelical ministers began discussing the findings of theological researchers who had discovered errors in the interpretation of parts of the Old Testament. These researches had discovered that through the many translations of the Bible several words and phrases had been misinterpreted. The most important of these was in Genesis 1:28 where it says in part “…fill the earth and subdue it.” Apparently the English word “subdue” (which in Webster means to bring into subjection, to vanquish or conquer) was misinterpreted. According to these researchers the real meaning was closer to stewardship or to oversee it. These Evangelical ministers came to the realization that:
• God created the earth
• God blessed all things on it
• Why would God create the earth then tell man to vanquish it.
• The earth is God’s creation and man has no right to destroy it.
According to the Department of Energy the world uses about 16 terawatts (sixteen trillion watts) of energy every year. Four of those are in the USA.
• Every day the sun throws 86,000 terawatts on the earth’s surface
• Winds produces 860 terawatts every day.
• Geothermal Energy produces 32 terawatts every year.
The DOE says that maximizing efforts to use just wind energy would result in the production of more energy than we would need.
Of all the energy technologies out there the ones that are most labor intensive are the three we use most today.
Coal – It has to be mined, loaded on freight cars, transported to plants where its scrubbed and sorted. Then burned and emissions go through scrubbers. Each step costs money
Oil - The oil has to be found, then drilled for, then pumped out , then loaded onto transport devices (trains, boats, tanker trucks) and transported to refineries where it is put through cracking towers to make various products including diesel and gasoline. These products have additives and other chemicals added to them depending on their use. Then they are transported to the delivery point. The emissions from cracking towers may go through some type of purification system. This all costs money.
Nuclear Power –designing a “safe” plant, getting it approved, continue through a building process with delays, getting it permitted to operate and then operating it safely, protecting the facility, cleaning the discharge vents, replacing radioactive water, containerizing the waste materials, transporting them safely, depositing them safely and then guarding them until rapture. Each plant costs millions of dollars to build and more to maintain safely. Nuclear Energy does produce pollution by discharging heated water into their receptor water bodies which causes algae blooms which must be regularly cleaned up to prevent to discharge vents from becoming clogged. They also produce a solid waste which must be sent far away from people to be guarded forever.
And who do you think pays for all this?
With solar, wind and geothermal it is much simpler and comparatively much less labor intensive. So what? Money! If something takes less time and energy to process and deliver it will be cheaper for the consumer and if it is easier to install and operate it is cheaper for the producer. WIN WIN.
ALGAE Algae can be made into diesel and jet fuel whereas all the other organics cannot. It is also the least labor intensive. A series of large ponds about 4-6 inches deep filled with screened runoff from sewage treatment plants can produce 5000 gallons of fuel per year. Multiply this by 50 states and multiple ponds and you get the point. Algae diesel and jet fuel mean cheaper fuel, more savings, cheaper products and services which means money and jobs.
Competition. China, Japan and Germany are cornering the renewable energy market and if they succeed we are SOL if we donÂ’t start working on getting our fair share of the market. If we get going we can be energy independent and at least catch up by 2020. First we have to do two things.
1. Get the dead heads in Washington and the states to allow the sale of excess energy to utilities and other facilities by private individuals.
2. Tax industrial Carbon emissions! As long as companies have no vested interested in their emissions they cause they will not stop. Once they have a vested interest they will use their energy more wisely and allow renewable energy to become a larger part of the pie.
3. Another good idea would be to get the DOD to jump start this whole thing like the folks at Green Hawk have done.
JOBS - The new industries spreading across America will create millions of new jobs with some going to the poorest parts of the country. This will create more revenue, decrease the deficit and lower welfare roles.
CARS - Cheaper and more efficient fuels mean more savings at the pump more savings in production and cars that can go further on less fuel.
“It is no longer a question of what does it cost to go green but what will it cost not to”. President and CEO of Bank America
So if you are opposed to;
• Creating new business and millions of jobs in the USA
• Decreasing energy costs, utility costs and costs at the pump
• Saving American Lives and Preserving National Security
• Reducing dependence on oil countries
• Increasing energy efficiency
• Being Patriotic
• Complying with God’s plan
• Saving money and lowering the deficit
Then by all means continue to oppose renewable energy. If not then maybe you should reconsider your opposition.
Green = Business= jobs = money for everyone!!!
It does not matter one bit whether you believe in global warming, pollution or not. But if you believe in more businesses, increased jobs and lower bills, then pay attention. If you thought being green was for leftist tree huggers, hereÂ’s short list of groups who support going green.
• D.O.D. (that’s right) and a former head of the CIA
• Exxon and Shell Oil Corporation
• The City of Chicago and New York Developers
• The Evangelical Environmental Alliance Bank of America
• People many who believe global warming doesn’t exist
Not exactly your average group of leftist extremist tree huggers!
DOD and a former head of the CIA
– After Desert Storm members of Middle Eastern operational commands in various forward locations (Green Hawks) came to the conclusion that our dependence on oil had some major downsides and began initiating operations in some locations to try and solve some of those problems.
Problem: Transporting and using traditional fuels was inefficient (up to 30% was wasted or never got to its destination) and costly in terms of money and American lives. According to Green Hawk, terrorist prefer attacking convoys which carry fuel supplies. When the fuel arrives it is used to power huge cooling units for barracks which are massively ineffective leaving troops less than combat ready. By going green the military found they can carry their power supplies with them (wind and solar) and by refitting the soldierÂ’s quarters can make it more comfortable and energy efficient. This has reduced the energy costs where used by over 2/3. If the leaders in the Pentagon ever wake up and use these technologies everywhere the savings would be enormous and they would be able to operate on a smaller budget which would means lower taxes.
Problem: As fossil fuels become more scarce and more people are displaced by rising oceans, the world will go to war over fossil fuels and land. These means more wars overseas and more dead Americans. Green Hawk believes that reducing our dependence on oil and using green technology will enable us to avoid oversea wars and have fewer dead.
Shell and Exxon Oil Companies
Why would two oil company CEOÂ’s support putting themselves out of business? Simple
• They have realized based on information from their scientists that the world’s supply of oil is running out and they are driving to extinction in a model T. So, they diversify and get into existing technologies that have a proven track record, are cheaper to create and are more long lasting. Once they do that they will be driving a Bentley again.
• Profit margin. They know that China, Japan and Germany will have cornered the market in Renewable energy sources and manufacture by 2020 and they want their share. So what is standing in their way.
1. Those including the powers that be who are living in the past and use their lobby power to prevent state and federal legislatures from passing laws and regulations that favor renewable energy use and development.
2. The reluctance of some citizens to accept new ideas and use their votes to prove it.
• Are these men interested in global warming or renewable energy. No they are interested n the bottom line, profit margin and their jobs.
City of Chicago, Bank of America and a New York Developer.
All three of these are actively involved in basically the same enterprise. Saving and making money. ItÂ’s the way they are doing it.
In Chicago, the city is encouraging building owners where feasible to either plant grasses on their roofs or paint their roofs white. They are also encouraging them to put in REAL reflective glass. They discovered that by retrofitting building and painting roofs white or putting grasses on them they reduce energy demands by about 1/3. Chicago estimates that if every building that could did it the savings to businesses would be 150 million per year total. This would mean tenants pay less and the owners make more.
In New York a developer retrofitted the Empire State Building. Within less than a year his energy costs have dropped by 40%. Bank of America has also recently retrofitted their headquarters building and plans on going green with any new banks constructed.
Ordinary Citizens
• A man in Roscoe Texas decided to help during a stretch of bad luck in town. He turned to wind driven turbines and gradually built a cooperative where anyone who allowed him to put one on their property would share in the profits. Eventually each cooperative member was earning up to $15,000 per turbine per year. He now owns the largest wind farm in the country. Those turbines are providing 250,000 homes with power. The turbines are manufactured at an abandoned steel mill in New England by former steel workers.
• A man in Alaska who doesn’t think global warming is caused by man wanted to help his neighbors so he started providing them with geothermal energy from hot springs on his property. When he began most people were paying 30 cents per kilowatt hour by the local utility now they are being charged 5 cents by him and soon they will be charged a penny.
• A engineer for a commercial airline manufacturing company Seattle Washington doesn’t believe global warming exists is trying to build the world’s most fuel efficient engine. Why because lower fuel costs means more planes built and that means his company makes money.
Evangelical Environmental Alliance
During Clinton’s second term some evangelical ministers began discussing the findings of theological researchers who had discovered errors in the interpretation of parts of the Old Testament. These researches had discovered that through the many translations of the Bible several words and phrases had been misinterpreted. The most important of these was in Genesis 1:28 where it says in part “…fill the earth and subdue it.” Apparently the English word “subdue” (which in Webster means to bring into subjection, to vanquish or conquer) was misinterpreted. According to these researchers the real meaning was closer to stewardship or to oversee it. These Evangelical ministers came to the realization that:
• God created the earth
• God blessed all things on it
• Why would God create the earth then tell man to vanquish it.
• The earth is God’s creation and man has no right to destroy it.
According to the Department of Energy the world uses about 16 terawatts (sixteen trillion watts) of energy every year. Four of those are in the USA.
• Every day the sun throws 86,000 terawatts on the earth’s surface
• Winds produces 860 terawatts every day.
• Geothermal Energy produces 32 terawatts every year.
The DOE says that maximizing efforts to use just wind energy would result in the production of more energy than we would need.
Of all the energy technologies out there the ones that are most labor intensive are the three we use most today.
Coal – It has to be mined, loaded on freight cars, transported to plants where its scrubbed and sorted. Then burned and emissions go through scrubbers. Each step costs money
Oil - The oil has to be found, then drilled for, then pumped out , then loaded onto transport devices (trains, boats, tanker trucks) and transported to refineries where it is put through cracking towers to make various products including diesel and gasoline. These products have additives and other chemicals added to them depending on their use. Then they are transported to the delivery point. The emissions from cracking towers may go through some type of purification system. This all costs money.
Nuclear Power –designing a “safe” plant, getting it approved, continue through a building process with delays, getting it permitted to operate and then operating it safely, protecting the facility, cleaning the discharge vents, replacing radioactive water, containerizing the waste materials, transporting them safely, depositing them safely and then guarding them until rapture. Each plant costs millions of dollars to build and more to maintain safely. Nuclear Energy does produce pollution by discharging heated water into their receptor water bodies which causes algae blooms which must be regularly cleaned up to prevent to discharge vents from becoming clogged. They also produce a solid waste which must be sent far away from people to be guarded forever.
And who do you think pays for all this?
With solar, wind and geothermal it is much simpler and comparatively much less labor intensive. So what? Money! If something takes less time and energy to process and deliver it will be cheaper for the consumer and if it is easier to install and operate it is cheaper for the producer. WIN WIN.
ALGAE Algae can be made into diesel and jet fuel whereas all the other organics cannot. It is also the least labor intensive. A series of large ponds about 4-6 inches deep filled with screened runoff from sewage treatment plants can produce 5000 gallons of fuel per year. Multiply this by 50 states and multiple ponds and you get the point. Algae diesel and jet fuel mean cheaper fuel, more savings, cheaper products and services which means money and jobs.
Competition. China, Japan and Germany are cornering the renewable energy market and if they succeed we are SOL if we donÂ’t start working on getting our fair share of the market. If we get going we can be energy independent and at least catch up by 2020. First we have to do two things.
1. Get the dead heads in Washington and the states to allow the sale of excess energy to utilities and other facilities by private individuals.
2. Tax industrial Carbon emissions! As long as companies have no vested interested in their emissions they cause they will not stop. Once they have a vested interest they will use their energy more wisely and allow renewable energy to become a larger part of the pie.
3. Another good idea would be to get the DOD to jump start this whole thing like the folks at Green Hawk have done.
JOBS - The new industries spreading across America will create millions of new jobs with some going to the poorest parts of the country. This will create more revenue, decrease the deficit and lower welfare roles.
CARS - Cheaper and more efficient fuels mean more savings at the pump more savings in production and cars that can go further on less fuel.
“It is no longer a question of what does it cost to go green but what will it cost not to”. President and CEO of Bank America
So if you are opposed to;
• Creating new business and millions of jobs in the USA
• Decreasing energy costs, utility costs and costs at the pump
• Saving American Lives and Preserving National Security
• Reducing dependence on oil countries
• Increasing energy efficiency
• Being Patriotic
• Complying with God’s plan
• Saving money and lowering the deficit
Then by all means continue to oppose renewable energy. If not then maybe you should reconsider your opposition.
Green = Business= jobs = money for everyone!!!