Something just as important as addressing global warming...


Gold Member
Sep 9, 2022
Colonizing Space.

Everyone talks about what our children and our children's children will have to deal with if global warming is not addressed.

There is another issue that will affect future generations. Nuclear War.

It's inevitable.

If we don't push forward with the colonization of space...future generations will have to live in radiation and nuclear fallout...and their blood will be on our hands.
Global warming is freezing my balls.jpg
Colonizing SPACE, yes..................colonizing Mars........we've had the technology for some time.
It’s been over 50 years since we landed on the moon. I would have thought by now there’d at least be a Holiday Inn up there. Maybe in another 50.
It’s been over 50 years since we landed on the moon. I would have thought by now there’d at least be a Holiday Inn up there. Maybe in another 50.

Read A Fall of Moondust (1961) by Arthur C Clarke

He had tourists on the Moon though never specified a date. Around 2060 I think.

Mars is too far for the slow technology we have now. I don't see why Mars is any better than the Moon. 1% atmosphere is better than 0% atmosphere? Yeah right!

Robots controlled from Earth could be operated on the Moon to prepare habitats for people.
We still have the all of Antarctica to colonize ... it's far far warmer there than out in space, plus there's breathable air in Antarctica ... and commercial resources to be exploited ... all with one Gee ... we can easily fit another 10 billion there ... plus with global warming, it'll be warmer there ...

Los Angeles is 13 billion square meters ... or a square meter and a half for every man, woman and child alive today ...
We'll likely see the seed efforts before this century ends. At least. Baring any breakthrough discoveries on energy and/or faster spaceship drives, etc.

The Saturn V rocket's sole job was lifting a small capsule into Earth orbit ... taking this capsule out to the Moon, landing, then returning to Earth's surface was all very very easy ... compared to lifting this capsule up to Low Earth Orbit ...

Gravity is the problem here ... breathable air is the next problem ... and if we had the energy, we wouldn't be boiling off our oceans by burning fossil fuels ... now would we? ... if we had the technology to colonize space, we wouldn't have a need to colonize space ...

I'm sorry, there remains the possibility that Albert Einstein is right ... and none of this is possible ... except maybe as a hobby ...

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