Something I've noticed

Have you noticed anything like this?

  • Fuck you, Pedro, you rightwing fascist asshole. I'm nothing like that! (please describe yourself)

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  • Fuck you, Pedro, you leftwing bastard. I'm nothing like that! (please describe yourself)

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  • No, but I have noticed different generalized traits (please provide in your answer)

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  • Yes, but those generalizations haven't been the ones I've noticed. (please describe what you have)

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  • Yes, but those generalizations are reveresed in my experience.

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  • Yes, but I have more categories to add for either or both sides.

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  • Yes.

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Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
Almost every committed leftist (liberal, socialist, communist, etc) I've known has fallen under at least a few categories: female; feminist; pro-choice; unemployed or working a typically service oriented unskilled job; on welfare; in college (often for some form of humanities degree); atheist or practicing Jewish; at least moderately anti-American; from an abusive background; suffering from restricted health; and typically only wants to talk about politics at any given time. The more of these categories they fall into, the more committed they are and the faster they drop you for having a difference of opinion in any particular area.

Almost every committed conservative I've known has had their own categories, with the more dedicated typically falling into more: male; anti-feminist, anti-egalitarian, or both; pro-birth (meaning opposed to both abortion and many things that prevent it); working some form of manufacturing or maintenance job; could probably qualify for welfare; has attended either no college or community college; some form of Protestant; at least moderately patriotic (more commonly the "Murika" version of "patriotism" than the real thing) from a poor but stable background; in unremarkable health; and typically only wants to talk about politics and/or religion at any given time. As above, the more categories they meet the more committed they are to the cause and the less difference of opinion they can handle before dropping you.

I have to wonder if there's something to this. Has anyone else noticed these trends? Is there anything I missed?
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Almost every Liberal has been affected by some real or perceived unfairness in life, causing them to reflexively oppose the status quo. Conservatives are a bit more complicated, consisting of rational people who gag at Liberal BS and irrational people who cling to their ignorance.
Or they're elitist assholes who have had everything handed to them all their lives, who believe they are innately *better* than every other group..i.e., Christians, southerners, people who don't live in NYC, etc.
The only trend I've noticed is liberals on this site are very shallow & hardly ever argue a point with any logic. They are all ruled by their emotions.
The only trend I've noticed is liberals on this site are very shallow & hardly ever argue a point with any logic. They are all ruled by their emotions.

They spout talking points but never specifics. Push them to actually debate and you're met with nasty insults.
The only trend I've noticed is liberals on this site are very shallow & hardly ever argue a point with any logic. They are all ruled by their emotions.

They spout talking points but never specifics. Push them to actually debate and you're met with nasty insults.
And rather than actually address the topic, they'll pretend the opposition says things they haven't actually said, rather than adjust their own rigid scripts. The funny thing is..that's actually a symptom of mental illness.
One thing I've noticed about liberals that I know personally is that they are unhappy. Two I know constantly complain about everything, both drink heavily and do drugs and neither works. They bitch about not getting enough help and seem to think they are entitled to a living because they exist. The one liberal I know that does have a good job (in government) thinks these people are right in demanding more from government. Not a drop of sympathy for those who will work (often at jobs they hate) so that government has someone to take from. All the care is directed at those who could do a lot more with their lives, but instead are convinced that they shouldn't have to. I think it's liberal politicians who have put this notion out there and many weak people have given up in hopes of being subsidized instead of working

I've heard so many stupid comments from my liberal friends. They will viciously attack a conservative for opposing healthcare, but won't even criticize radicals who kill people. They blast the middle class for wanting to keep more of their earnings and say it's greedy, but don't think it's greedy for equally abled-bodied people to sit and take from others. Liberals say women are smart enough to decide on abortion, but not smart enough to get an ID if they are minorities. Depending on the issue, the left will say anything to try and support what they are doing. They quite often contradict themselves yet their supporters don't catch on or think it means nothing.

What they are doing is simple.
They want the population reduced. Their answer is abortion and Obamacare.
They want either socialism, Marxism or Communism. Over spending, high unemployment, surge of needy illegal population and a general decline in morals has bought many countries to it's knees and could work again here.
They want absolute power. They keep saying they are making new laws for the greater good and we watch as our liberties and freedoms slip away.

The typical liberal is depressing and depressed. It's the whole 'woe is me' crap and they act like it's a sin to be happy when the world isn't going the way it should.
Almost every committed leftist (liberal, socialist, communist, etc) I've known has fallen under at least a few categories: female; feminist; pro-choice; unemployed or working a typically service oriented unskilled job; on welfare; in college (often for some form of humanities degree); atheist or practicing Jewish; at least moderately anti-American; from an abusive background; suffering from restricted health; and typically only wants to talk about politics at any given time. The more of these categories they fall into, the more committed they are and the faster they drop you for having a difference of opinion in any particular area.

What percentage of the country would you conclude that group includes? Your first criteria alone bumps it to slightly more than half.
They are the same as they have always been. A small, hysterical, mentally ill and unstable group that seeks power over those who are vulnerable so they can rape and plunder with impunity. Communists, Nazis, the's always the same disgusting, depraved group who obtain power by lying, then use force to keep it.
They are the same as they have always been. A small, hysterical, mentally ill and unstable group that seeks power over those who are vulnerable so they can rape and plunder with impunity. Communists, Nazis, the's always the same disgusting, depraved group who obtain power by lying, then use force to keep it.

Actually, self identified liberals are at an all time high. And account for about 1 in 4 people.
Almost every committed leftist (liberal, socialist, communist, etc) I've known has fallen under at least a few categories: female; feminist; pro-choice; unemployed or working a typically service oriented unskilled job; on welfare; in college (often for some form of humanities degree); atheist or practicing Jewish; at least moderately anti-American; from an abusive background; suffering from restricted health; and typically only wants to talk about politics at any given time. The more of these categories they fall into, the more committed they are and the faster they drop you for having a difference of opinion in any particular area.

What percentage of the country would you conclude that group includes? Your first criteria alone bumps it to slightly more than half.
They're not criteria. They're categories I've noticed this subset of people tend to fall in. Not all are shared by each individual, but they are common traits of the class as a whole.
What they are doing is simple.
They want the population reduced. Their answer is abortion and Obamacare.
They want either socialism, Marxism or Communism. Over spending, high unemployment, surge of needy illegal population and a general decline in morals has bought many countries to it's knees and could work again here.
They want absolute power. They keep saying they are making new laws for the greater good and we watch as our liberties and freedoms slip away.

The typical liberal is depressing and depressed. It's the whole 'woe is me' crap and they act like it's a sin to be happy when the world isn't going the way it should.

Nothing you said is true.
Almost every committed leftist (liberal, socialist, communist, etc) I've known has fallen under at least a few categories: female; feminist; pro-choice; unemployed or working a typically service oriented unskilled job; on welfare; in college (often for some form of humanities degree); atheist or practicing Jewish; at least moderately anti-American; from an abusive background; suffering from restricted health; and typically only wants to talk about politics at any given time. The more of these categories they fall into, the more committed they are and the faster they drop you for having a difference of opinion in any particular area.

Almost every committed conservative I've known has had their own categories, with the more dedicated typically falling into more: male; anti-feminist, anti-egalitarian, or both; pro-birth (meaning opposed to both abortion and many things that prevent it); working some form of manufacturing or maintenance job; could probably qualify for welfare; has attended either no college or community college; some form of Protestant; at least moderately patriotic (more commonly the "Murika" version of "patriotism" than the real thing) from a poor but stable background; in unremarkable health; and typically only wants to talk about politics and/or religion at any given time. As above, the more categories they meet the more committed they are to the cause and the less difference of opinion they can handle before dropping you.

I have to wonder if there's something to this. Has anyone else noticed these trends? Is there anything I missed?

My suggestion: stop living in a 2 dimensional world. There is far, far more to life than liberals versus conservatives. Not even in the US is life so simple.
My suggestion: stop living in a 2 dimensional world. There is far, far more to life than liberals versus conservatives. Not even in the US is life so simple.
Those are the two primary political groups here in the US. If I were living in Sweden I would have commented on the differences between the Socialists and the Communists.
Almost every committed leftist (liberal, socialist, communist, etc) I've known has fallen under at least a few categories: female; feminist; pro-choice; unemployed or working a typically service oriented unskilled job; on welfare; in college (often for some form of humanities degree); atheist or practicing Jewish; at least moderately anti-American; from an abusive background; suffering from restricted health; and typically only wants to talk about politics at any given time. The more of these categories they fall into, the more committed they are and the faster they drop you for having a difference of opinion in any particular area.

Almost every committed conservative I've known has had their own categories, with the more dedicated typically falling into more: male; anti-feminist, anti-egalitarian, or both; pro-birth (meaning opposed to both abortion and many things that prevent it); working some form of manufacturing or maintenance job; could probably qualify for welfare; has attended either no college or community college; some form of Protestant; at least moderately patriotic (more commonly the "Murika" version of "patriotism" than the real thing) from a poor but stable background; in unremarkable health; and typically only wants to talk about politics and/or religion at any given time. As above, the more categories they meet the more committed they are to the cause and the less difference of opinion they can handle before dropping you.

I have to wonder if there's something to this. Has anyone else noticed these trends? Is there anything I missed?

My suggestion: stop living in a 2 dimensional world. There is far, far more to life than liberals versus conservatives. Not even in the US is life so simple.
Sure it is. There's right...and wrong. Ethical, and criminal.

Progressives are wrong headed criminals:

"For the Progressives, the government’s obligation in this regard was perfectly compatible with treating different races (whom they believed were at varying stages of development), differently in law and policy.[13] It also trumped not only the ability of individuals to exercise their now “so-called innate or ‘natural rights'” –e.g. the right to live, enjoy one’s physical liberty, acquire and use property, marry, speak, worship God according to the dictates of one’s conscience, etc.–but also an individual’s fundamental right to attain his own highest development where the prospect for development was believed to be relatively small, or his restraint was believed to be advantageous to the development of a greater number.[14]
"Perhaps nowhere is the Progressives’ willingness to run roughshod over individual liberty, for the sake of improving America generally, as stark as in their support for eugenics."

Eugenics American Progressivism and the German Idea of the State - Online Library of Law Liberty

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