Something is not right about the upcoming election

And when he's not? Will Democrats accept defeat gracefully? I think we know better.
His opponents will accept the defeat, and oppose him every way legally just if the circumstance were reversed.

The difference would T's opponents don't lie like MAGA does. Stolen election, my butt.
Why do you jag-offs pretend to rebut what I say without contradicting anything I've written or presenting any contrary information to back you up? Are you too stupid to do so, or is it just a matter of my making points that you cannot rebut?

I won't lose any sleep over it. In order to insult someone you have to have at least a modicum of cred. You don't.
I’m sorry.

Please furnish your proof of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election.
There is something about the upcoming election that doesn't seem right, especially in comparison with 2016 and prior elections. I don't know if it has to do with the legal cases against Trump, demonstrations about Israel/Hamas, or Biden's continuing gaffes, but I expect some sort of "perfect storm" combination of events that will be as disruptive as anything the US has experienced since 1860.

I am not talking about events after the election, but rather the events leading up to it. The idea of Trump being reelected is very threatening to the Democrat Establishment, and I do not see it peacefully conceding defeat any more than Trump did in 2020. Among other things, we will have continuing disputes about who will appear on various state ballots and Presidential debates between candidates who are not even their party's nominees.

In addition, it seems likely that the US will be embroiled in at least two wars during this election. What emergency measures might be taken in that event? Fasten your seat belts and affix your blast shields. The shit is about to hit the fan.

Because people are easily manipulated, and the manipulations are coming from multiple directions and are destroying the US. And people are too fucking stupid to do anything about it.
There is something about the upcoming election that doesn't seem right, especially in comparison with 2016 and prior elections. I don't know if it has to do with the legal cases against Trump, demonstrations about Israel/Hamas, or Biden's continuing gaffes, but I expect some sort of "perfect storm" combination of events that will be as disruptive as anything the US has experienced since 1860.

I am not talking about events after the election, but rather the events leading up to it. The idea of Trump being reelected is very threatening to the Democrat Establishment, and I do not see it peacefully conceding defeat any more than Trump did in 2020. Among other things, we will have continuing disputes about who will appear on various state ballots and Presidential debates between candidates who are not even their party's nominees.

In addition, it seems likely that the US will be embroiled in at least two wars during this election. What emergency measures might be taken in that event? Fasten your seat belts and affix your blast shields. The shit is about to hit the fan.
What's wrong is the 14th amendment isn't being followed.
Unlike you

I watched the goofy old fucker
Did you attend?

Comments, if so?
You are not concerned about Trump and the other Republican retards dodging answering the question - "Will you accept the 2024 election results"?
Retards parrot that dumb question over and over, even though the obvious answer is “Not if there’s massive fraud”.
Neither party will accept the results if they lose and there’s evidence of enough fraud to affect the outcome.
Think better, if capable.
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Retards parrot that dumb question over and over, even though the obvious answer is “Not if there’s massive fraud”.
Neither party will accept the results if they lose and there’s evidence of enough fraud to affect the outcome.
Think better, if capable.

Who defines “massive fraud”?

To Trump, massive fraud means he lost

Something is not right about the upcoming election?​

You mean the fact that we have two dwindling old fucks to choose from?

Two dwindling old fucks that are never going to do anything for average Americans

Unless it helps the oligarchs on the back end

Or maybe how some people now hate their co workers, neighbors, friends and even family because they disagree with them politically?

Like that?
Out with The Four Olds, aye, New Fucking Redguard Commie Pinhead?


Something is not right about the upcoming election​

That is for sure.

What is not right is that we are stuck with two demented old white dudes that have both proven they are not able to the job as the only two with a legit shot of getting the job.

What the fuck is wrong with our country?

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