Something has got to be done about the police.

right. We’ll let those prosecuting Trump with bogus crime charges using stacked Marxist juries & corrupt insane Judges setup Police review. Maybe use DC Courts who are sending J6 tresspassers up for years (even for a text message), or use the MINN Leftist who railroaded Chauvin to appease filthy BLM communists you sick POS. Get off the boards you big dumb OX. How bout an OJ jury? All while street vermin with 48 priors roam free pushing people into subway trains…Leftist common sense 101.

Wow. My comment really triggered you, didn't it?

No, not investigated by the 3 ringed circle going on right now. But an actual investigation by an outside agency.
It has become more than obvious our police need better and more training.

You pay for it you wothless sack of shark chum. You and you ilk caused it all just as you ruined, GOVT, Churches, Military, Schools etc. all to keep Power and get rich doing it. You disgust me.
It's just getting ridiculous. There has to be national standards created for policing. That's all there is to it.

Police pressured him to confess to a murder that never happened. Now, Fontana will pay him $900,000​

The city of Fontana has agreed to pay nearly $900,000 to settle a federal lawsuit filed by a man who said police pressured him to falsely confess to a murder that never happened.

During a 17-hour interrogation in August 2018, Fontana Police Department officers questioned Thomas Perez Jr. about the disappearance of his father, whom Perez had reported missing. Officers alleged Perez had murdered his father and, when Perez denied the accusation, officers tried to convince him that he had forgotten the crime, according to a federal lawsuit, court records and video of the interrogation.

Throughout their lengthy questioning of Perez, officers used a variety of tactics aimed at goading him into confessing. They brought his dog into the interrogation room, told him the dog had walked through blood and would be sent away to be euthanized. They drove Perez to a dirt lot and asked him to walk around in search of his dad’s body. They told him that his father’s body was in a morgue.

“You murdered your dad,” one of the officers said, according to video of the interrogation. “Daddy’s dead because of you.”

At the 16-hour mark, Perez told police that he had gotten into an altercation with his father and had stabbed him.

But a major problem with that confession soon emerged: Perez’s father was alive and safe.

Forgot to lawyer up, did he?
Innocent people often feel like they don't need a lawyer since they are innocent.

The police exploit that.
And the response we see by some here are why police believe they can continue getting away with doing stuff like they did to this guy. There simply needs to be national standards for policing. When you are gven the authority to beat and kill citizens, the rules or standards alowing a person to do so shoud be uniform accross the country.
right. We’ll let those prosecuting Trump with bogus crime charges using stacked Marxist juries & corrupt insane Judges setup Police review. Maybe use DC Courts who are sending J6 tresspassers up for years (even for a text message), or use the MINN Leftist who railroaded Chauvin to appease filthy BLM communists you sick POS. Get off the boards you big dumb OX. How bout an OJ jury? All while street vermin with 48 priors roam free pushing people into subway trains…Leftist common sense 101.
Try posting on this topic idiot.
Try posting on this topic idiot.

Police don’t get up and decide “I am shooting the first MF’r coming down Grand ave. I see today”? You’re watching too much MSLSD you spinning clown.

correction: you may be correct since you destroyed the Police and only unqualified DEI will apply. Good luck calling them if you had an actual need? They might take you in as they are Grade School level with full body tatto and 3 felonies on their record.
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Which is the lie? That St Louis is not a small town? Or that small town cops have killed unarmed citizens? I know both are absolutely true.

You chimed in like a Stain and you don’t have a clue what the original post was about. Wrong city on your first attempt you dumb OX.
There's always more to the story. Maybe the kid stabbed his father and thought he was dead. Anyway there is no need to smear the legacy of the 59 (so far) Officers who died in the line of duty this year and the 378 Officers who were shot in the line of duty in 2023, over an incident in Fontana, Ca.
Were any of those 59 involved in the unethical tactics that police used on the innocent victim? If so that/those policemen deserve to have their legacy smeared.
Police don’t get up and decide “I am shooting the first MF’r coming down Grand ave. I see today”? You’re watching too much MSLSD you spinning clown.

There are many cops who break the rules and laws. The problem is, there are even more cops who will cover for them. Those officers who speak out are ostracised.
There are many cops who break the rules and laws. The problem is, there are even more cops who will cover for them. Those officers who speak out are ostracised.

Police are right 99.99% of all interactions while your beloved street vermin are in the wrong 101% of the time. Who am I more concerned about? Let me think….
Police don’t get up and decide “I am shooting the first MF’r coming down Grand ave. I see today”? You’re watching too much MSLSD you spinning clown.
Police are given wide latitude in their decisions to use deadly force.
Everybody knows a person is allowed to have a gun in their home for protection, so explain why cops entering a home to serve a warrant can freely kill anyone who happens to pick up a gun in response to unexpected strangers busting down their door?
Yeah, innocent people need to stop resisting when they are being framed for a murder which didn't happen.

How dare they!

The facts and you are world's apart. You didn't even read the article.

You just wander around, listening to the voices in your head, and get pissed when no one else can hear them.
When you are a lawbreaker then there are things to fesr
Lib loons want that to go away

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