Somebody Impanel A Jury, And Start Looking For A Stout Oak Tree

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019

And Dumbocrats were ready to ditch Dopey Gropey Joe, and try to nominate this @$$clown??
(NYFC) Gov. Andrew Cuomo [D-Five Families] has finally admitted — tacitly and partially, anyway — the mistake that was state health chief Howard Zucker’s order that nursing homes must admit coronavirus-positive patients.

On Sunday, Cuomo announced a new regulation: Such patients must now test negative for the virus before hospitals can return them to nursing homes. Yet the gov also admitted that COVID-19 cases might still go to the facilities via other routes, and didn’t explicitly overrule Zucker’s March 25 mandate that homes must accept people despite their testing status — indeed, couldn’t even require a test pre-admission.
Make that murderous @$$clown.

Tiptoeing quietly away from the scene of the crime, especially after revelations that somewhere approaching half of all NYFS COVID deaths were in nursing homes, after you foisted infectious patients into such a vulnerable population, are what legal scholars and beat detectives both call "consciousness of guilt".

Read it all at link above
Blame the burrecrat expert ....go mario!
Mario the dems shining night :p
Since democrats aren't thinking about that.,..

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