Rachel Levine, Andrew Cuomo...and now possibly Gov Whitmer Could Face Criminal Charges For Elderly Deaths


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Governor Andrew Cuomo is under investigation for Manslaughter after his top aide exposed the fact that Cuomo and his staff criminally hid / mis0-reported the number of elderly citizens who died in nursing homes due to his failed policy that required COVID-19-infected patients to be placed into nursing homes (after he publicly admitted the elderly were the most likely to die from the virus. According to legal experts Cuomo could be charged with15,000+ counts of 'Manslaughter' for the unintentional deaths due to his failed policies, as well as charged with illegally and intentionally filing false reports containing false / misleading information in his attempt to keep the true numbers hidden.
-- While Cuomo was sexually harassing women and sentencing elderly nursing home patients to die and hiding the numbers, the fake news media was fawning all over him, praising him, and socialist liberal democrats were giving him awards for his 'great' / 'inspiring' leadership.

It is now being reported that Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer is potentially being investigated for the same thing, for the deaths of elderly patients in nursing homes, as well.

Whitmer could face criminal charges over COVID deaths, prosecutor says
Whitmer could face criminal charges
over COVID deaths, prosecutor says

Reportedly 1/3rd of all Michigan COVID-19 deaths were in nursing homes...

The U.S. Department of Justice announced Wednesday it is seeking data from Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and three other Democratic governors who "issued orders which may have resulted in the deaths of thousands of elderly nursing home residents."

At least 2,083 nursing home residents have died from COVID-19 in Michigan, accounting for nearly 1 in 3 deaths attributed to the novel coronavirus here since March.

While over 2,000 elderly patients in nursing homes died in Michigan due to Whitmer's policy, closely similar to Cuomo's, Whitmer was imposing Constitutional and Civil Rights violating COVID-19 Lockdown mandates while she and her husband broke them.

Now the Feds want to have a closer judicial / legal look at Whitmer's failed leadership / decision-making.

Interestingly enough, Dr. Rachel Levine, the transgender who took their own parent out of a nursing home in Pa to save their life yet left over 20,000 elderly Americans in Pa to die while virus-infected patients were packed into nursing homes, was appointed by Joe Biden to be his assistant secretary of health. Levine has been protected, as a member of Biden's hand-picked Cabinet , to similar scrutiny.

Cuomo and Whitmer were more concerned with preventing Americans from attending church, going boating on lakes, eating out as restaurants, etc... as they were hypocritically doing, than concerned that their failed policies were killing thousands of elderly citizens.

Cuomo, of course, was also too busy clowning around with his brother, Fredo, and victimizing women in violation of his own personal imposed sexual harassment policy.
Governor Andrew Cuomo is under investigation for Manslaughter after his top aide exposed the fact that Cuomo and his staff criminally hid / mis0-reported the number of elderly citizens who died in nursing homes due to his failed policy that required COVID-19-infected patients to be placed into nursing homes (after he publicly admitted the elderly were the most likely to die from the virus. According to legal experts Cuomo could be charged with15,000+ counts of 'Manslaughter' for the unintentional deaths due to his failed policies, as well as charged with illegally and intentionally filing false reports containing false / misleading information in his attempt to keep the true numbers hidden.
-- While Cuomo was sexually harassing women and sentencing elderly nursing home patients to die and hiding the numbers, the fake news media was fawning all over him, praising him, and socialist liberal democrats were giving him awards for his 'great' / 'inspiring' leadership.

It is now being reported that Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer is potentially being investigated for the same thing, for the deaths of elderly patients in nursing homes, as well.

Whitmer could face criminal charges over COVID deaths, prosecutor says
Whitmer could face criminal charges
over COVID deaths, prosecutor says

Reportedly 1/3rd of all Michigan COVID-19 deaths were in nursing homes...

The U.S. Department of Justice announced Wednesday it is seeking data from Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and three other Democratic governors who "issued orders which may have resulted in the deaths of thousands of elderly nursing home residents."

At least 2,083 nursing home residents have died from COVID-19 in Michigan, accounting for nearly 1 in 3 deaths attributed to the novel coronavirus here since March.

While over 2,000 elderly patients in nursing homes died in Michigan due to Whitmer's policy, closely similar to Cuomo's, Whitmer was imposing Constitutional and Civil Rights violating COVID-19 Lockdown mandates while she and her husband broke them.

Now the Feds want to have a closer judicial / legal look at Whitmer's failed leadership / decision-making.

Interestingly enough, Dr. Rachel Levine, the transgender who took their own parent out of a nursing home in Pa to save their life yet left over 20,000 elderly Americans in Pa to die while virus-infected patients were packed into nursing homes, was appointed by Joe Biden to be his assistant secretary of health. Levine has been protected, as a member of Biden's hand-picked Cabinet , to similar scrutiny.

You've left out desantos and abbott.
Democrats have always been murderers, going all the way back to the slave trade, the Civil War, the extermination of the Native Americans, and up to the 50 million unborn children through abortion.

That's just what they do best. They are the party of death, dystopia, disease, dysfunction, and destruction.
Governor Andrew Cuomo is under investigation for Manslaughter after his top aide exposed the fact that Cuomo and his staff criminally hid / mis0-reported the number of elderly citizens who died in nursing homes due to his failed policy that required COVID-19-infected patients to be placed into nursing homes (after he publicly admitted the elderly were the most likely to die from the virus. According to legal experts Cuomo could be charged with15,000+ counts of 'Manslaughter' for the unintentional deaths due to his failed policies, as well as charged with illegally and intentionally filing false reports containing false / misleading information in his attempt to keep the true numbers hidden.
-- While Cuomo was sexually harassing women and sentencing elderly nursing home patients to die and hiding the numbers, the fake news media was fawning all over him, praising him, and socialist liberal democrats were giving him awards for his 'great' / 'inspiring' leadership.

It is now being reported that Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer is potentially being investigated for the same thing, for the deaths of elderly patients in nursing homes, as well.

Whitmer could face criminal charges over COVID deaths, prosecutor says
Whitmer could face criminal charges
over COVID deaths, prosecutor says

Reportedly 1/3rd of all Michigan COVID-19 deaths were in nursing homes...

The U.S. Department of Justice announced Wednesday it is seeking data from Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and three other Democratic governors who "issued orders which may have resulted in the deaths of thousands of elderly nursing home residents."

At least 2,083 nursing home residents have died from COVID-19 in Michigan, accounting for nearly 1 in 3 deaths attributed to the novel coronavirus here since March.

While over 2,000 elderly patients in nursing homes died in Michigan due to Whitmer's policy, closely similar to Cuomo's, Whitmer was imposing Constitutional and Civil Rights violating COVID-19 Lockdown mandates while she and her husband broke them.

Now the Feds want to have a closer judicial / legal look at Whitmer's failed leadership / decision-making.

Interestingly enough, Dr. Rachel Levine, the transgender who took their own parent out of a nursing home in Pa to save their life yet left over 20,000 elderly Americans in Pa to die while virus-infected patients were packed into nursing homes, was appointed by Joe Biden to be his assistant secretary of health. Levine has been protected, as a member of Biden's hand-picked Cabinet , to similar scrutiny.

This is complete Bullshit....Look.... I don't care for Whitmer or Cuomo but there is no way in hell you can charge them with murder or even manslaughter. That's just totally legally irresponsible. Neither of them did or said a damn thing knowing that it would cost lives.....nobody was prepared for this thing and there is no way they could have been.

This is nothing more than an abuse of the legal system. If you want to say they covered up numbers then fine they deserve something for that but you cannot stretch this into a charge of intentional manslaughter or murder.

Governor Andrew Cuomo is under investigation for Manslaughter after his top aide exposed the fact that Cuomo and his staff criminally hid / mis0-reported the number of elderly citizens who died in nursing homes due to his failed policy that required COVID-19-infected patients to be placed into nursing homes (after he publicly admitted the elderly were the most likely to die from the virus. According to legal experts Cuomo could be charged with15,000+ counts of 'Manslaughter' for the unintentional deaths due to his failed policies, as well as charged with illegally and intentionally filing false reports containing false / misleading information in his attempt to keep the true numbers hidden.
-- While Cuomo was sexually harassing women and sentencing elderly nursing home patients to die and hiding the numbers, the fake news media was fawning all over him, praising him, and socialist liberal democrats were giving him awards for his 'great' / 'inspiring' leadership.

It is now being reported that Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer is potentially being investigated for the same thing, for the deaths of elderly patients in nursing homes, as well.

Whitmer could face criminal charges over COVID deaths, prosecutor says
Whitmer could face criminal charges
over COVID deaths, prosecutor says

Reportedly 1/3rd of all Michigan COVID-19 deaths were in nursing homes...

The U.S. Department of Justice announced Wednesday it is seeking data from Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and three other Democratic governors who "issued orders which may have resulted in the deaths of thousands of elderly nursing home residents."

At least 2,083 nursing home residents have died from COVID-19 in Michigan, accounting for nearly 1 in 3 deaths attributed to the novel coronavirus here since March.

While over 2,000 elderly patients in nursing homes died in Michigan due to Whitmer's policy, closely similar to Cuomo's, Whitmer was imposing Constitutional and Civil Rights violating COVID-19 Lockdown mandates while she and her husband broke them.

Now the Feds want to have a closer judicial / legal look at Whitmer's failed leadership / decision-making.

Interestingly enough, Dr. Rachel Levine, the transgender who took their own parent out of a nursing home in Pa to save their life yet left over 20,000 elderly Americans in Pa to die while virus-infected patients were packed into nursing homes, was appointed by Joe Biden to be his assistant secretary of health. Levine has been protected, as a member of Biden's hand-picked Cabinet , to similar scrutiny.

The Michigan Gestapo Governor!
You've left out desantos and abbott.

Actually I didn't, as the subject / focus of this thread is the news tha tWhigtmer is nbow being investigated, but thank you for the 'whatabout-ism'.

Whitmer is the latest to be investigated. Levine needs to be investigated. Cuomo deserves to be indicted for not only the deaths but the criminal attempt to criminally hide the true number of elderly who died.

I have no problem with others', such as DeSantis or Abbot, policies / actions being investigated. Did either of them criminally attempt to hide the nursing home deaths in their respective states, as Cuomo did? If you believe so, please provide the link / evidence to substantiate your claim. If they did, they should all be held accountable. Period.

Analogy / Comparison:
Barry Bonds was a great baseball player who probably should be in the HoF. Taking steroids was only half of Bonds' problem, though - he is also widely known both in baseball by many and many fans as a 'rude d!ck / asshole'. Such a persona / attitude only makes an already bad situation worse.

Both Cuomo and Whitmer suffer from severe personality / reputation hits, making their situations worse. Cuomo is an arrogant, bullying asshole who threatened a lot of people and sexually harassed women on top of his failed policy that resulted in the deaths of over 15,000 elderly people, the numbers of which he illegally tried to hide. Whitmer was an overbearing, Constitutional / Civil Rights-violating bitch who violated her own lockdown mandates and - when the USSC 'killed' her Un-Constitutional mandates, she would just respond by adding even harsher, more strict mandates. Like Bonds, neither one have helped their own cases.

Being an asshole is not a crime, though...murdering thousands of elderly Americans ... and trying to hide the true numbers, governor is illegal.
The CONTROLLING AUTHORITY on whether charges will be filed doesn't exist. It isn't American. It is 100% Zionist.

Thanks to incredibly stupid "Christians," we are now devoid of any justice at all in America.
This is complete Bullshit....Look.... I don't care for Whitmer or Cuomo but there is no way in hell you can charge them with murder or even manslaughter.

Thank you for that OPINION.

Do you even know the legal definition of 'Manslaughter'?

"The crime of killing a human being without malice aforethought, or otherwise in circumstances not amounting to murder."

Governor Andrew Cuomo publicly declared that elderly Americans were the most vulnerable and most likely to die from COVID-19.

Governor Cuomo did NOT have a shortage of hospital beds / ventilator beds.
- He was given a USN hospital ships and a hospital was built for him. The hospital was deconstructed, and the US hospital ship sailed away due to lack of use.

STILL Governor Cuomo made the decision - HE CHOSE - to force COVID-19-infected patients into nursing homes with the most vulnerable and most likely to die from COVID-19, despite having other options / locations to send them.
- Was it Cuomo's desire to murder / for 15,000+ Americans to die? No....but he sure as hell knew elderly Americans would die from the decision he made. He already acknowledged that the elderly were the most likely to die...but he was willing to take that risk with other people's lives IOT keep hospital beds open for a potential COVID-19 hospital-required wave that never came. HE GAMBLED WITH THE LIVES OF THOSE ELDERLY PATIENTS...AND THEY PAID THE PRICE FOR HIS BEING WRONG.

As the definition of manslaughter states / describes, Gov Andrew Cuomo killed over 15,000 Americans, without malice or aforethought, through his failed policy THAT HE KNEW WAS WRONG. How can I say that? Because Cuomo HID the true numbers of those who died due to his failed policy - His top aide declared he did so because he thought the true numbers would be used to hold him accountable.

Cuomo's actions are the epitome of the word 'Manslaughter'....and even HE knew it, which is why, according to his top aide, he ordered the numbers be illegally mis-reported / hidden.
Did either of them criminally attempt to hide the nursing home deaths in their respective states,
If this is true, he should face the same EXACT investigation and be held accountable the exact same way Whitmer, Cuomo, and Levine should be.
The CONTROLLING AUTHORITY on whether charges will be filed doesn't exist. It isn't American. It is 100% Zionist.
Thanks to incredibly stupid "Christians," we are now devoid of any justice at all in America.

You are so full of shit. The NY AG has the authority to charge Cuomo.
They needed high numbers of deaths to be able to shut us down as tight as they did and to change voting rules....
They did this purposely...5 blue states did the same thing no red states did it....
Yes they sent people to their death and to infect every other person in the homes.....
They are evil...wake up libs...look at who you are voting for....
Governor Andrew Cuomo is under investigation for Manslaughter after his top aide exposed the fact that Cuomo and his staff criminally hid / mis0-reported the number of elderly citizens who died in nursing homes due to his failed policy that required COVID-19-infected patients to be placed into nursing homes (after he publicly admitted the elderly were the most likely to die from the virus. According to legal experts Cuomo could be charged with15,000+ counts of 'Manslaughter' for the unintentional deaths due to his failed policies, as well as charged with illegally and intentionally filing false reports containing false / misleading information in his attempt to keep the true numbers hidden.
-- While Cuomo was sexually harassing women and sentencing elderly nursing home patients to die and hiding the numbers, the fake news media was fawning all over him, praising him, and socialist liberal democrats were giving him awards for his 'great' / 'inspiring' leadership.

It is now being reported that Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer is potentially being investigated for the same thing, for the deaths of elderly patients in nursing homes, as well.

Whitmer could face criminal charges over COVID deaths, prosecutor says
Whitmer could face criminal charges
over COVID deaths, prosecutor says

Reportedly 1/3rd of all Michigan COVID-19 deaths were in nursing homes...

The U.S. Department of Justice announced Wednesday it is seeking data from Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and three other Democratic governors who "issued orders which may have resulted in the deaths of thousands of elderly nursing home residents."

At least 2,083 nursing home residents have died from COVID-19 in Michigan, accounting for nearly 1 in 3 deaths attributed to the novel coronavirus here since March.

While over 2,000 elderly patients in nursing homes died in Michigan due to Whitmer's policy, closely similar to Cuomo's, Whitmer was imposing Constitutional and Civil Rights violating COVID-19 Lockdown mandates while she and her husband broke them.

Now the Feds want to have a closer judicial / legal look at Whitmer's failed leadership / decision-making.

Interestingly enough, Dr. Rachel Levine, the transgender who took their own parent out of a nursing home in Pa to save their life yet left over 20,000 elderly Americans in Pa to die while virus-infected patients were packed into nursing homes, was appointed by Joe Biden to be his assistant secretary of health. Levine has been protected, as a member of Biden's hand-picked Cabinet , to similar scrutiny.

From your link, which is 7 MONTHS OLD, it was a Trump admin, PARTISAN witch hunt....They were not concerned with the ill advised cdc guideline or the Republican state governors who also followed the same guidelines returning hospitalized residents when well ENOUGH to not need hospital care to their resident nursing home, but only the Democratic governors... :rolleyes:

“At least 14 states — including Kentucky, Utah, and Arizona — have issued similar nursing home guidance all based on federal guidelines – and yet the four states listed in the DOJ’s request have a Democratic governor,” the statement read.

Dreiband, nominated by Republican President Donald Trump, sent similar letters to Govs. Phil Murphy of New Jersey and Tom Wolf of Pennsylvania.

Like Michigan and New York, those states were hit early and hard by COVID-19 and implemented policies designed to prevent hospital overcrowding by returning “medically stable” seniors to the nursing homes they lived in. But critics contend the policies may have exposed vulnerable residents to the virus.

Whitmer's April 15 order required nursing homes to readmit seniors who had been treated for the virus, but only if the facilities had set up dedicated isolation units and had appropriate personal protection equipment, which was in short supply across the country in March and April.
This is complete Bullshit....Look.... I don't care for Whitmer or Cuomo but there is no way in hell you can charge them with murder or even manslaughter. That's just totally legally irresponsible. Neither of them did or said a damn thing knowing that it would cost lives.....nobody was prepared for this thing and there is no way they could have been.
You're right. It IS bullshit...I mean your pathetic attempt to excuse Cuomo and Whitmer who threw patients with the covid virus into senior homes filled with the most vulnerable people in
our society.

This is nothing more than an abuse of the legal system. If you want to say they covered up numbers then fine they deserve something for that but you cannot stretch this into a charge of intentional manslaughter or murder.
To introduce the covid virus into senior homes is unconscionably evil and unnecessary and everyone
knew the compromised systems of seniors made them especially vulnerable targets.
Cuomo didn't have to fill senior homes with people infected in the pandemic of the century. He had other options and he knew that seniors were essentially defenseless under the circumstances.

Yet he did let wolves into the hen house and so did Gretchen Whitmer. Defending that is cowardly
and ignores the facts here.
Governor Andrew Cuomo is under investigation for Manslaughter after his top aide exposed the fact that Cuomo and his staff criminally hid / mis0-reported the number of elderly citizens who died in nursing homes due to his failed policy that required COVID-19-infected patients to be placed into nursing homes (after he publicly admitted the elderly were the most likely to die from the virus. According to legal experts Cuomo could be charged with15,000+ counts of 'Manslaughter' for the unintentional deaths due to his failed policies, as well as charged with illegally and intentionally filing false reports containing false / misleading information in his attempt to keep the true numbers hidden.
-- While Cuomo was sexually harassing women and sentencing elderly nursing home patients to die and hiding the numbers, the fake news media was fawning all over him, praising him, and socialist liberal democrats were giving him awards for his 'great' / 'inspiring' leadership.

It is now being reported that Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer is potentially being investigated for the same thing, for the deaths of elderly patients in nursing homes, as well.

Whitmer could face criminal charges over COVID deaths, prosecutor says
Whitmer could face criminal charges
over COVID deaths, prosecutor says

Reportedly 1/3rd of all Michigan COVID-19 deaths were in nursing homes...

The U.S. Department of Justice announced Wednesday it is seeking data from Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and three other Democratic governors who "issued orders which may have resulted in the deaths of thousands of elderly nursing home residents."

At least 2,083 nursing home residents have died from COVID-19 in Michigan, accounting for nearly 1 in 3 deaths attributed to the novel coronavirus here since March.

While over 2,000 elderly patients in nursing homes died in Michigan due to Whitmer's policy, closely similar to Cuomo's, Whitmer was imposing Constitutional and Civil Rights violating COVID-19 Lockdown mandates while she and her husband broke them.

Now the Feds want to have a closer judicial / legal look at Whitmer's failed leadership / decision-making.

Interestingly enough, Dr. Rachel Levine, the transgender who took their own parent out of a nursing home in Pa to save their life yet left over 20,000 elderly Americans in Pa to die while virus-infected patients were packed into nursing homes, was appointed by Joe Biden to be his assistant secretary of health. Levine has been protected, as a member of Biden's hand-picked Cabinet , to similar scrutiny.

From your link, which is 7 MONTHS OLD, it was a Trump admin, PARTISAN witch hunt....They were not concerned with the ill advised cdc guideline or the Republican state governors who also followed the same guidelines returning hospitalized residents when well ENOUGH to not need hospital care to their resident nursing home, but only the Democratic governors... :rolleyes:

“At least 14 states — including Kentucky, Utah, and Arizona — have issued similar nursing home guidance all based on federal guidelines – and yet the four states listed in the DOJ’s request have a Democratic governor,” the statement read.

Dreiband, nominated by Republican President Donald Trump, sent similar letters to Govs. Phil Murphy of New Jersey and Tom Wolf of Pennsylvania.

Like Michigan and New York, those states were hit early and hard by COVID-19 and implemented policies designed to prevent hospital overcrowding by returning “medically stable” seniors to the nursing homes they lived in. But critics contend the policies may have exposed vulnerable residents to the virus.

Whitmer's April 15 order required nursing homes to readmit seniors who had been treated for the virus, but only if the facilities had set up dedicated isolation units and had appropriate personal protection equipment, which was in short supply across the country in March and April.
And yet, only the wacko Dem governors managed to wipe out their aged population.....too stupid or what??
They needed high numbers of deaths to be able to shut us down as tight as they did and to change voting rules....
They did this purposely...5 blue states did the same thing no red states did it....
Yes they senDidnt t people to their death and to infect every other person in the homes.....
They are evil...wake up libs...look at who you are voting for....
Ya know what I think you are 100% spot on.
Didn't Whitmore pull her own mom out ? Yea , they knew exactly what they were doing! Wow!
They needed high numbers of deaths to be able to shut us down as tight as they did and to change voting rules....
They did this purposely...5 blue states did the same thing no red states did it....
Yes they senDidnt t people to their death and to infect every other person in the homes.....
They are evil...wake up libs...look at who you are voting for....
Ya know what I think you are 100% spot on.
Didn't Whitmore pull her own mom out ? Yea , they knew exactly what they were doing! Wow!
It was planned by democrats to make covid as scary as possible so they could have their way with us...my question is where is the FBI?....where is the loyal opposition...the GOP?...

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