If You Want Testing, You Want A National Directory!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
The Bear that the American people are currently having a serious struggle with in the area of the Covid 19 pandemic is "testing", how does America reopen its economy and how does it get back to some reasonable semblance of normalcy weaving in this crucial tool, testing, for achieving these goals? I am just going to say the obvious what everyone really knows needs to happen but people don't want to say it because they are looking for an easy fix to this whole problem and sorry to say ain't none coming; America needs the Federal Government to set-up and maintain a "national registry website" of all testing locations throughout America. So that an American that needs a covid 19 test logs on to the national website and puts in his or her location and eight yellow dots pop-up on a map of the closest testing locations to the person. The inquirer clicks on each yellow dot and what pops up is: (1) the name of the organization for that location (2) the address (3) the telephone number (4) whether they offer either or both the (I) the virus test and (II) the antibody test and (5) whether a person needs a doctor's "script" or "order" to get the test.

This will address and resolve the recurring and greatly obstructive problem that the American public hears so often from individuals and businesses which is they say where do I go for testing how do I get a test? I'll tell you I recently read an article and it really got under my skin which said that during this Pandemic the country of Germany did not order its manufacturing businesses to shut down and most didn't and it worked out well for them and their country, what these German businesses essentially did was tested their workforce and quarantine those workers that tested positive and the remaining employees safely kept the business operating. I cannot comprehend why our country, America, cannot do this; I am not condemning Federal and State authorities for shutting down statewide economies and social distancing instructions they flattened the curve and saved a lot of lives. I just find it indefensible why our country seemingly cannot handle the testing issue why is it so hard for America the greatest country in the world to set-up a Covid 19 testing system which facilitates their business owners and managers to screen out infected workers so they can safely and effectively operate their businesses. We are a country that has the wealth, knowledge and technology to set-up such a system, why can't we?

The American people are tired of hearing people in Washington say the country has got the needed testing resources and people at the state and local level say just the opposite. When local businesses across America clearly have the ability to test an employee for Covid 19 that is running a temperature or feels a little sick or something like that when that business is able to in real time resolve that issue then the American people will know the testing problem is solved. Local businesses will only have this testing ability when they know where to go in real time when that potential Covid 19 positive employee arrives at the business's front door under circumstances that raise the issue and only a website containing a national directory of testing locations can provide that real time information. The administration running the website would not even have to daily contact each testing location and find their status, the administration would be responsible for vetting each individual site to insure it was a legitimate testing site then the management of each site would be empowered to set-up a login number and password and the management of each site could then update the status as need be if they ran out of certain test or their piece of testing equipment broke they could convey this to the public on this website! Moreover, this would give state and federal officials valuable information to know where they needed to rush testing resources too and where they might need to solicit and aid a testing organization to setup a testing location.

The American people hear all these experts vis-a vis our Governors and our President and even directly say that to really address this Pandemic problem properly to curtail and control the spread of the virus we need a contact tracing system so that for new cases teams can try to contact people that were in close contact with the infected person so they can quarantine and get tested so as to stop the spread of the virus. Then the American public hears Federal officials say it is the states responsibility to set-up such a system and then we hear the state officials say that the Federal government has to provide the resources to set-up and run such a system. Please, please, please Federal, State and Local officials disconnect your efforts to do testing and contact tracing, the American people don't expect you to succeed in that latter effort America's political system is just way too dysfunctional just give the American people a fighting chance to get their economies up and running reasonably well and a fighting chance just means get us real time testing capability, a multitude of countries' governments do that for their people and America is supposed to be the premier superpower in the world so you should be able to achieve this needed end. U.S. federal government officials if your interested at all in meeting this competent government "threshold" then you will at least have a national directory of testing sites which would then be able to deliver on providing local testing capability, the absolute necessity here!

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