Some simple questions

You posted a link to a paper from 1975 and literally no context. Did you want me to guess what your point is?

Could you not gather the context from the quote chain preceding my post?

No cop outs.

Your previous post was riddled with errors. Do you feel that this 1975 piece somehow validates what you said earlier? If yes, then tell me what your point is. This is basic shit man.


I can assume the methodology behind that study has not changed since it was published. Meaning similar (and more recent) studies use roughly the same methods to gather the same data. Yes, I feel it validates what I said earlier.

I was also on a smart phone.

So why do you employ a chronological fallacy to delegitimize it?
We all saw what happened in Gilroy, CA over the weekend. And I started wondering to myself: of all the gun laws and restrictions passed in the state, which ones could have prevented the mass shooting?

I kept wondering: How many more gun laws and restrictions need to be passed in order to effectively stop this senseless taking of innocent life? Moreover, how long will this go on before the ultimate goal is reached and all gun violence is stopped?

None of you liberals know, do you? Laws are nothing but words on paper or on a computer screen, they carry no weight unless they are dutifully enforced.

So why do you continue pushing more gun laws and more restrictions? When will they start doing what you say they'll do?

You see Chicago? Yeah. All those gun laws and restrictions and the city is just about as dangerous as Iraq and Afghanistan were at the peak of the War on Terrorism.

Do you have any policy ideas that aren't geared toward infringing on the ability of law abiding citizens to defend themselves from the dangers the underbelly of the real world brings?

So, when will you stop with the mindless rhetoric and do something productive to curb the violence?

Just some simple questions I know I'll never get a straight answer to.
Name a few laws.

What is the reasoning behind this demand?

"So, when will you stop with the mindless rhetoric and do something productive to curb the violence?" Who is "you?" Are you blaming someone or just ranting?
No demand, just asking, like you, a simple question. If a gun law bothers you, which one might that be? Their are many.

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