Some People Don’t Get It


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
Some people seem to get all bent out of shape whenever teachers discuss the effort/difficulty : pay issue. Opinions will vary on such things, as is to be expected.

What is most disappointing to me is what a mystery it seems to be for some people that one might value a life of service to others as much as they do wealth. You don’t have to get rich to have a meaningful, important career. Wouldn’t hurt, but not necessary.
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I would like to see good teachers paid more and bad teachers protected less.

I guess that makes me half liberal and half conservative.
Some people seem to get all bent out of shape whenever teachers discuss the effort/difficulty : pay issue. Opinions will vary on such things, as is to be expected.

What is most disappointing to me is what a mystery it seems to be for some people that one might value a life of service to others as much as they do wealth.
If you choose a life of service then don't whine about the pay
Plus benefits and a percentage on top of all of that for insurances and taxes. It is silly to be asking why would people be bitching about why they should have to pay more taxes for teachers or any other government employee.

These Maps Show The Average Teacher's Salary in All 50 States

That article is a bit misleading since it did not index teachers salaries vs cost of living. It mentioned California teachers "Making a killing" compared to some in the South, but without taking into consideration how much it costs to rent or buy a house, such figures are meaningless.

A teacher in San Francisco would probably have to make 4 or 5 times as much as a Teacher in, say, Biloxi to live the same lifestyle.
Plus benefits and a percentage on top of all of that for insurances and taxes. It is silly to be asking why would people be bitching about why they should have to pay more taxes for teachers or any other government employee.

These Maps Show The Average Teacher's Salary in All 50 States

That article is a bit misleading since it did not index teachers salaries vs cost of living. It mentioned California teachers "Making a killing" compared to some in the South, but without taking into consideration how much it costs to rent or buy a house, such figures are meaningless.

A teacher in San Francisco would probably have to make 4 or 5 times as much as a Teacher in, say, Biloxi to live the same lifestyle.
If anyone is not happy about what they are making they need to make different life choices or get things changed that are not going to further tax or burden other people.
If anyone is not happy about what they are making they need to make different life choices or get things changed that are not going to further tax or burden other people.

You know what's a burden to other people?

Uneducated children turning into uneducated adults.
If anyone is not happy about what they are making they need to make different life choices or get things changed that are not going to further tax or burden other people.

You know what's a burden to other people?

Uneducated children turning into uneducated adults.
Really? A lot of schools have been turning out a lot of uneducated or over educated idiots for years. The massive education system has become a burden too great for its own good. It has also been turning out indoctrinated drones that haven't a clue for many years too. If you don't like your job or don't think you earn enough get a different job. If an employer is unwilling to raise your wages and you think you are worth more than they are willing to pay you, go get another job. The demands at this point that teachers and their unions for their own comforts to be considered over and above the average taxpayer is greater than many taxpayers desire or are willing to assume.
With education you get what you pay for

States with low teacher pay have crappy schools
I would like to see good teachers paid more and bad teachers protected less.

I guess that makes me half liberal and half conservative.

Bad teachers are protected less than you realize. You just don't hear about it because schools are not allowed to release information about teachers getting fired or removed from the classroom without opening themselves up to be sued. The sources the media gets are always unofficial, meaning that talked to someone who know but didn't want to get fired!
Plus benefits and a percentage on top of all of that for insurances and taxes. It is silly to be asking why would people be bitching about why they should have to pay more taxes for teachers or any other government employee.

These Maps Show The Average Teacher's Salary in All 50 States

That article is a bit misleading since it did not index teachers salaries vs cost of living. It mentioned California teachers "Making a killing" compared to some in the South, but without taking into consideration how much it costs to rent or buy a house, such figures are meaningless.

A teacher in San Francisco would probably have to make 4 or 5 times as much as a Teacher in, say, Biloxi to live the same lifestyle.
If anyone is not happy about what they are making they need to make different life choices or get things changed that are not going to further tax or burden other people.

Read the OP.
Read the OP.
I did and my response was on what you quoted was to doggy person not your OP but the same applies to someone not happy or good at what they do in any field. If one doesn't like what they do don't do it. I took a job once back in the 80's in sales. $600.00 my first day out but I didn't like it and did not believe what that company was selling had the value that they applied to it. Fact I knew better as I worked in a bit of advertising previously. I told Rod when I got home I didn't feel right selling expensive shit I didn't believe and didn't really want to do that so he told me "don't then". I quit the next day and the gal that was my super couldn't understand because she had never had anyone do that good on their first day out. I ended up getting into my own businesses after that and was much better off for it all long term.
Read the OP.
I did and my response was on what you quoted was to doggy person not your OP but the same applies to someone not happy or good at what they do in any field. If one doesn't like what they do don't do it. I took a job once back in the 80's in sales. $600.00 my first day out but I didn't like it and did not believe what that company was selling had the value that they applied to it. Fact I knew better as I worked in a bit of advertising previously. I told Rod when I got home I didn't feel right selling expensive shit I didn't believe and didn't really want to do that so he told me "don't then". I quit the next day and the gal that was my super couldn't understand because she had never had anyone do that good on their first day out. I ended up getting into my own businesses after that and was much better off for it all long term.

I don’t know about anyone else, but I love what I do.
A competent, conscientious teacher takes a back seat to no one.

In the P.R. wars, however, their unions do not help to elevate the profession in the eyes of the public.
what a mystery it seems to be for some people that one might value a life of service to others as much as they do wealth.

30 years in ems/ff....3 townships....the managers ,selectboards, media always gave us high 5's , none of whom ever put their tax $$$ where their mouth was going before them w/hat in hand......we collected returnable cans / bottles towards our first defib....

Read the OP.
I did and my response was on what you quoted was to doggy person not your OP but the same applies to someone not happy or good at what they do in any field. If one doesn't like what they do don't do it. I took a job once back in the 80's in sales. $600.00 my first day out but I didn't like it and did not believe what that company was selling had the value that they applied to it. Fact I knew better as I worked in a bit of advertising previously. I told Rod when I got home I didn't feel right selling expensive shit I didn't believe and didn't really want to do that so he told me "don't then". I quit the next day and the gal that was my super couldn't understand because she had never had anyone do that good on their first day out. I ended up getting into my own businesses after that and was much better off for it all long term.

I don’t know about anyone else, but I love what I do.
The best teachers I have known through the years do. The others didn't belong there.
Plus benefits and a percentage on top of all of that for insurances and taxes. It is silly to be asking why would people be bitching about why they should have to pay more taxes for teachers or any other government employee.

These Maps Show The Average Teacher's Salary in All 50 States

That article is a bit misleading since it did not index teachers salaries vs cost of living. It mentioned California teachers "Making a killing" compared to some in the South, but without taking into consideration how much it costs to rent or buy a house, such figures are meaningless.

A teacher in San Francisco would probably have to make 4 or 5 times as much as a Teacher in, say, Biloxi to live the same lifestyle.
If anyone is not happy about what they are making they need to make different life choices or get things changed that are not going to further tax or burden other people.

You know I'm picturing our special ed teachers and special ed paraprofessionals. They all look "overburdened" these days, horribly so, and I don't know what we're going to do as a society, with special need dx going through the roof.

These people change the diapers of children in the public schools who weigh more than I do. The paras make about $10. an hour. But your big boogeyman is that oh no, they're paid by taxes.

I just can't sometimes, I just can't. I work with people who do this for ten dollars an hour day in and day out and come here and read this. It's horrid. It's shameful.

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