Some of my fellow Trump supporters. Stop making accusations of antisemitism about your fellow Americans.

What do you mean? The Palestinians are powerless to do anything

Absolute tripe.
they live in a terrible situation.
Assuming that’s ^ got a tiny fragment of truth value, it still doesn’t justify Palestinian behavior against Israel all the fucking time.
The Palestinian government has terrible policies, same with Israel’s government
Yes. Palestinian “government” (such as it is) accepts the behavior of scumbag terrorists (Hamas). Israel doesn’t do that. Instead, as is necessary, Israel fights BACK.
Where and when? Seriously, tell the details of where you where, what you were doing, how you knew these were Trump supporters, describe how they turned. Was this in the course of minutes, days, weeks.

This will be a great story and eye opening
It’s throughout this board there are those like Lisa and others Lord long rod, , the duke and others who are Trump supporters and they are falsely accusing people of being anti-Semitic.

It’s OK for we Americans to have disagreements about foreign issues, but we can still get along with each other. Especially if we all support Mr. Trump and we might also oppose abortion, oppose the radical left wing. So there’s a lot of common ground between us. By the way, there’s a lot of common ground between conservative Muslims and conservative Jews. And the unity must continue in America.
le in the IDF allowed it to happen or a standdown order was given according to the conservative Charlie Kirk he said it was possible
This is how you guys form your conspiracies. Based on NOTHING except someone says something you like to hear. There is ZERO proof, only supposition. Yet you run with this stuff and convince yourselves it's "fact "

Hamas MURDERED 1,400 innocent civilians. And kidnapped 250 women and children. And several of you don't give a damn. All you care about is pretending IDF is equal to Hamas.

You're a disgusting supporter of monsters. There are at least a half dozen of you
I don’t think it’s the same poster. There are several others who had been reasonable, good people who turned into HAMAS apologists and antisemites on a dime - about one week after the Oct 7th attacks.
You think FranklinRoosevelt FTW is more than one person? It's always possible but the writing style is pretty consistent.
I don’t think it’s the same poster. There are several others who had been reasonable, good people who turned into HAMAS apologists and antisemites on a dime - about one week after the Oct 7th attacks.
I’ve always held these views I try and be straightforward and logical. And if there were bad Catholics out there doing something wrong I would criticize them

We haven’t had a conflict in Israel Palestine in sometime. But if you look at my posts on other forms, I was critical of Israel back in my 2016 when some various events occurred. And I’ve always disagreed with Israel’s policies. I recognize that the governments of Israel and Palestine have done a poor job.

I’m levelheaded and grounded I recognize there’s good people in Palestine and Israel. But actually look at what some fellow Trump supporter say.. very hurtful things about Palestinians in general. I don’t think that way about israelis in general.
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It’s a straight forward topic, and we all know the definition of racism and antisemitism. Anybody who makes an accusation that somebody is anti-Semitic must prove it.

The point is criticizing Israel is not anti-semitic . How can you not agree with that.
I previously clearly stipulated that criticism of Israel or Zionism is not the same as anti Semitism.

But some of your comments and many other allegedly anti Zionist “criticisms” of Israel is actually poorly disguised anti Semitism.
This is how you guys form your conspiracies. Based on NOTHING except someone says something you like to hear. There is ZERO proof, only supposition. Yet you run with this stuff and convince yourselves it's "fact "

Hamas MURDERED 1,400 innocent civilians. And kidnapped 250 women and children. And several of you don't give a damn. All you care about is pretending IDF is equal to Hamas.

You're a disgusting supporter of monsters. There are at least a half dozen of you
You’re making these things up believing what you want to believe. Myself and others like Charlie Kirk have simply said it is possible that rogue elements in the IDF looked the other way. There’s nothing wrong with having that thought process.

And again, the Israel Palestine conflict goes back decades, and the death toll is always way way higher on the Palestinian side. If you wanna continue to ignore innocent Palestinian children who have been killed by Israeli Jews as well… that’s your fault. But you should recognize the bad people on both sides.

America’s position should be to be diplomatic. We should not be sending billions of dollars to Israel, we only sent 100 million to Palestine and they wanna give 10 billion to Israel. Don’t you see how wrong that is..

American people are struggling to get gas in their car. We have a bad economy and we have problems here and when it comes to the foreign atmosphere we should be diplomatic.
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I previously clearly stipulated that criticism of Israel or Zionism is not the same as anti Semitism.

But some of your comments and many other allegedly anti Zionist “criticisms” of Israel is actually poorly disguised anti Semitism.
That’s unacceptable. If people make an accusation, they must back it up with facts. You can’t assume or think somebody is anti-Semitic . You can’t assume somebody’s thoughts. I respect all peoples.

There are Zionists who are good people. It makes sense if a Jew wants to support Israel. Common sense tells us that there’s bad Jews , bad Muslims, and bad Christians in our world though. It’s common sense my friend.
This is how you guys form your conspiracies. Based on NOTHING except someone says something you like to hear. There is ZERO proof, only supposition. Yet you run with this stuff and convince yourselves it's "fact "

Hamas MURDERED 1,400 innocent civilians. And kidnapped 250 women and children. And several of you don't give a damn. All you care about is pretending IDF is equal to Hamas.

You're a disgusting supporter of monsters. There are at least a half dozen of you
Exactly! He’s claiming that a Jew yelled at a Muslim…..horrors!…..while not saying a word about the Muslim terrorists holding 250 people hostage, including children, and doing Gd-knows-what to them.

But when a Democrat complains that hey, a Jew yelled….all of a sudden it’s “bad on both sides.”
The point is that it is Trump supporters accusing people of being antisemitic simply for criticizing in Israel. Or saying free Palestine. So they’re accusations are against logic

I'm beginning to conclude that some people simply have little to no grasp of basic logic.

It reminds me of when Obama was president and ANY criticism whatsoever would immediately cause the leftists to cry "racist!!" because they simply could not fathom any legitimate disagreement with him.

Or when Christians say that homosexuality is a sin, and they are immediately accused of "hating gays" even when it is made clear that all people are sinners and mere disagreement does not mean hate.

What I would like to know (from anyone who is even remotely reasonable, but that seems to be a rarity around here recently) is this.... Can the Israeli government EVER do anything wrong? Are they infallible? Is everything we hear on the TV always the truth? Do governments EVER have any subversive people within their ranks, or are all governments always perfect? Thanks. Hopefully I won't get my head bitten off for asking some questions.
I’ve seen some follow Trump supporters effectively Turn into far left wingers here in this country. Engaging in very divisive Political stances. OK it’s really quite straightforward. If somebody criticizes Israel it’s not antisemitism. If somebody believes that Israel is a terrorist state that’s also not antisemitism. You see there is a dictionary definition here.

If somebody believes Jews are lesser than non-Jews when it comes to humanity… yes that’s anti Semitism.

There is no rise of antisemitism on college campuses. if people here think that pot smoking hippies at college campuses saying “free Palestine” are dangerous “antisemites”… they are living in a fantasy world.

There has always been a criticism of Israeli policy from college students , especially from American Jews who continue to overwhelmingly vote Democrat they’ve done so since the days of WW2.

People can complain falsely about antisemitism in America Until They are red in the face. They will never be right. It is demanded of them if they make such a serious alligation, they must show the person they are accusing of saying that Jews are lesser people compared to non-Jews. That’s it if they can’t do that they got no argument.

Have a nice day.

Thank You for your extremely ignorant post The above are only a FEW examples
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I’ve seen some follow Trump supporters effectively Turn into far left wingers here in this country. Engaging in very divisive Political stances. OK it’s really quite straightforward. If somebody criticizes Israel it’s not antisemitism. If somebody believes that Israel is a terrorist state that’s also not antisemitism. You see there is a dictionary definition here.

If somebody believes Jews are lesser than non-Jews when it comes to humanity… yes that’s anti Semitism.

There is no rise of antisemitism on college campuses. if people here think that pot smoking hippies at college campuses saying “free Palestine” are dangerous “antisemites”… they are living in a fantasy world.

There has always been a criticism of Israeli policy from college students , especially from American Jews who continue to overwhelmingly vote Democrat they’ve done so since the days of WW2.

People can complain falsely about antisemitism in America Until They are red in the face. They will never be right. It is demanded of them if they make such a serious alligation, they must show the person they are accusing of saying that Jews are lesser people compared to non-Jews. That’s it if they can’t do that they got no argument.

Have a nice day.
How is this about Trump supporters again?
Exactly! He’s claiming that a Jew yelled at a Muslim…..horrors!…..while not saying a word about the Muslim terrorists holding 250 people hostage, including children, and doing Gd-knows-what to them.

But when a Democrat complains that hey, a Jew yelled….all of a sudden it’s “bad on both sides.”
Lisa you’re doing it yet again blatantly, ignoring that Some Israeli Jews have killed innocent Palestinians. The situation goes both ways. That’s really unfortunate behavior by you.
Ally and others like Charlie Kirk have simply said it is possible that rogue elements in the IDF look the other way
Based on WHAT?


Do you worship Charlie Kirk? Don't you need EVIDENCE when accusing someone?

Somebody's SPECULATION isn't equal to FACT.

His SPECULATION doesn't equal FACT L. But your and your fellow loons lap it up because it plays into your world view
It’s a straight forward topic, and we all know the definition of racism and antisemitism. Anybody who makes an accusation that somebody is anti-Semitic must prove it.

The point is criticizing Israel is not anti-semitic . How can you not agree with that.
Israel is the country of The Jews.
That’s unacceptable. If people make an accusation, they must back it up with facts. You can’t assume or think somebody is anti-Semitic . You can’t assume somebody’s thoughts. I respect all peoples.
No you don’t. You respect only the tools who agree with your rancid rhetoric.
You and your sophistry always avoid the actually most meaningful question:

Given that Hamas and similar Islamofascist Jihadist vermin regularly lob missiles into Israel from their hidey hole within the civilian residential areas in the Gaza city area, how could Israel possibly fight back against that cowardly murderous behavior short of going into the locations from which the scumbags launch their attacks?

The only alternative is not to reply at all to all those attacks.

That latter option is not an option.

So point out what the Nation of Israel is supposed to do, instead?
How is this about Trump supporters again?
Because some Trump supporters on the US message board have falsely said there’s an anti-semitic problem in America. It implies that our own fellow Americans, our neighbors are friends and family Have a problem. It’s no different than claiming that the police are a problem in America. you know the police our fellow neighbors, family, and friends.
No you don’t. You respect only the tools who agree with your rancid rhetoric.
You and your sophistry always avoid the actually most meaningful question:

Given that Hamas and similar Islamofascist Jihadist vermin regularly lob missiles into Israel from their hidey hole within the civilian residential areas in the Gaza city area, how could Israel possibly fight back against that cowardly murderous behavior short of going into the locations from which the scumbags launch their attacks?

The only alternative is not to reply at all to all those attacks.

That latter option is not an option.

So point out what the Nation of Israel is supposed to do, instead?
OK first of all, Palestine doesn’t have an organized military like Israel does. And there is an equivalent in Israel to Hamas …. Over the years, some Jews in Israel has committed horrific attacks against Palestinian civilians. There you go it is simply all about common sense and being levelheaded here.

Israel just has bad policies. They have all of the cards in the deck. And so they need to have different policies. They should figure out a one state solution.

You can’t start off on October 7 this situation goes back decades.
"Fellow Trump supporters"? Yeah right. How long are left wing propagandists going to play this game when it seems that about 30% of democrats support the terrorist Hamas regime?

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