I WON. “Antisemite of the Year” | Candace Ep 121

If Mexican Cartels invaded the US...attacked border towns, killed our citizens in a coordinated attack and took hundreds of hostages...we would level the country anywhere the cartels went to ground ..every employee ... every official that took a bribe...and every single supporter of the cartels.

Anyone who says any different is a G/D liar.

So it follows that ANY American who faults Israel for doing exactly what they would DEMAND that we do in a similar circumstance isn't opposed to any faux "genocide" but only that they can smear the Jews they hate.

If you're a fucking Jew hating anti-Semite, don't be a coward too.

Don't rob me of hating your fucking guts because you're too yellow and have no guts to hate.
it’s a straight forward issue

Owens has been falsely accused of antisemitism.

Criticism of any country is totally legitimate. No evidence of Owens saying Jews are inferior to non Jews.

Owens deserves respect … she is a huge positive for the patriot movement in America
true, but in this case it's critique of an ally

Allegiances are a two way street , give, take

so my Q here is, just what does the USofA get from our allegiance to Israel?

All of that is debatable.

But this is a very simple straightforward issue. It’s like accusing somebody of being against blacks. There l must be evidence of racism IE the belief blacks or Jews are inferior
Criticism of any country is totally legitimate. No evidence of Owens saying Jews are inferior to non Jews.
No, it's not.

Legitimate criticism is legitimate.

Criticism based on hate of the Jewish people is not legitimate.

You did not address my post in any way.

Do you honestly think that if Mexico... or better yet... let's use Cuba...if Cuba attacked Florida and killed American citizens and took hundreds of hostage, that we wouldn't make craters and glass out of their country until we got those hostages back?

And before you answer... this is EXACTLY what we did to Afghanistan after 9/11.

Candace Owens is an anti-Semitic bigot.

I understand you have a sunk cost attachment to her...but you must use your critical thinking skills and not just be a yes man.

If you're a fucking Jew hating anti-Semite, don't be a coward too.

Don't rob me of hating your fucking guts because you're too yellow and have no guts to hate.
Anti-Semitism Always Leaves a Yellow Stain

These gutless groverling authority lovers shrink away from confronting a clear and present tyranny. Instead, they are slavishisly led to believe the tyrants' lies that there is a sneaky clique of JEWS! behind the scenes controlling everything
so my Q here is, just what does the USofA get from our allegiance to Israel?

Israel Is Our Shield

For a hundred years, the Jewish Homeland has been a decoy in Islam's war to destroy or conquer all non-Moslem nations, which means us.

Osama bin Laden was the first to bypass Israel, which was too determined, and attack a weak and indifferent America, which had its guard down (and its draft-dodging HeirGuard in the White House).

Since Osama's admirers have taken over Syria now, I believe they'll continue to bypass Israel and concentrate on conquering Shiite Iraq and Iran (in alliance with the Taliban) in order to face the infidels with one united religion. That is, after all, what Mohammed did in Islam's origin: unite eternally warring tribes under one leadership.
Israel Is Our Shield

For a hundred years, the Jewish Homeland has been a decoy in Islam's war to destroy or conquer all non-Moslem nations, which means us.

Osama bin Laden was the first to bypass Israel, which was too determined, and attack a weak and indifferent America, which had its guard down (and its draft-dodging HeirGuard in the White House).

Since Osama's admirers have taken over Syria now, I believe they'll continue to bypass Israel and concentrate on conquering Shiite Iraq and Iran (in alliance with the Taliban) in order to face the infidels with one united religion. That is, after all, what Mohammed did in Islam's origin: unite eternally warring tribes under one leadership.
Seems the crusades have returned , just different players Sage

Some organization called “stop antisemitism” has labeled Candace Owens the anti-Semite of the year.

It is an embarrassment based upon outright lies about the viewpoint of Owens. And it’s also a shame it takes away from the dignity of the many strong supporters of Israel that have a positive lifestyle. Those types of people that label Candace an anti-semite are deranged. They are hysterical They are basically smearing anybody who criticizes Israel. They are using BLM tactics, screaming and shouting racism at every turn that they can trying to silence people with different viewpoint. It’s indeed an embarrassment.

People can criticize Israel and Israel still stands. Not only is Israel standing, but it’s achieved some of its most well-known military success in all of its history in the past year. They’ve helped to remove the Assad regime in Syria and They have weakened Iran considerably both with the help of Muslim Turkey. .

Criticism of Israel It’s no different than people who criticize America or Saudi Arabia or any country in the world. These things are going to happen. No country in this world or in world history has been free from criticism. For people who think that Israel is picked on have been misguided or they are outright propagandist who know better. ….Syria under Assad was probably the most criticized country in the world in the modern era. Iran is heavily criticized in the west from all walks of life from the left and the right.

Candace is one of the most well-known journalist in America. Per recent view documenting the Israeli attack on the USS liberty receive nearly 5,000,000 views. It is a beautiful documentary. Interviewing a soldier who was on the USS liberty.

It’s videos like that^ which the deranged propagandists used to call Owens an antisemite. So you would think by what “Stop Anti Semitism” has claimed that you can find videos of Owens saying that “jews should be sent to ovens, that Jews are the menace to society that must be stopped”. Not at all nothing like that…. in fact many of the guests that have spoken on Candace Owens podcast are Jewish themselves like Glenn Greenwald or Dave Smith. That’s it enough said …
Are you aware that Candace Owens has expressed doubt about the Holocaust? Are you aware that she says the Moon landings were faked?

Her garbage documentary on the USS Liberty ignores key evidence and repeats the same trash that anti-Semitic groups put out on the issue.

Her criticisms of Israel are ridiculous and shameful. Yes, I'm sure she can find a few radical liberal Jews who will support her anti-Israeli views, just as one can find some far-left Americans who will gladly demonize America.
Are you aware that Candace Owens has expressed doubt about the Holocaust? Are you aware that she says the Moon landings were faked?

Wow, that sounds almost as crazy as thinking that the Rape of Nanking wasn't that bad, or the Japanese were justified in bombing pearl harbor, or OJ Simpson was innocent.

Oh, wait, that's some of the shit you think according to your whacky website.

Her garbage documentary on the USS Liberty ignores key evidence and repeats the same trash that anti-Semitic groups put out on the issue.

Actually, I used to doubt the Liberty conspiracies until I saw some interviews with the survivors. There's no way the Zionists didn't know they were shooting at an American ship.

Her criticisms of Israel are ridiculous and shameful. Yes, I'm sure she can find a few radical liberal Jews who will support her anti-Israeli views, just as one can find some far-left Americans who will gladly demonize America.

Seems you religious fanatics don't want a discussion about the morality of Zionism, which is just another European Colonialist Philosophy after that sort of thing went out of fashion.

The Fundamental LIE of Zionism is "A land without a people for a people without a land." There were people already living there. They don't deserve the abuse they are taking.
Are you aware that Candace Owens has expressed doubt about the Holocaust? Are you aware that she says the Moon landings were faked?

Her garbage documentary on the USS Liberty ignores key evidence and repeats the same trash that anti-Semitic groups put out on the issue.

Her criticisms of Israel are ridiculous and shameful. Yes, I'm sure she can find a few radical liberal Jews who will support her anti-Israeli views, just as one can find some far-left Americans who will gladly demonize America.
The moonlanding has nothing to do with the issue …Owens is not a holocaust denier… even if she was technically it would not make her an anti-Semite

Anyone could have a debate about these issues above. The USS liberty is about the military and the state of Israel, not Jews in general.

It is your opinion that Owens has a shameful criticism of Israel. That is no way shape or form makes her anti Jewish.

There are simple dictionary definitions for racism, and it does not fit what Owens say.

Candace Owens is the victim of a embarrassing BLM style tactic of calling somebody a racist with no evidence. For Owens to be anti-Jewish one has to show Crystal clear proof of her saying Jews are inferior to non Jews. Or saying she would never want to work with Jews or hire them for a job.

Owens has put in a lot of work for the conservative movement. And she deserves respect.

Some organization called “stop antisemitism” has labeled Candace Owens the anti-Semite of the year.

It is an embarrassment based upon outright lies about the viewpoint of Owens. And it’s also a shame it takes away from the dignity of the many strong supporters of Israel that have a positive lifestyle. Those types of people that label Candace an anti-semite are deranged. They are hysterical They are basically smearing anybody who criticizes Israel. They are using BLM tactics, screaming and shouting racism at every turn that they can trying to silence people with different viewpoint. It’s indeed an embarrassment.

People can criticize Israel and Israel still stands. Not only is Israel standing, but it’s achieved some of its most well-known military success in all of its history in the past year. They’ve helped to remove the Assad regime in Syria and They have weakened Iran considerably both with the help of Muslim Turkey. .

Criticism of Israel It’s no different than people who criticize America or Saudi Arabia or any country in the world. These things are going to happen. No country in this world or in world history has been free from criticism. For people who think that Israel is picked on have been misguided or they are outright propagandist who know better. ….Syria under Assad was probably the most criticized country in the world in the modern era. Iran is heavily criticized in the west from all walks of life from the left and the right.

Candace is one of the most well-known journalist in America. Per recent view documenting the Israeli attack on the USS liberty receive nearly 5,000,000 views. It is a beautiful documentary. Interviewing a soldier who was on the USS liberty.

It’s videos like that^ which the deranged propagandists used to call Owens an antisemite. So you would think by what “Stop Anti Semitism” has claimed that you can find videos of Owens saying that “jews should be sent to ovens, that Jews are the menace to society that must be stopped”. Not at all nothing like that…. in fact many of the guests that have spoken on Candace Owens podcast are Jewish themselves like Glenn Greenwald or Dave Smith. That’s it enough said …

Lol at you defending that attention whore.
No, it's not.

Legitimate criticism is legitimate.

Criticism based on hate of the Jewish people is not legitimate.

You did not address my post in any way.

Do you honestly think that if Mexico... or better yet... let's use Cuba...if Cuba attacked Florida and killed American citizens and took hundreds of hostage, that we wouldn't make craters and glass out of their country until we got those hostages back?

And before you answer... this is EXACTLY what we did to Afghanistan after 9/11.

Candace Owens is an anti-Semitic bigot.

I understand you have a sunk cost attachment to her...but you must use your critical thinking skills and not just be a yes man.
I addressed the point fully. Criticism of any country is completely fine. It is your opinion if somebody is criticizing a country that it is somehow racist. But it doesn’t meet the dictionary definition of racism.

Now your opinion, the opinion of Owens or anybody on how any country conducts itself on war is debatable. That is an entirely different topic from the topic of racism. There is no evidence of Owens being anti Jewish. For that to be the case, someone would have to present clearcut evidence of her saying Jews are inferior or that she refuses to work with Jews. So she is not anti-Jewish. She’s actually friends with Jews like Glenn Greenwald and Dave Smith whom she has had on her podcast. So she cannot by definition be anti Jewish.

Owens is a massive benefit for the conservative movement. She deserves our praise and respect for standing up to BLM for example.
I addressed the point fully. Criticism of any country is completely fine. It is your opinion if somebody is criticizing a country that it is somehow racist. But it doesn’t meet the dictionary definition of racism.

Now your opinion, the opinion of Owens or anybody on how any country conducts itself on war is debatable. That is an entirely different topic from the topic of racism. There is no evidence of Owens being anti Jewish. For that to be the case, someone would have to present clearcut evidence of her saying Jews are inferior or that she refuses to work with Jews. So she is not anti-Jewish. She’s actually friends with Jews like Glenn Greenwald and Dave Smith whom she has had on her podcast. So she cannot by definition be anti Jewish.

Owens is a massive benefit for the conservative movement. She deserves our praise and respect for standing up to BLM for example.
Candace Owens is a Jew hating antisemite Nazi apologist... straight from her own mouth...

It’s a segment of pro Israel people who use blm tactics ..they are annoying ….otoh I respect pro Israel Jews who don’t falsely accuse Others of anti semitism

many Jews are vehemently pro Palestine.
Not "Jewish" but simply and only Zionist policy and it's agenda towards resurrecting the former David&Solomon Kingdom.
Just as those Americans that support US Global Hegemony via wars and economic blackmail.
Candace Owens is a Jew hating antisemite Nazi apologist... straight from her own mouth...

All of this stuff is meant for a different thread. If people want to debate the nature of Israel’s political or military affairs, or comparing American involvement World War II to German, that is not the same thing as the topic of racism.. there are tons of people on both the left and right who do not agree with America fighting Middle Eastern wars. Almost all of them are not racist.

There’s plenty of folks who believe that America is an imperialist evil country. And I might even disagree with them , but it does not make them a racist.

There is nothing anywhere that shows Owens saying Jews are inferior or nobody should hire Jews for a job. There’s dictionary definitions for this kind of stuff.

Again Owens is a patriot. She is deeply Catholic. She is pro-life. She is pro Trump. She deserves our respect.
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Seems the crusades have returned , just different players Sage

The Holy Land Was Hollow Until the Jews Returned

The jump-to-conclusions media emphasize only the fact that the Crusaders eventually lost. Instead, it bought time for Europe to drag itself out of the weakness of the Middle Ages so it could finally frustrate the jihad at Vienna in 1683.

Eisenhower titled his book about World War II Crusade in Europe. Today the Muzziphile Globalist media make that sound like he must have been leading the Nazis.

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