Some of my fellow Trump supporters. Stop making accusations of antisemitism about your fellow Americans.

And butchered in the most horrific, agonizing ways - intended to inflict as much pain as possible before purposely snuffing out their lives. May they RIP.

And anyone who compares what the Muslim terrorists did to what the Jews are now doing - which is trying to LIMIT civilian casualties - as a “both sides are bad” mantra is revealing his antisemitism.

That is just a lie.

The claims of "butchered children" have been proven wrong many times now.

And the Israelis are leveling hundreds of occupied apartment buildings, block by block.
They obviously are deliberately attempting to maximize the death toll of innocents.

And stop misspelling "anti-Semitism".
It means "of Arab origins", coming from Noah's son Shem, so is a proper noun, and has to be capitalized and hyphenated.
The problem is other Muslim despotic leaders keep fueling the Israeli/Palestinian conflict to divert their own populations from focusing on them. It won't get better until the Palestinians stop listening to them

I do not see your point?
The Palestinians can't possibly ever be "diverted" from the obvious fact that Israel stole their homes.
The Zionists never paid for the land, and just murdered or expelled natives and took it.
That is not something anyone will ever forget.
First of all, since "Semitic" means "of Arab origins", no Arab could ever be anti-Semitic.
It doesn't matter what a technical analysis of the word says, people use it to mean someone who hates Jews. That's what it means.
Second is that there has never been any history of Moslems harming Jews.
Muhammed slaughtered two entire cities that were predominately Jewish, so that's utterly false.

The Jewish tribes forced from Jerusalem by the Romans, went to Saudi Arabia and allied with Mohammed.
Jews ended up in Spain because they came along with the Moslem Moors.
Moslems and Jews always were racially the same, and always got along.

Its only European Christians who did not get along with Jews, like the Crusades, Inquisitions, pogroms, etc.
That's obviously false. the Q'uran is laced with anti-semitism.
These people just simply hate. Don't know why. Don't care.

I think it's part of the dimocrap scum program.

Totally wrong.
If there was even a hint of hatred between Moslems and Jews, then the Palestinians would not have invited the Jews and the Jews would not have accepted.
The problem only came up when it turned out the Jews had no intention of buying any land or paying for anything.
They started murdering and stealing instead.
Like blowing up the King David hotel, gunning down Folke Benadotte, massacring hundreds of Arab villages like Deir Yassin, etc.
He was a Zionist who spoke the truth about what you people were doing when you migrated into the area. You came in as assholes, then it got worse from there.
What they were doing when they migrated to the area??????????????????

Most that came there after WWII had freaking serial numbers tattoed on them.

The Greatest generation sent Germany to the Abyss for it. And in that War 10s of millions died because of Assholes who were like Hamas now.

No sympathy.
No remorse
No mercy to Hamas
The people there can go with them if they support them.

I do not see your point?
The Palestinians can't possibly ever be "diverted" from the obvious fact that Israel stole their homes.
The Zionists never paid for the land, and just murdered or expelled natives and took it.
That is not something anyone will ever forget.

You've been reading the Democrat party's "the dishonest truth about Israeli History." It's not so much that there isn't truth in what you say, but that is a version so one sided it's only to justify the murder of innocent Jews.

Other than the ones Palestinians slaughtered at picnics, they stole Jewish land in 1947, especially the 14 year old. Now he was guilty.

Dumb ass
It doesn't matter what a technical analysis of the word says, people use it to mean someone who hates Jews. That's what it means.

Muhammed slaughtered two entire cities that were predominately Jewish, so that's utterly false.

That's obviously false. the Q'uran is laced with anti-semitism.

The most common use of the word "Semitic" is to refer to Arabs, specifically Arab languages.
There is no way to change that.
The 1880 use by Germans was to refer to all Arabs, and that only included Jews because Jews are Arabs too.

Mohammed never slaughtered any Jews.
The Banu Qurazya and the Khaybar are the only 2 Jewish tribes who turned traitor against Mohammed, and they were attacked and destroyed by the other 10 Jewish tribes, not Mohammed.

The Quran has no anti-Jewish references at all.
The surrah referencing trees and rocks giving up Jewish hiding places, refers only to those who turned traitor twice.
It says to forgive the first time being betrayed.
It also says Jews are "Brothers of the Book", equal "Sons of Abraham", there can be no compulsion over religion, and Jews are not to be harmed.
What they were doing when they migrated to the area??????????????????

Most that came there after WWII had freaking serial numbers tattoed on them.

The Greatest generation sent Germany to the Abyss for it. And in that War 10s of millions died because of Assholes who were like Hamas now.

No sympathy.
No remorse
No mercy to Hamas
The people there can go with them if they support them.

That makes no sense.
So Hitler abused the Jews, so then lets go murder Palestinians and steal their homes?
That is worse than what Hitler did.
That makes no sense.
So Hitler abused the Jews, so then lets go murder Palestinians and steal their homes?
That is worse than what Hitler did.

Hitler murdered Jews and you are lying about what they did. You're presenting the exception as the norm. And BTW, that was almost 80 years ago. Only white guys and Jews are subject to Democrat hate after 80 years
You've been reading the Democrat party's "the dishonest truth about Israeli History." It's not so much that there isn't truth in what you say, but that is a version so one sided it's only to justify the murder of innocent Jews.

Other than the ones Palestinians slaughtered at picnics, they stole Jewish land in 1947, especially the 14 year old. Now he was guilty.

Dumb ass


First of all, I am Jewish and old enough to remember the Jewish slaughter of innocent Palestinians in the 50s and 60s, and the theft of their homes continually, but the illegal Zionist fanatics.
There was almost zero Jewish land in 1920, and no land was paid for by any Jew since then.
How do you think Israel can offer all those free homes to Jews around the world?
They offered me a free home if I were to move there.
Look up the census stats.
The Jewish population was less than 5% in 1920.
It is only about 30% even now.
Yet they stole about 90% of the land.
You really just said that???

Of course what the Zionists did was much worse then what Hitler did.
Hitler was a fanatic, but some Jews had been traitors in WWI and WWII.
In contrast, the Zionists knew the Palestinians were totally innocent, and the Zionists plot at genocide was deliberate.

First of all, I am Jewish and old enough to remember the Jewish slaughter of innocent Palestinians in the 50s and 60s, and the theft of their homes continually, but the illegal Zionist fanatics.
There was almost zero Jewish land in 1920, and no land was paid for by any Jew since then.
How do you think Israel can offer all those free homes to Jews around the world?
They offered me a free home if I were to move there.
Look up the census stats.
The Jewish population was less than 5% in 1920.
It is only about 30% even now.
Yet they stole about 90% of the land.

Don't forget how Jews had blood dripping from their teeth and how they snarled as they dug their teeth into an innocent Londoner

Of course what the Zionists did was much worse then what Hitler did.
Hitler was a fanatic, but some Jews had been traitors in WWI and WWII.
In contrast, the Zionists knew the Palestinians were totally innocent, and the Zionists plot at genocide was deliberate.
Okie Dokie. The quarter back is toast here
Hitler murdered Jews and you are lying about what they did. You're presenting the exception as the norm. And BTW, that was almost 80 years ago. Only white guys and Jews are subject to Democrat hate after 80 years

Sure Hitler murdered Jews and that was bad.
But all of Germany was starving from the blockade, and the Jews in Germany were of questionable loyalty, since some had sold government secrets in WWI.
Chaim Weizmann and David ben Gurion had stolen the Zimmerman Letter and the formula for synthetic acetone for cordite, in exchange for the Balfour Declaration from the British and US entering the war.

What I presented was NOT at all an "exception to the norm".
Essentially the Jews bought no land at all, and instead murdered all the Arabs they could, so they could steal their homes.
Again, look at the statistics.
In 1920, Jews were fewer than 5% of the population, and essentially owned 0% land.
They never paid for any land significantly.

And the violation of the UN partition was by Israel, illegally invading Jerusalem and the West Bank in 1967.
So it was only 53 years ago.
You've been reading the Democrat party's "the dishonest truth about Israeli History." It's not so much that there isn't truth in what you say, but that is a version so one sided it's only to justify the murder of innocent Jews.

Other than the ones Palestinians slaughtered at picnics, they stole Jewish land in 1947, especially the 14 year old. Now he was guilty.

Dumb ass
That is a dimocrap specialty -- Lies couched in half-truths.
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I’ve seen some follow Trump supporters effectively Turn into far left wingers here in this country. Engaging in very divisive Political stances. OK it’s really quite straightforward. If somebody criticizes Israel it’s not antisemitism. If somebody believes that Israel is a terrorist state that’s also not antisemitism. You see there is a dictionary definition here.

If somebody believes Jews are lesser than non-Jews when it comes to humanity… yes that’s anti Semitism.

There is no rise of antisemitism on college campuses. if people here think that pot smoking hippies at college campuses saying “free Palestine” are dangerous “antisemites”… they are living in a fantasy world.

There has always been a criticism of Israeli policy from college students , especially from American Jews who continue to overwhelmingly vote Democrat they’ve done so since the days of WW2.

People can complain falsely about antisemitism in America Until They are red in the face. They will never be right. It is demanded of them if they make such a serious alligation, they must show the person they are accusing of saying that Jews are lesser people compared to non-Jews. That’s it if they can’t do that they got no argument.

Have a nice day.
You’re fellow Trump supporters?

You’re desperate to have people agree with your antisemitism
Okie Dokie. The quarter back is toast here

Its actually much worse than that.
Zionists like Chaim Weizmann and David ben Gurion deliberately infuriated Hitler, so that Hitler would be more likely to attack Jews and send them running to Zionists for protection.
The most common use of the word "Semitic" is to refer to Arabs, specifically Arab languages.
There is no way to change that.
The 1880 use by Germans was to refer to all Arabs, and that only included Jews because Jews are Arabs too.

Mohammed never slaughtered any Jews.
The Banu Qurazya and the Khaybar are the only 2 Jewish tribes who turned traitor against Mohammed, and they were attacked and destroyed by the other 10 Jewish tribes, not Mohammed.

The Quran has no anti-Jewish references at all.
The surrah referencing trees and rocks giving up Jewish hiding places, refers only to those who turned traitor twice.
It says to forgive the first time being betrayed.
It also says Jews are "Brothers of the Book", equal "Sons of Abraham", there can be no compulsion over religion, and Jews are not to be harmed.
The word Semitic evolves from Shem, son of Noah.

And Judaism was around 2,000 years before Muhammed........
I’ve seen some follow Trump supporters effectively Turn into far left wingers here in this country. Engaging in very divisive Political stances.

So, you have no problem with this? Just a political stance?


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