some folks say Woodrow Wilson is the worst president in history. some say Obama. what do you think?!

Lincoln by far

A sleazy railroad lawyer and sociopath. Destroyed the Constitution for good, created a mob of radicals then lost control of them, had to use a private army and sabotage elections in 8 states to stay in office, got over 700,000 or so free citizens killed and another 700,000-1,000,000 blacks killed in the name of corporate welfare programs and graft for railroads and protectionist monopolies for banks and northern industrialists and planned to loot an entire region of the country to pay for it so his cronies wouldn't have to.

Johnson? He was impeached because he intended to continue with Lincoln's original plans for the South, which enraged the radicals and looters he got in the way of.

Obama was a great President, for traitors, racists, the Red Chinese, and Iranian terrorists.
No, actually most will say Andrew Johnson.
Yep, he was NOT a good president. According to accounts I've read, he was so drunk when he was sworn in after Lincoln's assassination, he could barely stand up. And he was the first president to be impeached. So, like you, I would choose Andrew Johnson as THE worst president ever. Obama would be my runner up.

Drunk was the norm in the U.S.; he wasn't unusual. Per Capita Alcohol consumption in the U.S. was over three times that of Europe. There is a reason prohibition was so popular with women and Progressives as well as Protestant churches, and it was the violence and family abuse that rampant drunkeness caused, and the political influence of saloons and brewers.
We will be paying for Obama for a long time...that mistake cost people big time...
The level of corruption and corrupt people Obama put in place will be years in undoing...
Obama by far
The level of corruption and corrupt people Obama put in place will be years in undoing...

Hundreds of judges appointed by the criminal syndicate remain on Federal benches. Trump has only named 44 or so compared to Obama's 330 or so. They are playing the key role in covering up for the corruption and blocking attempts to reform.
President Lincoln was, in my opinion, the worst president.

A wiser person could have found another way to deal with the South.

The Civil War not only took the lives of at least 600,000 young men, but it resulted in Reconstruction and then segregation and then the Civil Rights movement and then today's ethnic unpleasantness and tension.

Personally, he was a very nice person; politically, he was a dud.

Lincoln saved the Union

No President has come close
And the way he did it was precisely the reason why he was the worst.
Desperate times called for desperate measures.

Lincoln preserved the union
Yeah like jailing people for thinking and burning down widows homes.
President Lincoln was, in my opinion, the worst president.

A wiser person could have found another way to deal with the South.

The Civil War not only took the lives of at least 600,000 young men, but it resulted in Reconstruction and then segregation and then the Civil Rights movement and then today's ethnic unpleasantness and tension.

Personally, he was a very nice person; politically, he was a dud.

Lincoln saved the Union

No President has come close
And the way he did it was precisely the reason why he was the worst.
Desperate times called for desperate measures.

Lincoln preserved the union
Yeah like jailing people for thinking and burning down widows homes.
Are you talking about the Great American Hero......William Tecumseh Sherman?
No, actually most will say Andrew Johnson.
Yep, he was NOT a good president. According to accounts I've read, he was so drunk when he was sworn in after Lincoln's assassination, he could barely stand up. And he was the first president to be impeached. So, like you, I would choose Andrew Johnson as THE worst president ever. Obama would be my runner up.
What was wrong with Obama? He was handed a country in dire shape and turned it around. guess he was not the right color for you, because he did a great job as President.
You mean other then confiscating reporters computers and emails?
Bombing a Doctors Without Borders hospital. Selling guns to drug dealers. Using the I.R.S. as his personal brown shirt squad. Writing an EO that even he admitted might not be legal. Explaining that he would have more flexibility after the election to Putins fellow. Requiring Americans to buy insurance just to increase those companies bottom line.
Need I go on?

Yeah actually, you do. You haven't even sniffed several Presidents' bungholes.
Good on you nothing says I am smart like a first grader insult.
Definitely 44 hands down.
No one else ever required Americans to buy a product from private companies so those companies could make a profit.

Ever register a car?

Can't disagree with "44 hands down" since that's Rump, but you can't legitimately list a "worst" or "best" while he's still in office. Next January.
Son you need to go back to school. A president never required anyone to register a car nor have they set the standards for that. That is the state.

Anyone that thinks they understand anything while using derogatory remakes of anyone should be dismissed out of hand.
Definitely 44 hands down.
No one else ever required Americans to buy a product from private companies so those companies could make a profit.

Ever register a car?

Can't disagree with "44 hands down" since that's Rump, but you can't legitimately list a "worst" or "best" while he's still in office. Next January.
Son you need to go back to school. A president never required anyone to register a car nor have they set the standards for that. That is the state.

Anyone that thinks they understand anything while using derogatory remakes of anyone should be dismissed out of hand.

You didn't say "a President". You said "no one else". Check it.

Does it matter who the entity is if you're being forced to buy something? Hell Mitt Romney did the same thing in Massachusetts.
No, actually most will say Andrew Johnson.
Yep, he was NOT a good president. According to accounts I've read, he was so drunk when he was sworn in after Lincoln's assassination, he could barely stand up. And he was the first president to be impeached. So, like you, I would choose Andrew Johnson as THE worst president ever. Obama would be my runner up.
What was wrong with Obama? He was handed a country in dire shape and turned it around. guess he was not the right color for you, because he did a great job as President.
You mean other then confiscating reporters computers and emails?
Bombing a Doctors Without Borders hospital. Selling guns to drug dealers. Using the I.R.S. as his personal brown shirt squad. Writing an EO that even he admitted might not be legal. Explaining that he would have more flexibility after the election to Putins fellow. Requiring Americans to buy insurance just to increase those companies bottom line.
Need I go on?

Yeah actually, you do. You haven't even sniffed several Presidents' bungholes.
Good on you nothing says I am smart like a first grader insult.

Actually nothing says you got nothing like having nothing. As above.
The Racist Legacy of Woodrow Wilson

"Wilson was also a Leftist busybody tyrant who permanently reversed America’s non-interventionist foreign policy and set us on a course for 100 years of international failure, death, and debt. Maybe the worst president of all time."

Wilson believed God’s plan for him was to become president of the United States, and he might have been right.
Wilson was before my time so my pick for the worst is, hands down, Bush II. He got us into his neo-con fantasy war where we'd be celebrated as liberators. Instead we're embroiled in a two-decade-long debacle that has gained us nothing and cost us, and the rest of the world, plenty. Can you spell ISIS? He has done more harm to this country than every other president combined, at least in my lifetime.
No, actually most will say Andrew Johnson.
Yep, he was NOT a good president. According to accounts I've read, he was so drunk when he was sworn in after Lincoln's assassination, he could barely stand up. And he was the first president to be impeached. So, like you, I would choose Andrew Johnson as THE worst president ever. Obama would be my runner up.
What was wrong with Obama? He was handed a country in dire shape and turned it around. guess he was not the right color for you, because he did a great job as President.
He was a corporatist, a war monger and he trampled on the COTUS.
He was horrible.

Hate to break this to ya Harley but --- virtually every POTUS since McFugginKinley has been a corporatist. That's all they let in there. Those that are not either get forced to run from jail, or get their administration marginalized and replaced after one term by General Electric RayGun.

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