Solving Crises Retroactively


Sep 23, 2010
Be still my palpitating heart. Trump dumped on NATO. Can dumping the United Nations be far behind. So how about perking up the campaign season with a topic media mouths will not touch with an antiseptic ten foot pole —— Donald Trump and Ted Cruz getting into a debate that clarifies their positions on continued membership in the United Nations:

Donald Trump outlined an unabashedly noninterventionist approach to world affairs Monday, telling The Washington Post's editorial board that he questions the need for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, which has formed the backbone of Western security policies since the Cold War.​

Trump questions need for NATO, outlines noninterventionist foreign policy
By Philip Rucker and Robert Costa
March 21 at 4:30 PM

Trump questions need for NATO, outlines noninterventionist foreign policy

President Clinton’s use of NATO in his Balkan Adventure was a disaster. More so because it originated with then-Senator Joe Biden:

During the 2008 presidential campaign, Biden said that he was the catalyst to change the circumstance in Bosnia led by President Clinton. True, or untrue, he was claiming he was the guy who told Bill Clinton what to do in Bosnia. If true, Biden told Clinton to use NATO forces to bomb Christians. I recall the Luftwaffe took part in the bombings. Wherever he is Reichsmarschall Goring must have smiled when the first bomb fell from a Luftwaffe bomber.​

Incidentally, Biden later watered down his catalyst comment. I assume Clinton wanted full credit for his Balkan Adventures.

The mouth that never stops regurgitating was trying to show that Sarah Palin lacked foreign policy experience. He was right in one sense. Sarah did not have Biden’s unblemished record of always being wrong about foreign policy.

The Return of Ethnic Cleansing

The train wreck waiting to happen in the Balkans notwithstanding, there is a possibility NATO will serve a purpose if the right conditions exist. The United Nations never served any useful purpose for the American people nor will it in the future.

If you are one of those few Americans who still believes the UN is a force for good, list every major crisis since 1945 in two columns —— domestic and foreign. Begin with either column and resolve each crisis as though the United Nations never existed. I think you will be stunned by the similarities at how easily every crisis could have been resolved had what is best for the United Nations NOT interfered in every decision. Many crises never would have materialized had the United Nations never existed. It gets worse when you see how each crisis became more complicated for the American people as the years went by.

Should you not want to do my lists, at least do Illegal aliens pouring through open-borders and economic refugees. Note that they are two major crises not one. Both were engineered by New World Order thinking. Both crises are approaching the unsolvable stage from the perspective of the American people. Both were set in motion to force the American people into accepting, and paying for, every immigrant and refugee as the status quo. In short: They became essential components in a well-designed incremental blueprint for giving the United Nations the authority to administer a global government.

In an attempt to strengthen my case against the United Nations, I will close with a self-explanatory excerpt that I posted dozens of times over the years. The only question is determining when the blueprint was drawn. Was it drawn the year the failed League of Nations was created in 1920? Was it drawn by the United Nations in 1945? Or was it drawn by bankers and press barons in the early 1950s? There is proof for all three, but I lean toward 1920.

David Rockefeller's 1991 Bilderberg
Quote...Ten Years Later


"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years."​

He went on to explain:​

"It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries."​

-- David Rockefeller, Speaking at the June, 1991 Bilderberger meeting in Baden, Germany (a meeting also attended by then-Governor Bill Clinton and by Dan Quayle

David Rockefeller's 1991 Bilderberg Quote...Ten Years Later
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Terminating NATO is the thing to do. Should have been done, when the USSR imploded.

NATO is a neocon organization today...looking to start a war. Its aggressive and confrontational actions against Russia make no sense, unless you know that neocons and the oligarchy in the West want control of Russia.
Terminating NATO is the thing to do. Should have been done, when the USSR imploded.
To gipper: That is ridiculous. NATO was formed to contain the Soviet Union. In light of Russia’s saber rattling NATO may be useful again. In addition, only fools want to make it easier for Putin to accomplish the very thing the Soviet Union failed to do. In plain English, Russians will have to conquer Europe before they get here.
The train wreck waiting to happen in the Balkans notwithstanding, there is a possibility NATO will serve a purpose if the right conditions exist.
NATO is a neocon organization today...looking to start a war. Its aggressive and confrontational actions against Russia make no sense, unless you know that neocons and the oligarchy in the West want control of Russia.
To gipper: Self-defense is not “aggressive and confrontational.” If Americans wanted to start a war they would have done it when victory was guarantied. America’s best military minds wanted to do just that. Unfortunately, the bleeding hearts put their trust in the United Nations. So how has that been working out? See this thread:

General Patton Called It
The United Nations never served any useful purpose for the American people nor will it in the future.
I noticed that you want to dump NATO, but nary a word about withdrawing from the United Nations.

Incidentally, First Lady Hillary Clinton, Senator Hillary Clinton, and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was an abject failure at foreign policy, yet dim bulbs are coming out of the woodwork praising her foreign policy expertise regardless of the Arab Spring:

“But if foreign policy is how you vote, if that is your central concern, if counter-terrorism is what worries you, how do you not consider Hillary Clinton in November?”​

Nicolle Wallace: Foreign Policy Conservatives Should Consider Hillary for President
by Jeff Poor
21 Mar 2016

Nicolle Wallace: Foreign Policy Conservatives Should Consider Hillary for President - Breitbart

Move the cursor to 7:44 to hear then-First Lady Hillary Clinton answer Nicolle Wallace’s question to the satisfaction of the United Nations crowd:

Terminating NATO is the thing to do. Should have been done, when the USSR imploded.
To gipper: That is ridiculous. NATO was formed to contain the Soviet Union. In light of Russia’s saber rattling NATO may be useful again. In addition, only fools want to make it easier for Putin to accomplish the very thing the Soviet Union failed to do. In plain English, Russians will have to conquer Europe before they get here.
The train wreck waiting to happen in the Balkans notwithstanding, there is a possibility NATO will serve a purpose if the right conditions exist.
NATO is a neocon organization today...looking to start a war. Its aggressive and confrontational actions against Russia make no sense, unless you know that neocons and the oligarchy in the West want control of Russia.
To gipper: Self-defense is not “aggressive and confrontational.” If Americans wanted to start a war they would have done it when victory was guarantied. America’s best military minds wanted to do just that. Unfortunately, the bleeding hearts put their trust in the United Nations. So how has that been working out? See this thread:

General Patton Called It
The United Nations never served any useful purpose for the American people nor will it in the future.
I noticed that you want to dump NATO, but nary a word about withdrawing from the United Nations.

Incidentally, First Lady Hillary Clinton, Senator Hillary Clinton, and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was an abject failure at foreign policy, yet dim bulbs are coming out of the woodwork praising her foreign policy expertise regardless of the Arab Spring:

“But if foreign policy is how you vote, if that is your central concern, if counter-terrorism is what worries you, how do you not consider Hillary Clinton in November?”​

Nicolle Wallace: Foreign Policy Conservatives Should Consider Hillary for President
by Jeff Poor
21 Mar 2016

Nicolle Wallace: Foreign Policy Conservatives Should Consider Hillary for President - Breitbart

Move the cursor to 7:44 to hear then-First Lady Hillary Clinton answer Nicolle Wallace’s question to the satisfaction of the United Nations crowd:

i can't agree.

The saber rattling has almost entirely been on the part of the USA and NATO. They have moved NATO borders right up to Russia, breaking their promise not to. Performed war games in the unnecessary provocation. Helped instigate a coup in Ukraine overthrowing an democratically elected government, then blaming Russia for violence there and for responding in the Crimea. Blaming Russia for the airliner shoot down, but offering ZERO proof. BO then instituted economic sanctions on Russia, an act of war....and so much more.

It is clear the American political leadership and wealthy oligarchy, entirely controlled by neocon and neolib warmongers, want to control Russia and is prepared to go to war to accomplish their aims.
The saber rattling has almost entirely been on the part of the USA and NATO. They have moved NATO borders right up to Russia, breaking their promise not to. Performed war games in the unnecessary provocation. Helped instigate a coup in Ukraine overthrowing an democratically elected government, then blaming Russia for violence there and for responding in the Crimea. Blaming Russia for the airliner shoot down, but offering ZERO proof. BO then instituted economic sanctions on Russia, an act of war....and so much more.

It is clear the American political leadership and wealthy oligarchy, entirely controlled by neocon and neolib warmongers, want to control Russia and is prepared to go to war to accomplish their aims.
To gipper: Did you get those talking points from Bernie Sanders? from the White House? or from Putin himself?

The saber rattling has almost entirely been on the part of the USA and NATO. They have moved NATO borders right up to Russia, breaking their promise not to. Performed war games in the unnecessary provocation. Helped instigate a coup in Ukraine overthrowing an democratically elected government, then blaming Russia for violence there and for responding in the Crimea. Blaming Russia for the airliner shoot down, but offering ZERO proof. BO then instituted economic sanctions on Russia, an act of war....and so much more.

It is clear the American political leadership and wealthy oligarchy, entirely controlled by neocon and neolib warmongers, want to control Russia and is prepared to go to war to accomplish their aims.
To gipper: Did you get those talking points from Bernie Sanders? from the White House? or from Putin himself?

David Rockefeller's 1991 Bilderberg
Quote...Ten Years Later
Another fabulous American Thinker article for the No Shit File:

Central Banks have been the bane of conspiracy theorists for centuries, with people of all political stripes taking one side or the other. One can argue whether central banks are good or bad? Have they stabilized economies or manipulated nations? Have they gotten rich by dint of unfair government sanctioned monopolies or do they offer a public service? Do central banks assist governments, or do they surreptitiously rule the world -- the last charge usually defines the inner cabal of conspirators as the Illuminati, the Elders of Zion, the Freemasons, or the rarely mentioned above a breath, but truly fearsome, International Order of Odd Fellows.


The conspiracy theorists will have a field day with this; and this time, they may have a point.

March 24, 2016
The Bankers Strike Back
By Mike Konrad

Articles: The Bankers Strike Back

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