Solarbot: The Rock Game


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This week in NJ/USA, the temperature fluctuated between a high of 70F and 20F, which is like May and December in the same month! You have to wear a t-shirt and a sweater on the same day now in North America (East Coast)! Global warming is official and Earth's like Uranus now. How valuable is eco-storytelling now? What do you think? Thanks for reading,


The solar-energy powered Transformers robot-toy Solarbot, who transforms into an intelligence-communications compact audio cassette device, symbolized true intuition regarding modern civilization ideas about the magic of energy-politics and eco-folklore, and it's why two iconic (rival) rock-music bands (females), the daring Misfits and the upstart Holograms, competed during an eco-benefits concert in New England to see who'd wield more authority over its fanzine value for media.


The Misfits, more daring, hoped to use Solarbot in a clever song about the ergonomics of solar-powered residential suburban communities/developments in New England, singing about why Solarbot, a solar-energy cassette-robot (Transformers), re-presented a youthful 'fantasy' about tech-fitness in the modern era. The Misfits talked about teenagers living in solar-communities and energized about the market-value of eco-tech rituals.


Meanwhile, at the same eco-benefit music concert in New England, the upstart Holograms sang about the magical marketability of Solarbot as a 'diplomat' of multi-domain renewables dialogue (wind, solar, hydrogen, biomass). This was a diversification from the Misfits' focus on solely solar power, and the 'upstart' Holograms came across as more democratic.


The daring Misfits, sensing they'd been losing the game, hired a special Sherlock Holmes man for the music-concert, Amlan Satan (aka, 'Storm-Shadow') to make sure no Holograms fanatic-fan during the eco-benefit concert wouldn't try to attack/assassinate one of the Misfits because of the Holograms winning the contest over Solarbot. Storm-Shadow moved through the crowds at the music-concert costumed as a modern detective and holding a water-gun to cool off the steamy audience entertained by all the mod-music and cheering for the Misfits only, leading the cooled water-gun shot fans to think the Misfits had a more 'environment-clever' entertainment jester/assistant than the Holograms.


The Misfits were 'officially' awarded the coveted Solarbot marketing contract by Hasbro and would go on to singing about solar-energy all over North America, since filtering down and focusing on one renewable only (solar-power) was more economically 'practical' for applied liberal politics than simply singing about 'all' renewables (wind, solar, hydrogen, biomass). This was a time when eco-activism had to become more refined, inventive, focused, serious, and most of all...democratic!


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

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