Socialist Alliance To Take Down Trump: Biden, Soros, & Bragg


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Obama and Biden FAILED to take down Donald Trump when the Obama administration's coup attempt was exposed and failed.

Coup attempt after coup attempt, criminal Impeachment attempt criminal Impeachment attempt, plot after plot, scheme after scheme, for 7 years Democrats have violated Constitution and rule of law, trampled citizen's rights, abused the power of the US govt in an attempt to eliminate a political threat ... and have failed.

The goal is simple:
Ultimate Election Interference -- Eliminate Donald Trump as a political threat

Not long ago the Biden administration's criminally political weaponized FBI conducted an unprecedented, never-before-seen, unwarranted heavily armored, heavily armed televised raid ON FORMER president Trump by the FBI...

...the same FBI who reportedly already knew about President Biden's own FAR WORSE espionage scandal (stealing classified dating back to his time as Senator), had known about it since BEFORE the 2020 election and was hiding it to protect Joe Biden.

Joe Biden (surprise, surprise) LIED to the American people by telling them (& the world) he learned about the FBI raid on Trump from the media.

-- HOW TO TELL IF YOU ARE A RETARDED SNOWFLAKE: You actually believe the Director of the FBI is going to conduct an unprecedented, never-before-seen, historic, unwarranted heavily armored, heavily armed televised raid ON a former president, especially on former Presidrnt Trump - a Biden political threat / opponent, WITHOUT NOTIFYING THE CURRENT US PRESIDENT IN ADVANCE.

Once again Democrats had to learn the hard way that they can't keep treasonous / criminal secrets --


Unfortunately for Biden, his own TS/SCI Classified Documents scandal exploded, proving Biden's scandal was far worse than the one they tried to maunfacture regarding Trump.

It became clear Biden/ Democrats would never be able to take down Trump on a classified document scandal becauae of Biden's own. So something else, another way, another scheme, was needed...

So Biden turned to ... GEORGE SOROS?!
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Obama and Biden FAILED to take down Donald Trump when the Obama administration's coup attempt was exposed and failed.

Coup attempt after coup attempt, criminal Impeachment attempt criminal Impeachment attempt, plot after plot, scheme after scheme, for 7 years Democrats have violated Constitution and rule of law, trampled citizen's rights, abused the power of the US govt in an attempt to eliminate a political threat ... and have failed.

The goal is simple:
ULtimate Election Interference -- Eliminate Donald Trump as a political threat

Not long ago the Biden administration's criminally political weaponized FBI conducted an unprecedented, never-before-seen, unwarranted heavily armored, heavily armed raid ON FORMER president Trump by the FBI...

...the same FBI who reportedly already knew about President Biden's own FAR WORSE espionage scandal (stealing classified dating back to his time of Senator), had known about it sunce BEFORE the 2020 election and was hiding it to protect Joe Biden.

Joe Biden (surprise, surprise) LIED to the American people by telling them (& the world) he learned about the FBI raid on Trump from the media.

-- HOW TO TELL IF YOU ARE A RETARDED SNOWFLAKE: You actually believe the Director of the FBI is going to conduct an unprecedented, never-before-seen, unwarranted heavily armored, heavily armed raid ON a former president, especially of former Presidrnt Trump - a Biden political threat / opponent, WITHOUT NOTIFYING THE CURRENT US PRESIDENT IN ADVANCE.

Once again Democrats had to.learn tbe hard way that they can't keep treasonous / criminal secrets --


Unfortunately for Biden, his own TS/SCI Classifoed Documents scandal exploded,proving Biden's scandalwas far worse than tbe one they tried to.maunfacture regarding Trump.

It became apparent Biden/ Democrats would never be able to take down Trump on a classified document scandal becauae of Biden's own. So something else, another way, another scheme, was needed...

So Biden turned to ... GEORGE SOROS?!

Laughing.....well this batshit went *right* to the conspiracy boards.
George Soros is the America-hating Socialist billionaire who has been attempting to undermine and destroy America's justice system by finding, supporting, and getting elected Soros acolyte DAs all across tbe cou try that protect violent criminals, keep them on the streets to cause chaos and create more victims, and attacks political targets of opportunity.

Biden has sworn he has / has had no connection to or contact with Soros ... yeah, just like he knew nothing of the FBI raid on Trump until he heard about it on the MSM.

Then maybe Biden can explain why he has met with George Soros' son 14 times since 2020.

Enter NY Soros Acolyte Alvin Bragg...

Bragg literally ran on a promise to take Donald Trump down - to indict / charge / send to jail beforw ever investigating Trump for any crime.

To keep that campaign promise Bragg - a LOCAL DA - chose to attempt to prosecute a FEDERAL misdemeanor case 1) whose statute of limitations had expolired, 2) a case the US DOJ refused to prosecute after declaring 'There is no crime to prosrcute', and 3) is trying to upgrade a misdemeanor charge to a 'Felony' ... despite Bragg's MO of continuously lowering felony charges to misdemeanors to be able to let violent criminals walk without getting (much, if any) jail time.

Both Joe Biden and Alcin Vragg have connections to George Soros.

Going after Trump's policies are not the only thing Biden and Soros are working together to accomish...
The OP is effectivey self evident -- does it need discussing ?
What is self-evident is the criminaliry of the Democrats every time they attempt to conduct each new scheme intended to 'Get Trump' the last 7 years and counting.
Seems that trump himself is working diligently to take himself down.
7 years....and all the Democrats have accomplished have been to expose themselves as violators of the Constitution and Rule of Law, perpetrators of ullegal spuing, fauled coup attempts, criminal Impeachments, perjurors, Conspiracy, sedition, manufacturing false evidence, espionage, treason, etc...

For 7 years you ignorant morons have been claiming how Trump is guilty based on unproven / disproven claims from Democrats.

During those same 7 years you have been professing how the proven criminal Democrats are innocent based on the criminal partisanly weaponized DOJ refuses to prosecute Democrats, instead protects them.

If we truly had a non-partisan DOJ and equal justice, the list of Democrats who would be in prison right now would include Hillary, Obama, Biden, Rice, Clapper, Brennan, Mueller, Comey, Wray, McCabe, Pelosi, Schiff, Swalwell, and others.
7 years....and all the Democrats have accomplished have been to expose themselves as violators of the Constitution and Rule of Law, perpetrators of ullegal spuing, fauled coup attempts, criminal Impeachments, perjurors, Conspiracy, sedition, manufacturing false evidence, espionage, treason, etc...

For 7 years you ignorant morons have been claiming how Trump is guilty based on unproven / disproven claims from Democrats.

During those same 7 years you have been professing how the proven criminal Democrats are innocent based on the criminal partisanly weaponized DOJ refuses to prosecute Democrats, instead protects them.

If we truly had a non-partisan DOJ and equal justice, the list of Democrats who would be in prison right now would include Hillary, Obama, Biden, Rice, Clapper, Brennan, Mueller, Comey, Wray, McCabe, Pelosi, Schiff, Swalwell, and others.
For damn near 30 years we have been listening to your unproven / disproven accusations about Hillary.
And why do you think your list of people should be in prison? All you have is unproven / disproven claims against them.
For damn near 30 years we have been listening to your unproven / disproven accusations about Hillary.


I love the way you constantly remind everyone how you love to challenge Biden for biggest liberal pathological liar.

Actually It is that you have become unhinged attempting to defend Hillary when, as I said, you KNOW she is guilty as hell. You keep trying to make the argument that she is innocent simply because she has been protected by the biggest criminal traitors in US history.

Former FBI Director Janes Comey was a criminal POS who kept Hillary Clinton out of prison.

He testified under oath before Congress and testified about all of Hillary's crimes:

View attachment 777589
I love the way you constantly remind everyone how you love to challenge Biden for biggest liberal pathological liar.

Actually It is that you have become unhinged attempting to defend Hillary when, as I said, you KNOW she is guilty as hell. You keep trying to make the argument that she is innocent simply because she has been protected by the biggest criminal traitors in US history.

Former FBI Director Janes Comey was a criminal POS who kept Hillary Clinton out of prison.

He testified under oath before Congress and testified about all of Hillary's crimes:

If any of the claims against her had any proof to back them up, she might need someone to defend her. That hasn't happened. I'm just ponting out all your failed attempts.
If any of the claims against her had any proof to back them up, she might need someone to defend her. That hasn't happened. I'm just ponting out all your failed attempts.
I already have. You weren't able to debunk it. Of course its hard to 'debunk' the Director of the FBI's testimony under oath before Congress.
7 years....and all the Democrats have accomplished have been to expose themselves as violators of the Constitution and Rule of Law, perpetrators of ullegal spuing, fauled coup attempts, criminal Impeachments, perjurors, Conspiracy, sedition, manufacturing false evidence, espionage, treason, etc...

For 7 years you ignorant morons have been claiming how Trump is guilty based on unproven / disproven claims from Democrats.

During those same 7 years you have been professing how the proven criminal Democrats are innocent based on the criminal partisanly weaponized DOJ refuses to prosecute Democrats, instead protects them.

If we truly had a non-partisan DOJ and equal justice, the list of Democrats who would be in prison right now would include Hillary, Obama, Biden, Rice, Clapper, Brennan, Mueller, Comey, Wray, McCabe, Pelosi, Schiff, Swalwell, and others.

Sure Q-NUT.............
When JFK Jr. returns, Trump and JFK Jr. will expose them all.

I already have. You weren't able to debunk it. Of course its hard to 'debunk' the Director of the FBI's testimony under oath before Congress.
Quit whining. She was comletely exhonorated Quit whining.
Obama and Biden FAILED to take down Donald Trump when the Obama administration's coup attempt was exposed and failed.

Coup attempt after coup attempt, criminal Impeachment attempt criminal Impeachment attempt, plot after plot, scheme after scheme, for 7 years Democrats have violated Constitution and rule of law, trampled citizen's rights, abused the power of the US govt in an attempt to eliminate a political threat ... and have failed.

The goal is simple:
Ultimate Election Interference -- Eliminate Donald Trump as a political threat

Not long ago the Biden administration's criminally political weaponized FBI conducted an unprecedented, never-before-seen, unwarranted heavily armored, heavily armed televised raid ON FORMER president Trump by the FBI...

...the same FBI who reportedly already knew about President Biden's own FAR WORSE espionage scandal (stealing classified dating back to his time as Senator), had known about it since BEFORE the 2020 election and was hiding it to protect Joe Biden.

Joe Biden (surprise, surprise) LIED to the American people by telling them (& the world) he learned about the FBI raid on Trump from the media.

-- HOW TO TELL IF YOU ARE A RETARDED SNOWFLAKE: You actually believe the Director of the FBI is going to conduct an unprecedented, never-before-seen, historic, unwarranted heavily armored, heavily armed televised raid ON a former president, especially on former Presidrnt Trump - a Biden political threat / opponent, WITHOUT NOTIFYING THE CURRENT US PRESIDENT IN ADVANCE.

Once again Democrats had to learn the hard way that they can't keep treasonous / criminal secrets --


Unfortunately for Biden, his own TS/SCI Classified Documents scandal exploded, proving Biden's scandal was far worse than the one they tried to maunfacture regarding Trump.

It became clear Biden/ Democrats would never be able to take down Trump on a classified document scandal becauae of Biden's own. So something else, another way, another scheme, was needed...

So Biden turned to ... GEORGE SOROS?!
And the Demonrats can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are. :laughing0301: :rofl:

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