So, you want to replace the Electoral College...

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M14 Shooter

The Light of Truth
Sep 26, 2007
Bridge, USS Enterprise
Right now, there's at least three active topics on the issue. I hate to add another but...

Among the petulant screeds that, in some circles, pass as meaningful arguments for its replacement, I don't ever see anyone in favor of replacing the EC address a basic reality of the issue:

It takes just 13 states to stop the amendment necessary to eliminate the EC and replace it with something else. If you cannot name 13 states that will never vote for such a thing let me know and I'll do your thinking for your.

How do you plan to do to convince these states to vote for the repeal?
If you don't have a plan, why do you waste your time whining and crying about something you know you can do noting to change?
Right now, there's at least three active topics on the issue. I hate to add another but...

Among the petulant screeds that, in some circles, pass as meaningful arguments for its replacement, I don't ever see anyone in favor of replacing the EC address a basic reality of the issue:

It takes just 13 states to stop the amendment necessary to eliminate the EC and replace it with something else. If you cannot name 13 states that will never vote for such a thing let me know and I'll do your thinking for your.

How do you plan to do to convince these states to vote for the repeal?
If you don't have a plan, why do you waste your time whining and crying about something you know you can do noting to change?

Like all progressive ideas, the concept for this isn't an amendment but an end run.

That's the whole purpose of the States voting to give their EV's to the popular vote winner, although to be honest right now there is no ACTUAL official popular vote for President, because it doesn't matter currently.

They ignore the fact that it would take only 1 State to try to back out of the compact after the popular vote not matching their State vote to create a colossal Constitutional crisis.
Since you already know about the other threads, find one and add this to it.

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