"""So, You`re Voting For Hillary?"""


Gold Member
Feb 8, 2015
Yo, good, you are the Fool, and I`m not!!!

What Those Voting For Hillary Should Know About Who She Is Protecting Before Voting In November [Meme]

18 Aug, 2016 by Katie McGuire

Well, well, well…is ANYONE really surprised that Shifty Shrillary is protecting those oh-so-precious Goldman Sachs speech transcripts? Yea, I didn’t think so. Of course when someone buys you off under the guise of ‘speaking fees’, you have to keep it on the QT. This one just won’t get buried for ol’ Hill, though…

Aside from “the establishment,” there is no bigger boogeyman in the 2016 election than the dreaded “Goldman Sachs.”

Hillary, of course, could end any speculation on the subject by releasing the transcripts from her speeches. But, in traditional Clinton style, the gatekeeper of that information (her), after promising to “look into it” in front of a crowd, is now refusing to do it away from television cameras.

Why? Because when companies hire speakers, they tend to want them to say something relevant to their industry and favorable about their company. It’s highly likely Hillary Clinton sang the praises of Goldman Sachs, investment firms and Wall Street in general.

So why won’t Hillary release the transcripts? Because the contents of those speeches would be damaging to her narrative that she’ll “stand up to Wall Street.” You can’t “stand up” when you’re on the record bowing down.

So what did Goldman Sachs get for its $675,000, plus huge campaign contributions? For one, you can rest assured when it calls, she answers. Although, as a private citizen, she wasn’t in any position to help them at the time, there was no doubt she was running for president. Hillary claims she wasn’t sure she would run then, but the Washington Post was. As was everyone else on the planet.

What Those Voting For Hillary Should Know About Who She Is Protecting Before Voting In November [Meme] | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

Yo, good, you are the Fool, and I`m not!!!

What Those Voting For Hillary Should Know About Who She Is Protecting Before Voting In November [Meme]

18 Aug, 2016 by Katie McGuire

Well, well, well…is ANYONE really surprised that Shifty Shrillary is protecting those oh-so-precious Goldman Sachs speech transcripts? Yea, I didn’t think so. Of course when someone buys you off under the guise of ‘speaking fees’, you have to keep it on the QT. This one just won’t get buried for ol’ Hill, though…

Aside from “the establishment,” there is no bigger boogeyman in the 2016 election than the dreaded “Goldman Sachs.”

Hillary, of course, could end any speculation on the subject by releasing the transcripts from her speeches. But, in traditional Clinton style, the gatekeeper of that information (her), after promising to “look into it” in front of a crowd, is now refusing to do it away from television cameras.

Why? Because when companies hire speakers, they tend to want them to say something relevant to their industry and favorable about their company. It’s highly likely Hillary Clinton sang the praises of Goldman Sachs, investment firms and Wall Street in general.

So why won’t Hillary release the transcripts? Because the contents of those speeches would be damaging to her narrative that she’ll “stand up to Wall Street.” You can’t “stand up” when you’re on the record bowing down.

So what did Goldman Sachs get for its $675,000, plus huge campaign contributions? For one, you can rest assured when it calls, she answers. Although, as a private citizen, she wasn’t in any position to help them at the time, there was no doubt she was running for president. Hillary claims she wasn’t sure she would run then, but the Washington Post was. As was everyone else on the planet.

What Those Voting For Hillary Should Know About Who She Is Protecting Before Voting In November [Meme] | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

I think she is also protecting international thugs http://dealbook.nytimes.com/2012/10...lionaires-a-peek-at-a-mexican-financier/?_r=0
16:00 Trump addresses Tax Return issue. He already submitted his financials as required to run for president.

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