So You Despise Capitalism? Please Give Us Your Alternative...

The means of production are controlled by what is needed and will sell. That is not capitalism either. As long as corporations are considered people then u will never have a true capitalistic form of economy

You mix pears and hand grenades.

Capitalism is simply the trade of capital between entities, whether individuals or organizations on an at-will basis.

In such a capitalist society, production is not controlled. The market provides opportunities for those who are willing to engage. Individuals or organizations craft goods and services that they perceive add value. If they indeed add value, then consumers will buy the goods and services, trading value for value. The consideration of corporations as people is a legal consideration and is irrelevant to market economics. McDonald's doesn't dominate the fast food market because the courts consider the corporation a legal entity, but because McDonald's appeals to the desires of the consumer who perceives value in their product in excess of the value of the cash they trade in exchange.

In order that liberty should survive; there must be a strict and impenetrable wall of separation between education and state.

You almost got it right. Here, let me help you:

In order that liberty should survive; there must be a strict and impenetrable wall of separation between education and religion.

Clearly, the Republicans on this board don't understand capitalism. Never do they mention "supply and demand". I included a definition from:
Articles in Easy, Understandable English for Learners

I thought it would be helpful. It's not too late to learn.

Capitalism is when government controls corporations to ensure they provide in a way that support's the government's social policy customers the same amount of every product at the same price regardless of their ability to pay.

Government does not necessarily control fair market value, the market does. Just look at hotel Rooms or Flights, or Amtrak, or Car Rentals. What Day? How Long? Government can Regulate corporations, book keeping, legal accepted practices, Guarantees, Warranties, Quality Control, Safety Regulation, there are things that reason dictates.
The means of production are controlled by what is needed and will sell. That is not capitalism either. As long as corporations are considered people then u will never have a true capitalistic form of economy

You mix pears and hand grenades.

Capitalism is simply the trade of capital between entities, whether individuals or organizations on an at-will basis.

In such a capitalist society, production is not controlled. The market provides opportunities for those who are willing to engage. Individuals or organizations craft goods and services that they perceive add value. If they indeed add value, then consumers will buy the goods and services, trading value for value. The consideration of corporations as people is a legal consideration and is irrelevant to market economics. McDonald's doesn't dominate the fast food market because the courts consider the corporation a legal entity, but because McDonald's appeals to the desires of the consumer who perceives value in their product in excess of the value of the cash they trade in exchange.

In order that liberty should survive; there must be a strict and impenetrable wall of separation between education and state.

You almost got it right. Here, let me help you:

In order that liberty should survive; there must be a strict and impenetrable wall of separation between education and religion.

Exactly. Statism is a Cult. :D You sure nailed that one.

In seriousness, Dogma is more of a problem than Moral Value. Ideals are your friend RD.
Math should be taught in math, Science, in science, Business in business, and World Religions in World Religion's class. ;)

Clearly, the Republicans on this board don't understand capitalism. Never do they mention "supply and demand". I included a definition from:
Articles in Easy, Understandable English for Learners

I thought it would be helpful. It's not too late to learn.

Capitalism is when government controls corporations to ensure they provide in a way that support's the government's social policy customers the same amount of every product at the same price regardless of their ability to pay.

Government does not necessarily control fair market value, the market does. Just look at hotel Rooms or Flights, or Amtrak, or Car Rentals. What Day? How Long? Government can Regulate corporations, book keeping, legal accepted practices, Guarantees, Warranties, Quality Control, Safety Regulation, there are things that reason dictates.

You know I was mocking rdean, right? He's a socialist who claims to believe in free market capitalism. So my "definition" was how socialists treat "free" markets.
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Capitalism is when government controls corporations to ensure they provide in a way that support's the government's social policy customers the same amount of every product at the same price regardless of their ability to pay.

Government does not necessarily control fair market value, the market does. Just look at hotel Rooms or Flights, or Amtrak, or Car Rentals. What Day? How Long? Government can Regulate corporations, book keeping, legal accepted practices, Guarantees, Warranties, Quality Control, Safety Regulation, there are things that reason dictates.

You know I was mocking rdean, right?
"So You Despise Capitalism? Please Give Us Your Alternative..."

I despose crony capitalism and corruption; I despise Oligrachy's where the wealthy construct and enforce the laws; I despise avarice and bigotry and callous conservatives.

Capitalism is not inherently evil; power tends to corrupt and great wealth creates enormous power. When great wealth is consolidated in the few, the many suffer.

Great wealth, expecially when inherited, hold these truths to be invalid: that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
"So You Despise Capitalism? Please Give Us Your Alternative..."

I despose crony capitalism and corruption; I despise Oligrachy's where the wealthy construct and enforce the laws; I despise avarice and bigotry and callous conservatives.

Capitalism is not inherently evil; power tends to corrupt and great wealth creates enormous power. When great wealth is consolidated in the few, the many suffer.

Great wealth, expecially when inherited, hold these truths to be invalid: that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Demagoguery, sweeping statements, huge leaps and a complete lack of specificity. This is the answer every liberal gives. Capitalism is about consumer choice, and only one thing can override consumer choice, guns. And government controls the guns. You're advocating the fox, not the hens.
I just wanted to take this opportunity to give the Anti-Capitalism crowd a chance to elaborate on their Anti-Capitalism stance. I would also like to give them a chance to explain in an articulate fashion what they would replace Capitalism with. Because in my opinion it's just not enough to 'occupy' and screech slogans. And i'm really not trying to be a smart ass here either. I am very interested in hearing their ideas. Shouting angry slogans at each other wont get us anywhere. So lets hear those ideas on what you want to replace Capitalism with. Thanks.

I don't think it's a problem of wanting to end Capitalism in that realizing capitalism has to reform.

We've recovered from the recession, but the jobs haven't appeared, and we are likely to go into another recession because of it.

The old school was that capitalism produced jobs. Jobs produced consumers. consumers produced profits.

Somewhere along the line, they figured out how to create profits without creating jobs, and the system is off kilter.

Progressive or Marxist Reform is not the answer. Making the creation of Jobs unaffordable is not the answer. Making the cost of doing business undesirable is not the answer. The Left, is the least credible adviser of the Free Market, Capitalist system.

I agree, Marxism isn't the answer. But neither is scrapping all the safety, wage and environmental progress we've made over the last 100 years, which is what I think some of the right would really love to do. (And they all have Romney Bumper-stickers.)

Herbert Hoover once opined, "The problem with Capitalism is Capitalists. They're too damned greedy." When you have CEO's who close down factories and pay themselves 8 figure salaries, that's when greed has turned into a psychosis.
We just need more honest discussion on this. It's time to hash this out. No need to hedge on your opinions here either. If you're Anti-Capitalism,just say it and then elaborate on it. And your ideas on an alternative system will be appreciated. Lets have an open & honest discussion on this.

Are you against the Federal Reserve? If so, why do you hate capitalism?

See what I did there?


What you did is a non-sequitur, but I don't see how it corresponds to his post. I don't see any non-sequiturs in his post.

His post amounts to this: if you oppose to current system, you therefore oppose capitalism.

Pray tell, what is capitalist about a public-private fractional reserve fiat banking system? Pray tell, what is capitalist about massive taxpayer bailouts of the financial sector?
Pray tell, what is capitalist about socialized risk and privatized profit?
Are you against the Federal Reserve? If so, why do you hate capitalism?

See what I did there?


What you did is a non-sequitur, but I don't see how it corresponds to his post. I don't see any non-sequiturs in his post.

His post amounts to this: if you oppose to current system, you therefore oppose capitalism.

Pray tell, what is capitalist about a public-private fractional reserve fiat banking system? Pray tell, what is capitalist about massive taxpayer bailouts of the financial sector?
Pray tell, what is capitalist about socialized risk and privatized profit?

Pray tell, what is not Big Government about it?
Btw,i never accused anyone here of being Anti-Capitalism. I see some are trying to make that assertion but it didn't happen. I'm just asking those who are Anti-Capitalism to tell us why and what system they would replace it with. If you're not Anti-Capitalism,don't answer the question. Thanks.
What you did is a non-sequitur, but I don't see how it corresponds to his post. I don't see any non-sequiturs in his post.

His post amounts to this: if you oppose to current system, you therefore oppose capitalism.

Pray tell, what is capitalist about a public-private fractional reserve fiat banking system? Pray tell, what is capitalist about massive taxpayer bailouts of the financial sector?
Pray tell, what is capitalist about socialized risk and privatized profit?

Pray tell, what is not Big Government about it?

Clearly you hates you some capitalism, Intense. Because capitalism is through and through a history about private capture of government.
I just wanted to take this opportunity to give the Anti-Capitalism crowd a chance to elaborate on their Anti-Capitalism stance. I would also like to give them a chance to explain in an articulate fashion what they would replace Capitalism with. Because in my opinion it's just not enough to 'occupy' and screech slogans. And i'm really not trying to be a smart ass here either. I am very interested in hearing their ideas. Shouting angry slogans at each other wont get us anywhere. So lets hear those ideas on what you want to replace Capitalism with. Thanks.

What is American Socialism? Has it been defined?

America's roots are in free enterprise. But, is it free enterprise when of the top ten richest Americans two are WalMart heirs who did nothing to develop the company? The guy who comes up with and implements an idea should be well rewarded as. But, after that we should have an inheritance tax that forces these WalMart heirs to get real jobs.

I put the WalMart heirs in the same category of useless people as illegal immigrants and hedge fund managers. We don't need them. They are parasites. Let them find their own source of income.

It has long been American policy to provide our citizens with a welfare safety net to smooth the financial bumps in their lives. However, welfare is a temporary solution, not a way to secure a living.

I don't know what American Socialism is, but Wall Street and the Republican Party brought America into it in 2008. We taxpayers are shareholders in major Fortune 500 companies. That should give us a voice in the daily operation of each of these companies.
I think each of these companies should have two board members that are government SEC employees to protect taxpayer interests in company policymaking.

Eventually it will all come together in my opinion. These next years will shred many corporations. They brought it on themselves with outsourcing and tax breaks. They forgot that they only exist because American CITIZENS allow them to. American corporations have a charter that government can pull to prevent them from doing business in the largest marketplace on the planet - the United States of America. Slap them hard, put some CEOs in prison, and the rest will get back in line.

How many viewers of this thread are ACTUALLY losing sleep over the wealthy 1% having enough money? You see, the 1% are expendable!
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I just wanted to take this opportunity to give the Anti-Capitalism crowd a chance to elaborate on their Anti-Capitalism stance. I would also like to give them a chance to explain in an articulate fashion what they would replace Capitalism with. Because in my opinion it's just not enough to 'occupy' and screech slogans. And i'm really not trying to be a smart ass here either. I am very interested in hearing their ideas. Shouting angry slogans at each other wont get us anywhere. So lets hear those ideas on what you want to replace Capitalism with. Thanks.

What is American Socialism? Has it been defined?

America's roots are in free enterprise. But, is it free enterprise when of the top ten richest Americans two are WalMart heirs who did nothing to develop the company? The guy who comes up with and implements an idea should be well rewarded as. But, after that we should have an inheritance tax that forces these WalMart heirs to get real jobs.

I put the WalMart heirs in the same category of useless people as illegal immigrants and hedge fund managers. We don't need them. They are parasites. Let them find their own source of income.

It has long been American policy to provide our citizens with a welfare safety net to smooth the financial bumps in their lives. However, welfare is a temporary solution, not a way to secure a living.

I don't know what American Socialism is, but Wall Street and the Republican Party brought America into it in 2008. We taxpayers are shareholders in major Fortune 500 companies. That should give us a voice in the daily operation of each of these companies.
I think each of these companies should have two board members that are government SEC employees to protect taxpayer interests in company policymaking.

Eventually it will all come together in my opinion. These next years will shred many corporations. They brought it on themselves with outsourcing and tax breaks. They forgot that they only exist because American CITIZENS allow them to. American corporations have a charter that government can pull to prevent them from doing business in the largest marketplace on the planet - the United States of America. Slap them hard, put some CEOs in prison, and the rest will get back in line.

I don't know,sounds way too authoritarian to me. Reminds me of the Stalin purges in the Soviet Union or the Pol Pot Genocide in Cambodia. Can't go with you on your plan.
Btw,i never accused anyone here of being Anti-Capitalism. I see some are trying to make that assertion but it didn't happen. I'm just asking those who are Anti-Capitalism to tell us why and what system they would replace it with. If you're not Anti-Capitalism,don't answer the question. Thanks.

I recognize capitalism is the best system we have. I also support Occupy Wall Street 99%.

This movement is not anti-capitalist, except maybe about 1% of it.
"So You Despise Capitalism? Please Give Us Your Alternative..."

I despose crony capitalism and corruption; I despise Oligrachy's where the wealthy construct and enforce the laws; I despise avarice and bigotry and callous conservatives.

Capitalism is not inherently evil; power tends to corrupt and great wealth creates enormous power. When great wealth is consolidated in the few, the many suffer.

Great wealth, expecially when inherited, hold these truths to be invalid: that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Demagoguery, sweeping statements, huge leaps and a complete lack of specificity. This is the answer every liberal gives. Capitalism is about consumer choice, and only one thing can override consumer choice, guns. And government controls the guns. You're advocating the fox, not the hens.

Oh, fuck you and your little ad hominem attack. You want demagoguery, watch the Republican debates, a collection of charlatans like never before.

But first don't use words which you don't understand. In my never ending effort to purge ignorance, a demagogue is, "a person, especially an orator or political leader, who gains power and popularity by arousing the emotions, passions, and prejudices of the people."

You're welcome.
Oh, fuck you and your little ad hominem attack. You want demagoguery, watch the Republican debates, a collection of charlatans like never before.

But first don't use words which you don't understand

I was laughing that you don't know what an "ad hominem" attack is...then you chastised me for using words I don't understand.

Well, I like...


Do you?
Oh, fuck you and your little ad hominem attack. You want demagoguery, watch the Republican debates, a collection of charlatans like never before.

But first don't use words which you don't understand

I was laughing that you don't know what an "ad hominem" attack is...then you chastised me for using words I don't understand.

Well, I like...


Do you?

Oh, you're a smug idiot. Cool. Any attack on the person and not their argument is an ad hominem attack.

And I'm not above making one, especially when dealing with fools like you.
I just wanted to take this opportunity to give the Anti-Capitalism crowd a chance to elaborate on their Anti-Capitalism stance. I would also like to give them a chance to explain in an articulate fashion what they would replace Capitalism with. Because in my opinion it's just not enough to 'occupy' and screech slogans. And i'm really not trying to be a smart ass here either. I am very interested in hearing their ideas. Shouting angry slogans at each other wont get us anywhere. So lets hear those ideas on what you want to replace Capitalism with. Thanks.

What is American Socialism? Has it been defined?

America's roots are in free enterprise. But, is it free enterprise when of the top ten richest Americans two are WalMart heirs who did nothing to develop the company? The guy who comes up with and implements an idea should be well rewarded as. But, after that we should have an inheritance tax that forces these WalMart heirs to get real jobs.

I put the WalMart heirs in the same category of useless people as illegal immigrants and hedge fund managers. We don't need them. They are parasites. Let them find their own source of income.

It has long been American policy to provide our citizens with a welfare safety net to smooth the financial bumps in their lives. However, welfare is a temporary solution, not a way to secure a living.

I don't know what American Socialism is, but Wall Street and the Republican Party brought America into it in 2008. We taxpayers are shareholders in major Fortune 500 companies. That should give us a voice in the daily operation of each of these companies.
I think each of these companies should have two board members that are government SEC employees to protect taxpayer interests in company policymaking.

Eventually it will all come together in my opinion. These next years will shred many corporations. They brought it on themselves with outsourcing and tax breaks. They forgot that they only exist because American CITIZENS allow them to. American corporations have a charter that government can pull to prevent them from doing business in the largest marketplace on the planet - the United States of America. Slap them hard, put some CEOs in prison, and the rest will get back in line.

I don't know,sounds way too authoritarian to me. Reminds me of the Stalin purges in the Soviet Union or the Pol Pot Genocide in Cambodia. Can't go with you on your plan.

Ok, let's crank it up a notch to where the rubber hits the road.

The point being missed here is that just like the American Revolution, change only comes when the wealthy want it. The 1% has two factions, the greedy Wall Street types, and the Patriotic Millionaires.

"Recently members of the group calling themselves “Patriotic Millionaires for Fiscal Strength” sent a letter to Pres. Barack Obama, Harry Reid (Majority Leader in the U. S. Senate), and John Boehner (Speaker of the U. S. House of Representatives). What made the letter notable was that it requested that “you increase taxes on incomes over $1,000,000”—the letter then being signed by a long list of millionaires."

Here is a link to Patriotic Millionaires a quiet group that knows how to twist arms in hardball politics. “Patriotic Millionaires” | Dissident Voice The Republicans and the Tea Party are going to come out of this like Torries after the American Revolution - assimilate or leave. The Democratic Party in my opinion will get a well-deserved slap into the middle of next week. The result will be an America that serves all legal CITIZENS.

If you have trouble buying this, recall the British in the 1960s and 1970s. They wanted the wealthy to comply with the wishes of the people so they imposed extreme taxes. The wealthy either accepted or changed their citizenship. Withing a few years the wealthy missed their native land, came back and paid their taxes. The American 1% will either assimilate or leave. In my opinion those who leave are the greedy we don't want anyway.

Keep in mind a corporate charter can always be pulled to prevent a company from doing business in the United States. :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
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