So with why with 50 years of political experience did France pulls their ambassador? Wow!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011

France RECALLS ambassadors from US and Australia, citing ‘exceptional gravity’ of AUKUS submarine deal​

When was the last time France did the unthinkable... withdrew their ambassador!
And this from the "politically correct" president! Wow
So much for "world citizenship"!
Hmmm. Did any country pull their ambassador let alone a Major European country like France... under Trump???

France RECALLS ambassadors from US and Australia, citing ‘exceptional gravity’ of AUKUS submarine deal​

When was the last time France did the unthinkable... withdrew their ambassador!
And this from the "politically correct" president! Wow
So much for "world citizenship"!
Hmmm. Did any country pull their ambassador let alone a Major European country like France... under Trump???

JoE BiDeN hAs foReigN pOliCy exPeriEncE! Derp!
What an embarrassment! And coupled with FDA slap in the booster! And then the killing of 7 innocent
children! Wow... but of course all you Biden supporters aren't you just a little embarrassed?

Yea but Biden doesn't Tweet! Thank goodness!
And then we have nearly 10,000 people under the bridge with another 10,000 coming...
And why"... Joe's encouraging..."Surge"
"I would in fact make sure that there is immediately a surge to the border. They deserve to be heard"
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France and to a lesser extent, Germany, double cross USA all the time. It appears some in the Biden administration have accepted that America First is still an important concept.

Also, if the world is going to criticize America for protecting its interests, they should openty criticize other major powers who have been doing much worse for the last 30 years with nary a peep from them.
What an embarrassment! And coupled with FDA slap in the booster! And then the killing of 7 innocent
children! Wow... but of course all you Biden supporters aren't you just a little embarrassed?

Yea but Biden doesn't Tweet! Thank goodness!

They are so fucking stupid they don't know what's going on.
England, is already building our Virginia class submarines, with the helm on the opposite side, of course. It is only logical that Australia, which speaks English and is a better ally of England's than France, to get in on the Virginia deal.

Sadly, they build those submarines in extreme liberal states!

France RECALLS ambassadors from US and Australia, citing ‘exceptional gravity’ of AUKUS submarine deal​

When was the last time France did the unthinkable... withdrew their ambassador!
And this from the "politically correct" president! Wow
So much for "world citizenship"!
Hmmm. Did any country pull their ambassador let alone a Major European country like France... under Trump???

RT, Russia Times is a propaganda website ran by the Kremlin.

France RECALLS ambassadors from US and Australia, citing ‘exceptional gravity’ of AUKUS submarine deal​

When was the last time France did the unthinkable... withdrew their ambassador!
And this from the "politically correct" president! Wow
So much for "world citizenship"!
Hmmm. Did any country pull their ambassador let alone a Major European country like France... under Trump???
They took losing that submarine contract program pretty hard.
France and to a lesser extent, Germany, double cross USA all the time. It appears some in the Biden administration have accepted that America First is still an important concept.

Also, if the world is going to criticize America for protecting its interests, they should openty criticize other major powers who have been doing much worse for the last 30 years with nary a peep from them.
Wait a minute! So are you saying when Trump was pushing France, Germany i.e. to spend more of the GDP on the military which under NATO these countries were to spend he was right?
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France is mad cause it lost out on a huge military contract selling submarines to Australia.

Lots of money and jobs went up in smoke.
France is mad cause it lost out on a huge military contract selling submarines to Australia.

Lots of money and jobs went up in smoke.

It would piss me off too if I lost out on $65 BILLION U.S in Aussie currency. It doesn't help relations between America and France, that's for sure.

I shed not one tear when Macron and Merkel lose however. Aussies purchased the more vital equipment considering their local adversaries capabilities.

I'm one who would like to see global peace. Apparently Australia is of the opinion that with their nations lack of population and economic might, they had best have nuclear capable subs if a problem arises so that a comparable deterrent is in their possession.

We will see how the MSM deal with this ostracizing of an ally. They went on a rampage when Trump simply demanded that global allies pay their fair share and stop over taxing Made in America goods. If Biden could actually seal up your southern border, he might find an uptick in his approval rating.
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France is mad cause it lost out on a huge military contract selling submarines to Australia.

Lots of money and jobs went up in smoke.

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