So Why Will Our Liberal Leaders Refuse To Televise Donald Trump? What Facts Could He Possibly Bring Up For The World To See?

Stage 5 TDS is still believing in the orange baboon after everything you've been told. Haow gullible and stupid do you have to be to continue to support this deranged and addled old fool?

You people are in the thrall of a grifter, a conman who tried to destroy the country and install himself as dictator for life. And you sit there calling people who want his arrested for his crimes, "deranged".
Look up the word "projection" in the dictionary, and you'll see a picture of a blindly obedient Trumpster accusing someone ELSE of having TDS.


Everyone on that committee is a never Trumper. Is that your idea of democracy? It's more like a totalitarian mock hearing just going through the motions to satisfy the stupid and naive. People with moderate intelligence know what's going on here.
Yes, because obviously that poster is one of those who believe that "democracy" means "ruled by democrats".
If either of those people are called to testify, it won't be at the same time as trump. Trump knows he just isn't smart enough to stand up to questioning. If he appears (I highly doubt it) he will keep his mouth shut and take the 5th.

Non-responsive. Those clips are Trump saying people who take the fifth are crooks, not Trump being tongue-tied. He opened himself up to fair criticism of being hypocritical by saying those things, but that has nothing to do with my question.

Your lack of clips where he is tongue tied shows that any predictions of someone like Adam Schiff or Benniee Tokenson rattling him and making him look foolish are pipe dreams.
Stage 5 TDS is still believing in the orange baboon after everything you've been told. How gullible and stupid do you have to be to continue to support this deranged and addled old fool?

You people are in the thrall of a grifter, a conman who tried to destroy the country and install himself as dictator for life. And you sit there calling people who want his arrested for his crimes, "deranged".
Cry elsewhere. You're a bore who has no right to have an opinion here.
We could make quite a list of issues/facts/possible scandals that President Trump will tell the world if he was to be supeeened on for a billion or so to watch.
So Gee, Hmm, what could they be?
There aren't any current Democrat Scandals going on right now? yes? :eek:

Democrats don't want Americans to see their disrepect for and disgusting treatment of former President Trump AND they don't want anyone to see the ass-kicking they are going to get when he starts exposing / bringing up the facts...

...Like how Pelosi, the DC Mayor and Sergeants-at-Arms of the Housecand Senate rejected bringing in the National Guard despite the FBI warrning ahead of time of potential violence.... how the FBI testified they were running covert ops and had agents in the crowd the night before and on J6... how his own words at his speech on J6 were of a peaceful march and patriotic demonstration... how Nany Pelosi broke the law by threatening the President with physical violencecand should have been arrested....
Mac1958 said:
Look up the word "projection" in the dictionary, and you'll see a picture of...

YOURSELF, lil' emotional, mentally unstable, hate-driven, Dem apologist troll.
Yes, because obviously that poster is one of those who believe that "democracy" means "ruled by democrats".

Your problem is that you think the President is your "ruler" not your servant. You refer to you leaders as "elites". Government doesn't "rule" the people, it SERVES the people. At least it's supposed to.

The American government no longer serves the people. It serves "special interests". The way to take back your government is not to elect a conman like Donald Trump, but to refuse to vote for liars like Donald Trump. If you don't insist on better political representatives, things are not going to get better.
Non-responsive. Those clips are Trump saying people who take the fifth are crooks, not Trump being tongue-tied. He opened himself up to fair criticism of being hypocritical by saying those things, but that has nothing to do with my question.

Your lack of clips where he is tongue tied shows that any predictions of someone like Adam Schiff or Benniee Tokenson rattling him and making him look foolish are pipe dreams.
He knew he wasn't smart enough to present his case and prove his innocence. The coward had every opportunity to state his case.
He knew he wasn't smart enough to present his case and prove his innocence. The coward had every opportunity to state his case.
Only a fool would submit to questioning by people as full of hate as the Democrats. Trump's not that big a fool. It was foolish for him to disparage the 5th amendment, but it was wise to refuse to testify.

Anyway, he said he will testify as long as it is live. The TDS committee has a perfect opportunity to make him look foolish. Just take him up on his offer. Agree to live, real time transmission of whatever he says with no conditions set by them, and no jamming or turning off the microphone, when he says something that triggers them.

If Trump then backs down, they won!

But, they didn't do that with Bannon, they sure aren't going to to that with Trump.
Only a fool would submit to questioning by people as full of hate as the Democrats. Trump's not that big a fool. It was foolish for him to disparage the 5th amendment, but it was wise to refuse to testify.

Anyway, he said he will testify as long as it is live. The TDS committee has a perfect opportunity to make him look foolish. Just take him up on his offer. Agree to live, real time transmission of whatever he says with no conditions set by them, and no jamming or turning off the microphone, when he says something that triggers them.

If Trump then backs down, they won!

But, they didn't do that with Bannon, they sure aren't going to to that with Trump.
You MAGAs are all saying he promised to testify if it was on TV, but i can't find anywhere that he actually did that. You got a credible link? A direct statement from him would be even better.
Non-responsive. Those clips are Trump saying people who take the fifth are crooks, not Trump being tongue-tied. He opened himself up to fair criticism of being hypocritical by saying those things, but that has nothing to do with my question.

Your lack of clips where he is tongue tied shows that any predictions of someone like Adam Schiff or Benniee Tokenson rattling him and making him look foolish are pipe dreams.

Trump is never "tongue tied". He can keep talking endlessly, even if what he says doesn't form complete sentences, answer the question asked, or even make sense, but he says it all with such confidence and authority, that foolish people like YOU, believe his bullshit. Trump is the ultimate proof that "Bullshit baffles brains".

Most smart and sane people can see through the bullshit, but there are always those who WANT to believe. Trump became President because you really can fool some people all of the time.
You MAGAs are all saying he promised to testify if it was on TV, but i can't find anywhere that he actually did that. You got a credible link? A direct statement from him would be even better.
Yeah, I got it from "sources." That's always good enough for Democrats.

The story is out there. Trump isn't denying it. What I said about the Dems taking him up on his offer applies whether Trump made a formal offer or just floated a trial balloon. I notice you are not predicting that the TDS committee will invite Trump to testify live.
Trump is never "tongue tied".
Ok, so BULLDOG was wrong about that.
He can keep talking endlessly, even if what he says doesn't form complete sentences, answer the question asked, or even make sense, but he says it all with such confidence and authority, that foolish people like YOU, believe his bullshit. Trump is the ultimate proof that "Bullshit baffles brains".
Most smart and sane people can see through the bullshit, but there are always those who WANT to believe. Trump became President because you really can fool some people all of the time.
He became president because the media could not resist covering him, and because working class voters were tired of RINO's and voted for him in the primary and because Dems ran a person who was "owed" the nomination instead of a person who could beat Trump.

Keep obsessing and you'll obsess him right back into the WH.
You MAGAs are all saying he promised to testify if it was on TV, but i can't find anywhere that he actually did that. You got a credible link? A direct statement from him would be even better.
Even if he did say it in social media.... It's just another lie, until his lawyers presents that REQUEST to the committee in writing.

You know his lawyers arehaving a heart attack, from this comment from him. (If he did say it). No way would they advise him to testify under oath, under any condition....

and he kinda just screwed himself, big time, by the offer to do it publically. It's an admittance that his testimony is not executive privilege, or an admittance that there is no 5th amendment reason for him not to testify in private, as all others interviewed. If it is ok with him to talk publically, then it is ok, to do it privately....
Ok, so BULLDOG was wrong about that.

He became president because the media could not resist covering him, and because working class voters were tired of RINO's and voted for him in the primary and because Dems ran a person who was "owed" the nomination instead of a person who could beat Trump.

Keep obsessing and you'll obsess him right back into the WH.
Toung tied and too scared to speak are two different things.
This is what he will do:

Which is what Eric Trump did:

He will never testify under oath.
Yet he's offered if done live.
Toung tied and too scared to speak are two different things.
Now he is willing to talk, and the TDS committee is too scared to let him.

Can you really imagine Bennie Tokenson going toe-to-toe with Trump rhetorically?

He's reading that speech like a High School freshman during is first attempt at public speaking class.
Even if he did say it in social media.... It's just another lie, until his lawyers presents that REQUEST to the committee in writing.

You know his lawyers arehaving a heart attack, from this comment from him. (If he did say it). No way would they advise him to testify under oath, under any condition....

and he kinda just screwed himself, big time, by the offer to do it publically. It's an admittance that his testimony is not executive privilege, or an admittance that there is no 5th amendment reason for him not to testify in private, as all others interviewed. If it is ok with him to talk publically, then it is ok, to do it privately....
I can't even find it in social media.

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