So Where's the 302, Bob? Endgame Nears for Mueller


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
The days of Mueller's witch hunt are numbered. Bob crying like a little girl because the judge demands that he produce the 302s. He's obviously trying to hide something, and when it becomes public his reputation will be in tatters.

So Where's the 302, Bob? Endgame Nears for Mueller

The whiny submission of Mueller's SC to Judge Emmet Sullivan this afternoon, reeks of panic desperation and arrogance. There's also a critical piece of evidence missing. As Rex explains, Mueller can whine all he wants. None of it will wash with Judge Emmet Sullivan, who will now be incandescent with fury.

After reading General Flynn's bombshell pre-sentencing memorandum earlier this week, Judge Sullivan on Wednesday ordered Mueller's team to produce to turn over all of the government's documents and "memoranda" related to Flynn's questioning.

The whiny and petulant response by Mueller and his goons reads more like a press release for FakeNews. In the real world, however, it is damning. Not for General Flynn. It's damning for Mueller's SC, Andrew McCabe and Peter Strzok. You could argue that what is missing in Mueller's response, is more important than what's included.

What's included? A self serving, bizarre 302 based on a 22 August 2017 interview conducted by Mueller's SC, of the lamentable Peter Strzok, just days before Strzok was removed from Mueller SC. The 22 August interview is about Strzok's 24 January 2017 interview, with General Flynn. Note - 22 August 2017. Seven months after the Jan 24 interview. Yes. You did read that right. If your reaction to this is along the lines of 'What the Duck?', you're not quacking alone.

Where's the January 302, Bob? Initially, many of us thought this August 22 interview was a modification of an original 302, written after the January 24 interview. That would have been suspicious enough. But the reality seems even worse.

And what's missing from Mueller's response? The FBI 302 of the interview between General Flynn and the FBI's Peter Strzok and Joe Pientka, on 24 January 2017. It seems that a January 302 may not even exist. Look, there are only two alternatives : either there is a 302 of the Jan 24 interview between General Flynn, Peter Strzok and Joe Pientka, or there is not. You would hope that any FBI agent interviewing the NSA of the President, would keep contemporaneous notes and record them in a FBI 302. It's not just because it is FBI policy to do so, within 5 days of the interview. It's because of the importance of the officials involved. As stated, General Flynn was the NSA of an inaugurated US government. But if there is a 302 of the January 24 interview, it has not been produced to Judge Emmet Sullivan. That's very disturbing. It raises the question : what evidence was used by Mueller to conclude that General Flynn lied to the FBI, in his January 24 interview?
Look, not only did they fail in a coup attempt against Trump, they doubled down at least twice on the losing bet. Trump is not an insider, he's come to burn the Deep State and Socialist Progressive democrat Party to the ground. With all that at stake, of course The Mule Team will lie
you would have thought all documents like that would have been entered routinely as evidence...….and presented to defense......
Flynn was so set up.

It actually bothers me that he was so gullible.

Comey is on the talk show circuit bragging about how the FBI fucked Flynn.

This shit is despicable.
you would have thought all documents like that would have been entered routinely as evidence...….and presented to defense......
Place your bets: How long after the Flynn sentencing will the Mueller witch hunt last? My prediction is one week.
The days of Mueller's witch hunt are numbered. Bob crying like a little girl because the judge demands that he produce the 302s. He's obviously trying to hide something, and when it becomes public his reputation will be in tatters.

So Where's the 302, Bob? Endgame Nears for Mueller

The whiny submission of Mueller's SC to Judge Emmet Sullivan this afternoon, reeks of panic desperation and arrogance. There's also a critical piece of evidence missing. As Rex explains, Mueller can whine all he wants. None of it will wash with Judge Emmet Sullivan, who will now be incandescent with fury.

After reading General Flynn's bombshell pre-sentencing memorandum earlier this week, Judge Sullivan on Wednesday ordered Mueller's team to produce to turn over all of the government's documents and "memoranda" related to Flynn's questioning.

The whiny and petulant response by Mueller and his goons reads more like a press release for FakeNews. In the real world, however, it is damning. Not for General Flynn. It's damning for Mueller's SC, Andrew McCabe and Peter Strzok. You could argue that what is missing in Mueller's response, is more important than what's included.

What's included? A self serving, bizarre 302 based on a 22 August 2017 interview conducted by Mueller's SC, of the lamentable Peter Strzok, just days before Strzok was removed from Mueller SC. The 22 August interview is about Strzok's 24 January 2017 interview, with General Flynn. Note - 22 August 2017. Seven months after the Jan 24 interview. Yes. You did read that right. If your reaction to this is along the lines of 'What the Duck?', you're not quacking alone.

Where's the January 302, Bob? Initially, many of us thought this August 22 interview was a modification of an original 302, written after the January 24 interview. That would have been suspicious enough. But the reality seems even worse.

And what's missing from Mueller's response? The FBI 302 of the interview between General Flynn and the FBI's Peter Strzok and Joe Pientka, on 24 January 2017. It seems that a January 302 may not even exist. Look, there are only two alternatives : either there is a 302 of the Jan 24 interview between General Flynn, Peter Strzok and Joe Pientka, or there is not. You would hope that any FBI agent interviewing the NSA of the President, would keep contemporaneous notes and record them in a FBI 302. It's not just because it is FBI policy to do so, within 5 days of the interview. It's because of the importance of the officials involved. As stated, General Flynn was the NSA of an inaugurated US government. But if there is a 302 of the January 24 interview, it has not been produced to Judge Emmet Sullivan. That's very disturbing. It raises the question : what evidence was used by Mueller to conclude that General Flynn lied to the FBI, in his January 24 interview?
How many times are you gonna fall for this kid?

If we went in saying Trump and Putin stole the election from HIllary and we end up with Trump didn’t go through the proper channels to pay off his whores, the end game is clearly to remove Trump from office no matter what.
If we went in saying Trump and Putin stole the election from HIllary and we end up with Trump didn’t go through the proper channels to pay off his whores, the end game is clearly to remove Trump from office no matter what.

So you think that is the only thing that is grounds to lock him up? You think he should get a pass for all the other laws he broke?
The days of Mueller's witch hunt are numbered. Bob crying like a little girl because the judge demands that he produce the 302s. He's obviously trying to hide something, and when it becomes public his reputation will be in tatters.

So Where's the 302, Bob? Endgame Nears for Mueller

The whiny submission of Mueller's SC to Judge Emmet Sullivan this afternoon, reeks of panic desperation and arrogance. There's also a critical piece of evidence missing. As Rex explains, Mueller can whine all he wants. None of it will wash with Judge Emmet Sullivan, who will now be incandescent with fury.

After reading General Flynn's bombshell pre-sentencing memorandum earlier this week, Judge Sullivan on Wednesday ordered Mueller's team to produce to turn over all of the government's documents and "memoranda" related to Flynn's questioning.

The whiny and petulant response by Mueller and his goons reads more like a press release for FakeNews. In the real world, however, it is damning. Not for General Flynn. It's damning for Mueller's SC, Andrew McCabe and Peter Strzok. You could argue that what is missing in Mueller's response, is more important than what's included.

What's included? A self serving, bizarre 302 based on a 22 August 2017 interview conducted by Mueller's SC, of the lamentable Peter Strzok, just days before Strzok was removed from Mueller SC. The 22 August interview is about Strzok's 24 January 2017 interview, with General Flynn. Note - 22 August 2017. Seven months after the Jan 24 interview. Yes. You did read that right. If your reaction to this is along the lines of 'What the Duck?', you're not quacking alone.

Where's the January 302, Bob? Initially, many of us thought this August 22 interview was a modification of an original 302, written after the January 24 interview. That would have been suspicious enough. But the reality seems even worse.

And what's missing from Mueller's response? The FBI 302 of the interview between General Flynn and the FBI's Peter Strzok and Joe Pientka, on 24 January 2017. It seems that a January 302 may not even exist. Look, there are only two alternatives : either there is a 302 of the Jan 24 interview between General Flynn, Peter Strzok and Joe Pientka, or there is not. You would hope that any FBI agent interviewing the NSA of the President, would keep contemporaneous notes and record them in a FBI 302. It's not just because it is FBI policy to do so, within 5 days of the interview. It's because of the importance of the officials involved. As stated, General Flynn was the NSA of an inaugurated US government. But if there is a 302 of the January 24 interview, it has not been produced to Judge Emmet Sullivan. That's very disturbing. It raises the question : what evidence was used by Mueller to conclude that General Flynn lied to the FBI, in his January 24 interview?

Oh WOW. Color Me Unimpressed.

YOU, a RWNJ, you went to RWNJ website and found a RWNJ Article and you think you have proven something.

More smelly piles RWNJ Dog Shit offered up by a Smelly RWNJ.
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I agree with Rush who stated the Deep State conspiracy to attack our Constitution, undermine our democracy and attempt to overturn the 2016 Presidential election will not end until they get President Trump out of office. Here is an excellent Judicial Watch presentation that gives an overview of the attack on our country by the democrats and MSM.

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Comey has literally bragged on national television how they set up Flynn.

How can anyone support this Nazi style governance?

Ask yourself if you would support it if it were done to you.

If your answer is No, but you are happy it was done to Flynn, you are a cvnt.
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I agree with Rush who stated the Deep State conspiracy to attack our Constitution, undermine our democracy and attempt to overturn the 2016 Presidential election will not end until they get President Trump out of office. Here is an excellent Judicial Watch presentation that gives an overview of the attack on our country by the democrats and MSM.

They have to get Trump out of office, otherwise lots of them will be going to prison. That's why they fight so viciously.
Comey realized he can't run, he's hoping Soros didnt give away his seat in the escape pod to the Bearded Lady

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