So What Next Joe Biden? You Have To Wear A Mask When You Go To Bathroom&Sniff Or Smell Children Under 21?


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
so, i think I just heard on the radio {maybe it was the Hannity show, or Mark Levin} that Biden is suggesting we all wear masks pretty much all the time to stop the spread of corona? hmm, was Biden wearing a mask when he did something not so pure to one of his employees way back in the 90's?
and who is Joe Biden to tell us what to do? he's not President. at this point of his life, he really isn't qualified to do anything but head for "The Villages" in central Florida.
So now, we all have to worry about being fined if we are caught heading for a restroom without a mask? and maybe sent to jail for 3 days god forbid we get caught smelling anyone without a mask?
You've all been whining like this about Biden for months now. And Biden's lead keeps growing.

Given that your propaganda campaign has failed so badly, shouldn't you try something else?

What's that? You have nothing else? Sucks to be you.
now i have to worry that the next time Britney Speers walks by me that i may get arrested for smelling her hair without a mask
I heard that he wants to mandate that we wear a mask even when we are outside. Well I've got news for him. I'm not wearing a f'ing mask when I'm not within a 100 feet of anyone else which is usually the case when I'm outside.

I heard that he wants to mandate that we wear a mask even when we are outside. Well I've got news for him. I'm not wearing a f'ing mask when I'm not within a 100 feet of anyone else which is usually the case when I'm outside.

rush needs to respond back,,telling Biden that he didnt wear a mask when he smelled and sniffed all kinds of people, and we have all seen the footage on you tube
This is the mask Biden wears for sniffing...

You've all been whining like this about Biden for months now. And Biden's lead keeps growing.

Given that your propaganda campaign has failed so badly, shouldn't you try something else?

What's that? You have nothing else? Sucks to be you.
Get that vagina hat ready, you gonna need it.

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