So What Happened to the Mask Nazis?

What's any of that got to do with why masks mandates disappeared?

The OP question was, where did all the mask Nazis go? Can you answer that?

The number of cases dropped 92% in the last 45 days. Thus the need for mask has gone away
Almost 200,000 new cases a day right now, more than when this was ‘a crisis that requires the nation to shutdown and masks must be worn by all to prevent infections’. Deaths are just as high, so that miracle mystery vaccine must require a few dozen more doses to work.

But now Joe says Federal government buildings no longer require masks. Every Democrat Governor is now saying masks are not required.

‘Science’ is now saying the ChiCom Flu will be nothing in another few months, background noise.

It’s almost as if ‘science’ is driven by politics.
with the graphs you give..

can't say "almost as if"

Putin ended covid. Just in time for the midterms!

I started a thread a few days ago on that...
This is what happened to the mask Nazi Covid idiots.....Fake news put another program in their one cell brain ...they were switched from Covid for war in Ukraine, by fake news!

Bigger idiots than those you will never see in your life!

Almost 200,000 new cases a day right now, more than when this was ‘a crisis that requires the nation to shutdown and masks must be worn by all to prevent infections’. Deaths are just as high, so that miracle mystery vaccine must require a few dozen more doses to work.

But now Joe says Federal government buildings no longer require masks. Every Democrat Governor is now saying masks are not required.

‘Science’ is now saying the ChiCom Flu will be nothing in another few months, background noise.

It’s almost as if ‘science’ is driven by politics.
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They were all FUCKING wrong and now the November bloodbath is looming.
Almost 200,000 new cases a day right now, more than when this was ‘a crisis that requires the nation to shutdown and masks must be worn by all to prevent infections’. Deaths are just as high, so that miracle mystery vaccine must require a few dozen more doses to work.

But now Joe says Federal government buildings no longer require masks. Every Democrat Governor is now saying masks are not required.

‘Science’ is now saying the ChiCom Flu will be nothing in another few months, background noise.

It’s almost as if ‘science’ is driven by politics.
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Yeah, Dems are getting murdered by this. Notice we haven't heard from Fauci for a long while. I thought he claimed to be apolitical and wouldn't be silenced.
Vote Democrat in 2022 to bring back mask mandates and make them permanent. Democrats will lie and deny they want this but when it comes to a vote Democrats will support it and much much worse.
Almost 200,000 new cases a day right now, more than when this was ‘a crisis that requires the nation to shutdown and masks must be worn by all to prevent infections’. Deaths are just as high, so that miracle mystery vaccine must require a few dozen more doses to work.

But now Joe says Federal government buildings no longer require masks. Every Democrat Governor is now saying masks are not required.

‘Science’ is now saying the ChiCom Flu will be nothing in another few months, background noise.

It’s almost as if ‘science’ is driven by politics.
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Oooooh......ooooooh....pick me, pick me! :desk:

The midterm election........
The mask madness was never about protecting anyone from anything. It was, from the get-go, exerting control. Inducing fear so you'd submit willingly.

But now people are getting tired of the masks - not even thinking about how they've been suckered into serfdom.

So now it's OK to vote for Democrats - they took away the masks!

OK, but if you do that then buy a good stock of masks to beat the shortage when the left wins and suddenly the masks are back. Caution, though, the masks you buy now may not be party-approved once they put the screws to you again. You'll need to buy special masks only avaialble in limited supply and at black market prices. But if you leave your home without one you'll be shuffled off to a re-education camp or, if you're lucky, be shot dead.

Think I'm just imaginging that? Wanna bet your life on it?
Now we have individual stores and dining places imposing mask requirements in counties or regions where such illegality has been lifted.
I walked out of a Chinese place last night and confronted the manager. These dumb asses have been scared shitless and won’t let go of the hoax. They can now put themselves out of business instead of lib loon officials doing it to them. Went next door to 5 Guys snd no problem.