So what do Republicans do now?

Donald Trump, their worst nightmare, looks like he will take the nomination. A recent convert to conservatism that has alienated every wing of the Republican Party. The Koch brothers, Karl Rove, Fox News fume as he makes them irrelevant.
What will they do now?

1. Hold their noses and tell Trump they supported him all along?

2. Give half hearted support to Trump and hope he loses

3. Secretly support Hillary
Those with any common sense and who care for the survival of our country will vote for Mrs. Clinton.
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But the fact is that only about 35 percent of Republican voters support Trump. He is a blot on the landscape. Not someone who should be President of the USA and not someone who should be a world leader or on the world stage, or represent our great nation. He is a fool, a con-man, a joke. He will put our country in danger over and over again. And he most certainly is not interested in the common man, unless it is to hire illegal aliens--then he is interested in them: as slave labor.

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