So what do Republicans do now?

Donald Trump, their worst nightmare, looks like he will take the nomination. A recent convert to conservatism that has alienated every wing of the Republican Party. The Koch brothers, Karl Rove, Fox News fume as he makes them irrelevant.
What will they do now?

1. Hold their noses and tell Trump they supported him all along?

2. Give half hearted support to Trump and hope he loses

3. Secretly support Hillary

LOSE is what they'll do. Until the Republican party, which btw is the minority party in this country today, learns to not chase off large voting blocks, they'll continue to LOSE from here on out.

In 2012 it was women, in 2016 it's another large voting block Hispanics.

Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him

So this gal is going to paint this country blue from sea to shining sea on election night. The ONLY hope for Republicans is a Bernie Sanders nominee who would get creamed in a National Election by Mickey Mouse.


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Donald Trump, their worst nightmare, looks like he will take the nomination. A recent convert to conservatism that has alienated every wing of the Republican Party. The Koch brothers, Karl Rove, Fox News fume as he makes them irrelevant.
What will they do now?

1. Hold their noses and tell Trump they supported him all along?

2. Give half hearted support to Trump and hope he loses

3. Secretly support Hillary

They're going to (eventually, anyway) get down on their knees and cry. That's because Trump would (or will) wreck the GOP which is particularly true if he actually won the election. Inside of 2 years, EVERYONE would be clamoring for his Impeachment.
And for many on the right that's exactly what they want – to destroy the GOP, or what they perceive as 'the establishment,' no more deals with democrats, no more compromises, just blind adherence to failed, wrongheaded conservative dogma.
See, that's the part I truly don't understand...?

Donald Trump has said that he would work with Pelosi, and whomever on the Democratic side to basically come with a compromise in a deal, he's a "deal maker" he says...

So if the Republicans that support Trump want to destroy the establishment RNC/GOP for their compromising with the Dems and not holding their ground, then why oh why would they be supporting Trump, who has outright said he would compromise with Democratic Leaders to get things done?

Avatar had a thread on this, but I don't believe there was ever an answer from the Trump supporters on his question....just a lot of mud slinging...

Are Trumpketeers now willing to compromise and negotiate deals with Democrats?
Their 'reasoning' is that an 'outsider' such as Trump, someone 'the establishment' hates, as the nominee, would obliterate the status quo, relegate moderate republicans ('RINOs') to the political back seat of the party, and allow the social right, TPM, and fiscal extremists to dominate the agenda, an agenda of bigotry, hate, and intolerance.
Donald Trump, their worst nightmare, looks like he will take the nomination. A recent convert to conservatism that has alienated every wing of the Republican Party. The Koch brothers, Karl Rove, Fox News fume as he makes them irrelevant.
What will they do now?

1. Hold their noses and tell Trump they supported him all along?

2. Give half hearted support to Trump and hope he loses

3. Secretly support Hillary

They're going to (eventually, anyway) get down on their knees and cry. That's because Trump would (or will) wreck the GOP which is particularly true if he actually won the election. Inside of 2 years, EVERYONE would be clamoring for his Impeachment.
And for many on the right that's exactly what they want – to destroy the GOP, or what they perceive as 'the establishment,' no more deals with democrats, no more compromises, just blind adherence to failed, wrongheaded conservative dogma.
See, that's the part I truly don't understand...?

Donald Trump has said that he would work with Pelosi, and whomever on the Democratic side to basically come with a compromise in a deal, he's a "deal maker" he says...

So if the Republicans that support Trump want to destroy the establishment RNC/GOP for their compromising with the Dems and not holding their ground, then why oh why would they be supporting Trump, who has outright said he would compromise with Democratic Leaders to get things done?

Avatar had a thread on this, but I don't believe there was ever an answer from the Trump supporters on his question....just a lot of mud slinging...

Are Trumpketeers now willing to compromise and negotiate deals with Democrats?
Their 'reasoning' is that an 'outsider' such as Trump, someone 'the establishment' hates, as the nominee, would obliterate the status quo, relegate moderate republicans ('RINOs') to the political back seat of the party, and allow the social right, TPM, and fiscal extremists to dominate the agenda, an agenda of bigotry, hate, and intolerance.
The Dem policies of more of the same are what the candidates for the Dem's are proposing. Hillary wants to increase taxes slightly, keeping the tax code the same........basically continuing the stagnation of jobs and investment in this country from Obama......Maintaining the job killing laws like Obamacare that is failing because the people are simply not jumping on board.

We don't need more of the same, and with Bernie...........more of the INSANE...........his massive tax plan is utter Lunacy............

Any of the Republican candidates are better than what the Dem's are pushing now.

Given that, the MOB rules and those preaching to the MOB are causing a movement similar to Obama's Change you Can Believe in mentality..............which worked for Obama and a nearly Billion in political spending to buy the WH.................

His failures on foreign policy are historic...........utter failure.............

His domestic agenda is a failure.........more on the they brag about low unemployment rates without the consideration of those no longer counted to get false rates................

Welfare roles are up, as poverty and median wages are down.............this is not the path for America.
By trying to split the republican party, radical lefties are caught in their own snare. If Trump is allegedly too moderate for republican conservatives where does he stand in the democrat scheme of things? What choices do democrats have between an old commie or a psychotic young commie who was a victim of her husband's domestic abuse for her entire adult life?
We are not the ones who invented the term RINO
Donald Trump, their worst nightmare, looks like he will take the nomination. A recent convert to conservatism that has alienated every wing of the Republican Party. The Koch brothers, Karl Rove, Fox News fume as he makes them irrelevant.
What will they do now?

1. Hold their noses and tell Trump they supported him all along?

2. Give half hearted support to Trump and hope he loses

3. Secretly support Hillary

LOSE is what they'll do. Until the Republican party, which btw is the minority party in this country today, learns to not chase off large voting blocks, they'll continue to LOSE from here on out.

In 2012 it was women, in 2016 it's another large voting block Hispanics.

Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him

So this gal is going to paint this country blue from sea to shining sea on election night. The ONLY hope for Republicans is a Bernie Sanders nominee who would get creamed in a National Election by Mickey Mouse.


If Hillary wins then the 2nd civil war will begin, and we will win that in a landslide.
Donald Trump, their worst nightmare, looks like he will take the nomination. A recent convert to conservatism that has alienated every wing of the Republican Party. The Koch brothers, Karl Rove, Fox News fume as he makes them irrelevant.
What will they do now?

1. Hold their noses and tell Trump they supported him all along?

2. Give half hearted support to Trump and hope he loses

3. Secretly support Hillary

They're going to (eventually, anyway) get down on their knees and cry. That's because Trump would (or will) wreck the GOP which is particularly true if he actually won the election. Inside of 2 years, EVERYONE would be clamoring for his Impeachment.
And for many on the right that's exactly what they want – to destroy the GOP, or what they perceive as 'the establishment,' no more deals with democrats, no more compromises, just blind adherence to failed, wrongheaded conservative dogma.
See, that's the part I truly don't understand...?

Donald Trump has said that he would work with Pelosi, and whomever on the Democratic side to basically come with a compromise in a deal, he's a "deal maker" he says...

So if the Republicans that support Trump want to destroy the establishment RNC/GOP for their compromising with the Dems and not holding their ground, then why oh why would they be supporting Trump, who has outright said he would compromise with Democratic Leaders to get things done?

Avatar had a thread on this, but I don't believe there was ever an answer from the Trump supporters on his question....just a lot of mud slinging...

Are Trumpketeers now willing to compromise and negotiate deals with Democrats?
Regardless of whether Trump will compromise, Republicans in Congress won't

The base will not stand for it
Why don't the radical lefties join the rest of the Country and embrace moderate republicans instead of drifting off the scale with an old commie and a psychotic victim of domestic abuse?

Is that a joke?

Moderate Republicans are the real victims here!!
Donald Trump, their worst nightmare, looks like he will take the nomination. A recent convert to conservatism that has alienated every wing of the Republican Party. The Koch brothers, Karl Rove, Fox News fume as he makes them irrelevant.
What will they do now?

1. Hold their noses and tell Trump they supported him all along?

2. Give half hearted support to Trump and hope he loses

3. Secretly support Hillary

They're going to (eventually, anyway) get down on their knees and cry. That's because Trump would (or will) wreck the GOP which is particularly true if he actually won the election. Inside of 2 years, EVERYONE would be clamoring for his Impeachment.
And for many on the right that's exactly what they want – to destroy the GOP, or what they perceive as 'the establishment,' no more deals with democrats, no more compromises, just blind adherence to failed, wrongheaded conservative dogma.
See, that's the part I truly don't understand...?

Donald Trump has said that he would work with Pelosi, and whomever on the Democratic side to basically come with a compromise in a deal, he's a "deal maker" he says...

So if the Republicans that support Trump want to destroy the establishment RNC/GOP for their compromising with the Dems and not holding their ground, then why oh why would they be supporting Trump, who has outright said he would compromise with Democratic Leaders to get things done?

Avatar had a thread on this, but I don't believe there was ever an answer from the Trump supporters on his question....just a lot of mud slinging...

Are Trumpketeers now willing to compromise and negotiate deals with Democrats?
Their 'reasoning' is that an 'outsider' such as Trump, someone 'the establishment' hates, as the nominee, would obliterate the status quo, relegate moderate republicans ('RINOs') to the political back seat of the party, and allow the social right, TPM, and fiscal extremists to dominate the agenda, an agenda of bigotry, hate, and intolerance.

What is a "fiscal extremist?" Is that someone who wants to balance the budget? Has that become "extreme" now?
Beck is a freaking loon who's went over the edge. Conservatives are laughing at his antics

For such a loon he has a huge following of conservatives. So he obviously isn't laughed at that much.

Whatever, one loon will cross over? That'll seal the old bitch's victory for sure

Given that his ratings haven't dropped it isn't "one" loon but continue your delusion. I quite enjoy watching all the conservatives go cannibal on one another in regards to Trump.

Just don't be surprised if Trump gets the GOP nomination he gets his ass kicked in the general. The majority of the country are not Trump supporters. He has right now a 30% support. Not that fantastic.
The majority of the country is also not cankles, bernout or Kasich supporters either :thup:
Trump is very much a legitimate candidate.

Trump is a legitimate candidate now

But legitimate candidates need to build a coalition. First, within your own party, then with moderates and independents. Trump has gone out of his way to alienate them
true. Its easy for them out out rw (crazy) each other in their Primary. Its another thing to get Independents and undecideds to vote for you AFTER doing the former.
Donald Trump, their worst nightmare, looks like he will take the nomination. A recent convert to conservatism that has alienated every wing of the Republican Party. The Koch brothers, Karl Rove, Fox News fume as he makes them irrelevant.
What will they do now?

1. Hold their noses and tell Trump they supported him all along?

2. Give half hearted support to Trump and hope he loses

3. Secretly support Hillary
For someone who hates the GOP you sure post a lot about them.
It is far from certain Trump will take the nomination. Unlike the Democrat primaries the GOP primary system is not rigged in anyone's favor.
The real question is what will Dems do with an old Jewish socialist who is out of touch as their nominee?
out of touch? The reason he is resonating is that he's in touch you retard The Rabbi
Donald Trump, their worst nightmare, looks like he will take the nomination. A recent convert to conservatism that has alienated every wing of the Republican Party. The Koch brothers, Karl Rove, Fox News fume as he makes them irrelevant.
What will they do now?

1. Hold their noses and tell Trump they supported him all along?

2. Give half hearted support to Trump and hope he loses

3. Secretly support Hillary
For someone who hates the GOP you sure post a lot about them.
It is far from certain Trump will take the nomination. Unlike the Democrat primaries the GOP primary system is not rigged in anyone's favor.
The real question is what will Dems do with an old Jewish socialist who is out of touch as their nominee?
out of touch? The reason he is resonating is that he's in touch you retard The Rabbi
He is "resonating" with morons like you. Recall his castigating the killer ATM fees. LOL.
Donald Trump, their worst nightmare, looks like he will take the nomination. A recent convert to conservatism that has alienated every wing of the Republican Party. The Koch brothers, Karl Rove, Fox News fume as he makes them irrelevant.
What will they do now?

1. Hold their noses and tell Trump they supported him all along?

2. Give half hearted support to Trump and hope he loses

3. Secretly support Hillary
For someone who hates the GOP you sure post a lot about them.
It is far from certain Trump will take the nomination. Unlike the Democrat primaries the GOP primary system is not rigged in anyone's favor.
The real question is what will Dems do with an old Jewish socialist who is out of touch as their nominee?
out of touch? The reason he is resonating is that he's in touch you retard The Rabbi
He is "resonating" with morons like you. Recall his castigating the killer ATM fees. LOL.
you just proved YET GAIN that you're :up: a clueless moron. I'm prolly one of the few here willing to do casework w/ rw retards (waste time talking to you)
Donald Trump, their worst nightmare, looks like he will take the nomination. A recent convert to conservatism that has alienated every wing of the Republican Party. The Koch brothers, Karl Rove, Fox News fume as he makes them irrelevant.
What will they do now?

1. Hold their noses and tell Trump they supported him all along?

2. Give half hearted support to Trump and hope he loses

3. Secretly support Hillary
For someone who hates the GOP you sure post a lot about them.
It is far from certain Trump will take the nomination. Unlike the Democrat primaries the GOP primary system is not rigged in anyone's favor.
The real question is what will Dems do with an old Jewish socialist who is out of touch as their nominee?
out of touch? The reason he is resonating is that he's in touch you retard The Rabbi
He is "resonating" with morons like you. Recall his castigating the killer ATM fees. LOL.
you just proved YET GAIN that you're :up: a clueless moron. I'm prolly one of the few here willing to do casework w/ rw retards (waste time talking to you)
Again. Not "gain."
Total idiot. You couldn't prove water is wet.
Donald Trump, their worst nightmare, looks like he will take the nomination. A recent convert to conservatism that has alienated every wing of the Republican Party. The Koch brothers, Karl Rove, Fox News fume as he makes them irrelevant.
What will they do now?

1. Hold their noses and tell Trump they supported him all along?

2. Give half hearted support to Trump and hope he loses

3. Secretly support Hillary
For someone who hates the GOP you sure post a lot about them.
It is far from certain Trump will take the nomination. Unlike the Democrat primaries the GOP primary system is not rigged in anyone's favor.
The real question is what will Dems do with an old Jewish socialist who is out of touch as their nominee?
out of touch? The reason he is resonating is that he's in touch you retard The Rabbi
He is "resonating" with morons like you. Recall his castigating the killer ATM fees. LOL.
you just proved YET GAIN that you're :up: a clueless moron. I'm prolly one of the few here willing to do casework w/ rw retards (waste time talking to you)
Again. Not "gain."
Total idiot. You couldn't prove water is wet.
down to spell-checking to dig yourself out of the hole you put yourself in again Perry-supporter. :laugh: Too little, too late shit stain :boohoo:
For someone who hates the GOP you sure post a lot about them.
It is far from certain Trump will take the nomination. Unlike the Democrat primaries the GOP primary system is not rigged in anyone's favor.
The real question is what will Dems do with an old Jewish socialist who is out of touch as their nominee?
out of touch? The reason he is resonating is that he's in touch you retard The Rabbi
He is "resonating" with morons like you. Recall his castigating the killer ATM fees. LOL.
you just proved YET GAIN that you're :up: a clueless moron. I'm prolly one of the few here willing to do casework w/ rw retards (waste time talking to you)
Again. Not "gain."
Total idiot. You couldn't prove water is wet.
down to spell-checking to dig yourself out of the hole you put yourself in again Perry-supporter. :laugh: Too little, too late shit stain :boohoo:
And you take the bait.
You are a pitiful husk of an intellect. It is no wonder you support Sanders, the lousiest candidate since Barack Obama.
out of touch? The reason he is resonating is that he's in touch you retard The Rabbi
He is "resonating" with morons like you. Recall his castigating the killer ATM fees. LOL.
you just proved YET GAIN that you're :up: a clueless moron. I'm prolly one of the few here willing to do casework w/ rw retards (waste time talking to you)
Again. Not "gain."
Total idiot. You couldn't prove water is wet.
down to spell-checking to dig yourself out of the hole you put yourself in again Perry-supporter. :laugh: Too little, too late shit stain :boohoo:
And you take the bait.
You are a pitiful husk of an intellect. It is no wonder you support Sanders, the lousiest candidate since Barack Obama.
So you voting for Perry again? :rofl:

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