So .. What are You Protesting?

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009

Sheesh, so much for the democracy in the Democratic Party ... :lol:



I'm actually glad the (up to 43 so far) Democratic Party leadership aren't showing up, more room for patriotic Americans.


They just can't get over the fact that Hillary lost and the GOP won big.

The country didn't like the direction the country was taking and did something about it.

If I were a Dem or liberal I'd be protesting to. After all who wants the country to succeed? Certainly not them.
So anyway, who's making Putin happier right now, Democrats and their, "fake media" undermining an all-American free election or Trump promoting, "Make America Great Again" for all citizens....

Sheesh, it sure looks like the Democratic Party works for Putin right now... eh .. oh hell, it's obvious, Democrats are blindly or otherwise kissing Putin's ass right now..
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They just can't get over the fact that Hillary lost and the GOP won big.

The country didn't like the direction the country was taking and did something about it.
The Democrats didn't take the hint, evidently.

They are still convinced that their way is the best way... in fact the only way. No one can make the country good again, except them.

Which means that anyone who opposes them is automatically destroying the country, and must be eliminate, destroyed, annihilated. The most extreme responses are justified to get rid of the people who oppose their agenda. After all, their opponents are destroying the country! Just ask the liberals.
Let them protest. When they obstruct and/or get physical with Trump supporters and cry that they have rights to "peaceful protests", it's only going to affirm to America what it already knows about the angry Left.
Democrats... what a bunch of morons.
and they wonder why they lost-------------------------------------------
The good news is, they are still trying the same tactics today that got them thrown out in November. Seems they never learn. This goes a long way toward guaranteeing similar results in coming elections.
That is because their sales pitch to the American people is, "vote for us and we'll unfairly tax everyone else, but hey, you won't have to pay for it!"

Not exactly the most upbeat and inspirational message going.
Soooo .... out of thirteen posts here, twelve are fantasies about Democrat angst, rather than Democrat angst itself. The remaining one being about grits.

Seems a reflection of the greater board --- much more Echobubble babble about butthurt, than actual Butthurt. All y'all do is whine. :blahblah:

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