So we want to bring manufacturing back to America.

I couldn’t care less. It’s the RIGHT thing to do, whether it succeeds or not.

Oh it succeeds. Pretty much every time. The result would be the same. We would become the Peoples Republic of America. It would be great for you. You would love it. Anyone who didn’t agree wholeheartedly with the Government position would be rounded up.
Oh it succeeds. Pretty much every time. The result would be the same. We would become the Peoples Republic of America. It would be great for you. You would love it. Anyone who didn’t agree wholeheartedly with the Government position would be rounded up.
Sounds like a good start to me. We’ve PROVEN we can’t make the Right decisions as a population. We need to be ruled to ensure we live properly.
No. You won’t pay more. Ford and GM moved factories to Mexico. Why? Because it was the only way to stay competitive. Saturn was a GM product in a Right to Work state. Where is it now?

You won’t pay more. IBM started the PC market. And were undercut by every single upstart company. Where is IBM now? Gone. History.

Gateway offered quality with higher prices. Gateway is gone.

You won’t pay more. Because people rarely do. The only time they do is to show off. They’ll buy a Rolex watch. But only if they can flash it every fifteen seconds to the masses. They’ll buy a Ferrari. But only if they can arrive at a nightclub with a trophy blond.

Every single product is exactly the same. People will not pay more.

I mean it was Family Guy who joked that we should buy more American Made products. Which at last check were down to Porn and cheeseburgers. But people don’t pay for porn anymore either. They get that free. Sure they risk a computer virus. But hey that’s better than having porn dot com on your credit card bill.

They don’t pay more. They won’t do so happily. And as evidenced by the Gas complaints. They won’t pay more without screaming bloody murder.

And your answer. You will only pay more if it is somehow able to be proven to you that it helps Americans. In a way you approve of.

So drop the bullshit. You won’t pay more. You like everyone want the 65 inch ultra HD tv for the low low price of what you can get it for. You don’t care any more than anyone else if the name brand is child labor sweat shop.

That was a lot of talk to just express disagreement.

People will pay more. Everything above, was done in hte current FREE TRADE environment.

OUr point is that that has failed and should be changed.
That was a lot of talk to just express disagreement.

People will pay more. Everything above, was done in hte current FREE TRADE environment.

OUr point is that that has failed and should be changed.

Nonsense. Japanese cars started coming when there were still Tariffs. So did European cars. And they sold.

Even with tariffs the products made overseas were cheaper than that built here. And it sold. Every time.

Timex watches took over when Tariffs. The exact opposite of free trade, was the norm. The only reason the American Car manufacturers didn’t go the way of the British is the Americans swallowed their pride and learned to mimic the Japanese. More robots. Better quality designed in from the start.

Now we need protective rulings from Washington to be competitive in our own country. See Bombardier vs. Boeing if you doubt me.

I remember the outrage from America First idiots who objected to the Marines getting the Harrier jump jets. We shouldn’t be buying British planes. We are Americans. We have the best of everything. In reality. The Brits had built a hell of a plane. One which would cost us billions to design and build and it wouldn’t be any better than theirs.

Now American car quality has been increasing. Since we started building them in Mexico.

The Army just bought a Swiss Rifle. The Sig. Because American Made wasn’t good enough. Or something.

We have lots of weapons makers. And none of them could produce a pistol or rifle for the Military. Not if we wanted the best anyway.

We can’t even compete and win when we are talking about Guns. And we have more than most of the rest of the world combined.

It isn’t that I disagree. That’s easy to say. I’m giving you examples of why I disagree.

They went with free trade because it was considered a tax on the American consumer. And the argument was made that the Americans should be able to compete on a level playing field.

So no. People will not pay more.
Nonsense. Japanese cars started coming when there were still Tariffs. So did European cars. And they sold.

Even with tariffs the products made overseas were cheaper than that built here. And it sold. Every time.

Timex watches took over when Tariffs. The exact opposite of free trade, was the norm. The only reason the American Car manufacturers didn’t go the way of the British is the Americans swallowed their pride and learned to mimic the Japanese. More robots. Better quality designed in from the start.

Now we need protective rulings from Washington to be competitive in our own country. See Bombardier vs. Boeing if you doubt me.

I remember the outrage from America First idiots who objected to the Marines getting the Harrier jump jets. We shouldn’t be buying British planes. We are Americans. We have the best of everything. In reality. The Brits had built a hell of a plane. One which would cost us billions to design and build and it wouldn’t be any better than theirs.

Now American car quality has been increasing. Since we started building them in Mexico.

The Army just bought a Swiss Rifle. The Sig. Because American Made wasn’t good enough. Or something.

We have lots of weapons makers. And none of them could produce a pistol or rifle for the Military. Not if we wanted the best anyway.

We can’t even compete and win when we are talking about Guns. And we have more than most of the rest of the world combined.

It isn’t that I disagree. That’s easy to say. I’m giving you examples of why I disagree.

They went with free trade because it was considered a tax on the American consumer. And the argument was made that the Americans should be able to compete on a level playing field.

So no. People will not pay more.

The playing field is not level. No one else is playing by Free Trade rules but US.
two of my sibblings work in factories here in Merica Damn it and get paid pretty decently with incomes in the mid $50K range. Right now building crap overseas is about being closer to the market place as Asia is booming and North America is saturated. Labor is a declining part (and cost) of inputs. "Intellectual property" is where all the expenses are going these days. An iPhone cost like $15 to build materials and labor all in. The licensing fees for all the software on board adds several hundred to the baseline price.
No, you won’t pay more. That is how the manufacturing got moved from the country in the first place. You won’t pay more. Want to know how I can tell?

Because the Right can’t stop wailing and gnashing their teeth about gasoline prices.

So no, you won’t pay more.
Well...yes, I will. I have, many times. Hell, I returned a set of tires that I ordered because they were made in China. (Yes, the replacements were US-made.) I willingly pay more for US-made products.
Nonsense. Japanese cars started coming when there were still Tariffs. So did European cars. And they sold.

Even with tariffs the products made overseas were cheaper than that built here. And it sold. Every time.

Timex watches took over when Tariffs. The exact opposite of free trade, was the norm. The only reason the American Car manufacturers didn’t go the way of the British is the Americans swallowed their pride and learned to mimic the Japanese. More robots. Better quality designed in from the start.

Now we need protective rulings from Washington to be competitive in our own country. See Bombardier vs. Boeing if you doubt me.

I remember the outrage from America First idiots who objected to the Marines getting the Harrier jump jets. We shouldn’t be buying British planes. We are Americans. We have the best of everything. In reality. The Brits had built a hell of a plane. One which would cost us billions to design and build and it wouldn’t be any better than theirs.

Now American car quality has been increasing. Since we started building them in Mexico.

The Army just bought a Swiss Rifle. The Sig. Because American Made wasn’t good enough. Or something.

Or because the civilian market is more profitable than low-bid government contracts. Or because the American companies may not have had the production capacity for what the contract called for.

We have lots of weapons makers. And none of them could produce a pistol or rifle for the Military. Not if we wanted the best anyway.

Or (yet again) because they made more money from civilian sales.

We can’t even compete and win when we are talking about Guns. And we have more than most of the rest of the world combined.

It isn’t that I disagree. That’s easy to say. I’m giving you examples of why I disagree.

They went with free trade because it was considered a tax on the American consumer. And the argument was made that the Americans should be able to compete on a level playing field.

So no. People will not pay more.

Free trade is treasonous.
Or because the civilian market is more profitable than low-bid government contracts. Or because the American companies may not have had the production capacity for what the contract called for.

Or (yet again) because they made more money from civilian sales.

Free trade is treasonous.

Let’s take the car market. In the 1970’s every nation had a car manufacturer. I mean industrialized nations. Let’s focus on Europe, America, and Japan.

British cars were unreliable. Shoddily built. And often just ugly or stupid.

The old joke. If you wanted to improve your Jaguar after you buy it. Take it home and tighten up all the bolts that weren’t at the factory.

Along came a bunch of little ugly Japanese cars. But when you went out to go to work. The car started. It ran. When you turned a knob something changed. It worked. The electrical system worked unlike Italian cars. All the cylinders worked in the engine, unlike British cars.

Exciting? No. A pleasure to drive? Not really. It just worked. It was reliable.

People discovered that you could drive somewhere and not have any trouble getting back. It was a revelation.

British Companies being stubborn doubled down on being British. On the design elements that made a car quintessentially British. And all those companies went belly up.

American companies. Some were already in trouble. AMC had a run of awful cars as one example.

But Ford and GM saw the future. They saw what was happening in Europe. And they decided it was time to evolve or die.

That is Free Trade. Competition on the larger playing field.

Ford in Europe, Australia, and elsewhere made lots of good cars. One became the foundation of the iconic Mustang.

The same with GM in those same places. Lots of good cars.

Now it is the 1980’s and most of the English car companies are gone. In America. We are getting the start of the Korean invasion. Cars that were even cheaper than Japanese and about as reliable. Hyundai and later Kia.

By Comparison. French cars didn’t do well in America. Italian cars were hit and miss. Mostly because to buy one you had to accept it was going to be breaking down. A lot. That may be acceptable for a Ferrari. It isn’t really what you want from your commute to work ride.

The Germans. Jesus they built the cars well. It was as if all the other countries had a point where the car was good enough. A little sloppiness at the factory was fine. Not Mercedes. Nor any of the other German brands.

And then you had the safest cars on the road. The Swedish brands. Volvo and Saab. Saab never could get a decent market share. Now they too are gone.

For me. It is like the 1970’s all over again. American companies building big fuel inefficient cars while gas prices rise. I expect that soon we will hear about how American companies are floundering. We will hear the usual protectionist nonsense. While we the taxpayer bail out these vital industries.

Free trade is a chance to expand your markets. Or die if you can’t compete.
We hear all the time how the Right is going to bring the jobs back. Back from overseas. Where thanks to trade deals, it’s cheaper to manufacture, package, ship and then distribute the items from other nations, than it is to just make it here.

Ok. Tell me this my friends. Who wants these jobs brought back to America?

Nobody would go to work in some abandoned building that was taken over. Nobody would allow anyone to go to work in a place that is a Dust Initiator explosion waiting to happen. There was literally not one single step involved in that entire process that wasn’t hazardous to your health.

So tell me again, how does this work? It would cost you ten times as much to manufacture the same stupid balls in the United States, minimum.

Presenting the aberration as the norm....Doesn't get any more intellectually dishonest than that.
Let’s take the car market. In the 1970’s every nation had a car manufacturer. I mean industrialized nations. Let’s focus on Europe, America, and Japan.

British cars were unreliable. Shoddily built. And often just ugly or stupid.

The old joke. If you wanted to improve your Jaguar after you buy it. Take it home and tighten up all the bolts that weren’t at the factory.

Along came a bunch of little ugly Japanese cars. But when you went out to go to work. The car started. It ran. When you turned a knob something changed. It worked. The electrical system worked unlike Italian cars. All the cylinders worked in the engine, unlike British cars.

Exciting? No. A pleasure to drive? Not really. It just worked. It was reliable.

People discovered that you could drive somewhere and not have any trouble getting back. It was a revelation.

British Companies being stubborn doubled down on being British. On the design elements that made a car quintessentially British. And all those companies went belly up.

American companies. Some were already in trouble. AMC had a run of awful cars as one example.

But Ford and GM saw the future. They saw what was happening in Europe. And they decided it was time to evolve or die.

That is Free Trade. Competition on the larger playing field.

Ford in Europe, Australia, and elsewhere made lots of good cars. One became the foundation of the iconic Mustang.

The same with GM in those same places. Lots of good cars.

Now it is the 1980’s and most of the English car companies are gone. In America. We are getting the start of the Korean invasion. Cars that were even cheaper than Japanese and about as reliable. Hyundai and later Kia.

By Comparison. French cars didn’t do well in America. Italian cars were hit and miss. Mostly because to buy one you had to accept it was going to be breaking down. A lot. That may be acceptable for a Ferrari. It isn’t really what you want from your commute to work ride.

The Germans. Jesus they built the cars well. It was as if all the other countries had a point where the car was good enough. A little sloppiness at the factory was fine. Not Mercedes. Nor any of the other German brands.

And then you had the safest cars on the road. The Swedish brands. Volvo and Saab. Saab never could get a decent market share. Now they too are gone.

For me. It is like the 1970’s all over again. American companies building big fuel inefficient cars while gas prices rise. I expect that soon we will hear about how American companies are floundering. We will hear the usual protectionist nonsense. While we the taxpayer bail out these vital industries.

Free trade is a chance to expand your markets. Or die if you can’t compete.

Did you quote the correct post?

Also note: the best selling vehicle in the country has been a "gas guzzler" every year for at least half a century.
Did you quote the correct post?

Also note: the best selling vehicle in the country has been a "gas guzzler" every year for at least half a century.

Oh yes. I did quote the right post. And I know. And it is why I laugh when gas prices rise. Because those same morons are the ones wailing and crying over the price of gas.
We hear all the time how the Right is going to bring the jobs back. Back from overseas. Where thanks to trade deals, it’s cheaper to manufacture, package, ship and then distribute the items from other nations, than it is to just make it here.

Ok. Tell me this my friends. Who wants these jobs brought back to America?

Nobody would go to work in some abandoned building that was taken over. Nobody would allow anyone to go to work in a place that is a Dust Initiator explosion waiting to happen. There was literally not one single step involved in that entire process that wasn’t hazardous to your health.

So tell me again, how does this work? It would cost you ten times as much to manufacture the same stupid balls in the United States, minimum.

Are all leftist trolls as dumb as this one.............boogles the mind.
I couldn’t care less. It’s the RIGHT thing to do, whether it succeeds or not.
We hear all the time how the Right is going to bring the jobs back. Back from overseas. Where thanks to trade deals, it’s cheaper to manufacture, package, ship and then distribute the items from other nations, than it is to just make it here.

Ok. Tell me this my friends. Who wants these jobs brought back to America?

Nobody would go to work in some abandoned building that was taken over. Nobody would allow anyone to go to work in a place that is a Dust Initiator explosion waiting to happen. There was literally not one single step involved in that entire process that wasn’t hazardous to your health.

So tell me again, how does this work? It would cost you ten times as much to manufacture the same stupid balls in the United States, minimum.

Nation's balance of trade increased surplus nations and reduced trade deficit nations annual gross domestic products, (GDPs) more than otherwise. An annual trade deficit indicates the aggregate net expenditures of its nation's consumers, producers, and governments have exceeded the net value of the nation's entire annual production of goods and services.

USA producing less goods and services, (i.e. reducing our GDP) is detrimental to our numbers of jobs, workers, their dependents, and to enterprises that are more sensitive to financial conditions of those great portions of our nation's population.

I'm among the proponents of the unilateral trade policy described within Wikipedia's "Import Certificates" article; Refer to Import certificates - Wikipedia
Respectfully, Supposn

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