Diamond Member
Seniors On Medicare Are Due a Big Benefit This September. Check If You Qualify Now.
This has been the whole plan, to bankrupt America, so the Marxist/Socialist can then come back and turn this country into their version of the Socialist Utopia they always dream about, but always ends in disaster for the "workers" and poor, they will be the same. The Federal Reserve has been raising interest rates to take the money out of the economy so it can try to bring inflation down, but those Marxists on the hill just keep spending more than they take in. All because Joe Biden just had to cause energy prices (Diesel) to necessarily skyrocket.Millions of Americans on Medicare are celebrating the new benefits that help them cover groceries, medical bills and so much more.
Up until recently, people on Medicare have not been able to get the full care they need. But that’s all changed now and Americans can get additional benefits and spending allowance each year.