So Trumps influence seems pretty powerful no?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
The left love to pretend his influence is withering but it is CLEARLY as powerful as ever and possibly even more powerful now that Biden is wrecking every positive index in the country.
He's picked something like 63 winners out of 67 contests. That is insane.

I still prefer DeSantis first but I could easily support Trump if he won the nomination.

I also think it's hilarious how the left think the term MAGA is an insult lol.
He's picked something like 63 winners out of 67 contests. That is insane.

Until you look at the details.

This past Tuesday some of his "picked winners" ran unopposed and many won by margins in the 80% range and had double digit leads in the polls before Trump picked them. That is like picking Bama to be West Texas State or predicting it will be cold in Fargo for Christmas.
The left love to pretend his influence is withering but it is CLEARLY as powerful as ever and possibly even more powerful now that Biden is wrecking every positive index in the country.
He's picked something like 63 winners out of 67 contests. That is insane.

I still prefer DeSantis first but I could easily support Trump if he won the nomination.

I also think it's hilarious how the left think the term MAGA is an insult lol.
The left love to pretend his influence is withering but it is CLEARLY as powerful as ever and possibly even more powerful now that Biden is wrecking every positive index in the country.
He's picked something like 63 winners out of 67 contests. That is insane.

I still prefer DeSantis first but I could easily support Trump if he won the nomination.

I also think it's hilarious how the left think the term MAGA is an insult lol.
That's Ultra Maga. Soon to be Super Ultra Maga.
The left love to pretend his influence is withering but it is CLEARLY as powerful as ever and possibly even more powerful now that Biden is wrecking every positive index in the country.
He's picked something like 63 winners out of 67 contests. That is insane.

I still prefer DeSantis first but I could easily support Trump if he won the nomination.

I also think it's hilarious how the left think the term MAGA is an insult lol.

Trump has the Republican Party by the balls
So much so that they spout his stolen election lies to gain his favor

They will regret not impeaching him when they had the chance
We've been saying this all along. This is a cult. One profoundly damaged man's historically powerful influence over an American party.

So when we're told about "TDS", we just laugh. Nice to see some honesty for a change, though.
Yes you all laugh, in sync. Much like you all put out the exact same talking points at the same time in "media". There is hardly an independent thought among the group of you. The Democrats really are the cult. You get that right?
Trump has the Republican Party by the balls
So much so that they spout his stolen election lies to gain his favor

They will regret not impeaching him when they had the chance
Progs caused this with the help of establishment Repubs. And Trump's agendas are for the most part beneficial for most people. That is better than any Prog can do as we see today. This ain't after WW 2 where the wealth was concentrated in the United States with all the manufacturing. It is far different today as we have given up a lot of our foundation for huge government. A government that helped to destroy those jobs while replacing it with payments from government outlays. And now the inevitable tyranny has come with it and has reared its potential ugly head in spurts.
We, like all American's, regret the 2020 election outcome. Everyday that passes American's regret it more.

You lost….Trump deserved to lose

You would expect a major political party to assess the damage and move on

Your party created a lie that “you were really cheated” and are still moping about it

So Trumps influence seems pretty powerful no?​

Extremely powerful. That is why he won in 2020.

Hey, wait a minute...

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