So Trump supporters get that if Trump is the 2024 nominee he is sure to lose?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
He’s never been popular with voters who are not republican. He BARELY won in 2016 and it was very telling he lost the popular vote.

Since then everyone else just finds him awful in more ways than one. Biden isn’t popular either currently, but you better believe he would beat Trump easily.

DeSantis would definitely give Biden a run for his money. If Biden’s poll numbers do not get better, DeSantis has a shot. It’s a painful thought but let’s be objective shall we?
He’s never been popular with voters who are not republican. He BARELY won in 2016 and it was very telling he lost the popular vote.

Since then everyone else just finds him awful in more ways than one. Biden isn’t popular either currently, but you better believe he would beat Trump easily.

DeSantis would definitely give Biden a run for his money. If Biden’s poll numbers do not get better, DeSantis has a shot. It’s a painful thought but let’s be objective shall we?
Oh, I wouldn't make any assumptions about Trump losing.

The Democrats aren't exactly attractive themselves, and the Trumpsters are still on their jihad, "saving" America from Satan 'n Hitler 'n stuff. They will get out the vote.
When will the DC Kabuki Theatre addicts get it that we are living in a post-republic nation & real elections are a thing of the past?
We will have another UNiparty selection in 2024 & the NWO puppeteers will install the meat puppet they believe will further their reset agenda the fastest & easiest
He’s never been popular with voters who are not republican. He BARELY won in 2016 and it was very telling he lost the popular vote.

Since then everyone else just finds him awful in more ways than one. Biden isn’t popular either currently, but you better believe he would beat Trump easily.

DeSantis would definitely give Biden a run for his money. If Biden’s poll numbers do not get better, DeSantis has a shot. It’s a painful thought but let’s be objective shall we?

"Sure to lose" means the election is rigged. Is that what you're trying to tell us?
So now does this imply that Trump will turn to inciting violence?

He's going to be granted the social media soapboxes on which to do it.

And if he does, how will government choose to stop him before the streets run red with blood?
Unfortunately it would all be a case by case basis
He’s never been popular with voters who are not republican. He BARELY won in 2016 and it was very telling he lost the popular vote.

Since then everyone else just finds him awful in more ways than one. Biden isn’t popular either currently, but you better believe he would beat Trump easily.

DeSantis would definitely give Biden a run for his money. If Biden’s poll numbers do not get better, DeSantis has a shot. It’s a painful thought but let’s be objective shall we?
both trump and biden are at an age were they could just drop dead....especially biden....dont need either one of them....
He’s never been popular with voters who are not republican. He BARELY won in 2016 and it was very telling he lost the popular vote.

Since then everyone else just finds him awful in more ways than one. Biden isn’t popular either currently, but you better believe he would beat Trump easily.

DeSantis would definitely give Biden a run for his money. If Biden’s poll numbers do not get better, DeSantis has a shot. It’s a painful thought but let’s be objective shall we?
Yes. Trump will be the nominee in 2024. I doubt DeSantis (or any other Republican) will even run with Trump in the field.
Trump will lose spectacularly.
Yes. Trump will be the nominee in 2024. I doubt DeSantis (or any other Republican) will even run with Trump in the field.
Trump will lose spectacularly.
DeSantis will never have the courage to run against Trump. His strategy relies on Trump being eliminated. But that's where the fun begins!

Trump's only graceful way out, other than being dead, is something like bonespurs of a nature that affords an excuse.

An entire new thread could be created for speculation!

If Trump hints of violence by his lieutenants, would government react immediately with extreme measures, in the interest of saving lives?
He’s never been popular with voters who are not republican. He BARELY won in 2016 and it was very telling he lost the popular vote.

Since then everyone else just finds him awful in more ways than one. Biden isn’t popular either currently, but you better believe he would beat Trump easily.

DeSantis would definitely give Biden a run for his money. If Biden’s poll numbers do not get better, DeSantis has a shot. It’s a painful thought but let’s be objective shall we?
I'd peg ANY GOPs chances of winning in 2024 at maybe 10%. The rules have changed and the GOP fought Trump policies when they should have harnessed at least the most common sense and popular ones.
Trump is running for the nomination unopposed, so it is no "if."

Given the mess Joe Biden has made of his presidency, Trump is a lock if Biden runs against him. Newsome is probably the only Dem who stands a chance against Trump.
If the OP premise is correct, then morons like little should be absolutely thrilled at the prospect of another Trump nomination.

I wonder why the aforesaid moron, little, would want to give advice to his opponents?


Because a Trump nomination would tear the republican party in half. And so much as many democrats view that as a good thing, others realize it would be like having three political parties fighting over the same electoral share.

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