So the Bundy's get jail time and rioters will be held accountable for what??

What leftards are under the impression of is that any land that isn't occupied by someone is owned by "da gubermint" and it belongs to this corporate entity and these idiots believe that the federal "gubermint" is just looking out for them by not allowing a rancher's cattle to graze on unoccupied land without paying a "fee" for cows eating weeds and grass. What these idiots do not know is that the international bankers that own USA.INC owns everything...even their homes. They do not have allodial rights to it...they do not own it outright and this is because of the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of 1933. If you have a clear title on your home, look at the occupant part and you will see "tenet"....think you own your home? Skip a property tax payment and tell me how that works out for you.

USA.INC is a for profit entity that was taken into receivership by the IMF in 1950, the same banking oligarchs that own the Fed central bank run the International Monetary Fund. We are not under the constitution and if you go before an administrator disguised as a judge demanding those "rights" without knowing Black's Law Dictionary 5th edition, you will get devoured in their admiralty courts. We are not under Common law and haven't been in our lifetime and that is a fact.

You know that 'admirality court' horseshit has never been recognized as having the slightest legal relevance in any court of law, right?

Dale......once again, you simply don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

The funniest part about it is that the "freeman on the land" morons take failure as success - every failed court case they've been involved in is somehow transmuted into a "victory" by their bizarro logic.

That's the beauty of using naked delusion as the basis of your argument, I suppose. When your made up nonsense is dismissed for what it is, you can just make up all new nonsense to explain away the verdict.

Its a gloriously circular system of 'reasoning'.
What leftards are under the impression of is that any land that isn't occupied by someone is owned by "da gubermint" and it belongs to this corporate entity and these idiots believe that the federal "gubermint" is just looking out for them by not allowing a rancher's cattle to graze on unoccupied land without paying a "fee" for cows eating weeds and grass. What these idiots do not know is that the international bankers that own USA.INC owns everything...even their homes. They do not have allodial rights to it...they do not own it outright and this is because of the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of 1933. If you have a clear title on your home, look at the occupant part and you will see "tenet"....think you own your home? Skip a property tax payment and tell me how that works out for you.

USA.INC is a for profit entity that was taken into receivership by the IMF in 1950, the same banking oligarchs that own the Fed central bank run the International Monetary Fund. We are not under the constitution and if you go before an administrator disguised as a judge demanding those "rights" without knowing Black's Law Dictionary 5th edition, you will get devoured in their admiralty courts. We are not under Common law and haven't been in our lifetime and that is a fact.

You know that 'admirality court' horseshit has never been recognized as having the slightest legal relevance in any court of law, right?

Dale......once again, you simply don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

The funniest part about it is that the "freeman on the land" morons take failure as success - every failed court case they've been involved in is somehow transmuted into a "victory" by their bizarro logic.

I have made it work for me on several occasions because I have a decent understanding of admiralty law. I have nothing but respect for those that stand up to this corporate entity because that is EXACTLY what it is...a corporation that took the contract to provide the 19 essential services that "gubermint" is to provide and they do so at a profit. It hgas to suck being you and believeing that your so called "leaders" give even so much as a flying fuck about you...they don't. You were made a surety on the debt, they bonded your birth certificate, monetized and insured it. You are worth more dead than alive to these thieving bastards that you kiss the ass of. Words cannot even express of how much people like you utterly disgust me. You deserve every fucking thing that is headed your way...spare me a thought when it happens.
What leftards are under the impression of is that any land that isn't occupied by someone is owned by "da gubermint" and it belongs to this corporate entity and these idiots believe that the federal "gubermint" is just looking out for them by not allowing a rancher's cattle to graze on unoccupied land without paying a "fee" for cows eating weeds and grass. What these idiots do not know is that the international bankers that own USA.INC owns everything...even their homes. They do not have allodial rights to it...they do not own it outright and this is because of the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of 1933. If you have a clear title on your home, look at the occupant part and you will see "tenet"....think you own your home? Skip a property tax payment and tell me how that works out for you.

USA.INC is a for profit entity that was taken into receivership by the IMF in 1950, the same banking oligarchs that own the Fed central bank run the International Monetary Fund. We are not under the constitution and if you go before an administrator disguised as a judge demanding those "rights" without knowing Black's Law Dictionary 5th edition, you will get devoured in their admiralty courts. We are not under Common law and haven't been in our lifetime and that is a fact.

You know that 'admirality court' horseshit has never been recognized as having the slightest legal relevance in any court of law, right?

Dale......once again, you simply don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

The funniest part about it is that the "freeman on the land" morons take failure as success - every failed court case they've been involved in is somehow transmuted into a "victory" by their bizarro logic.

I have made it work for me on several occasions because I have a decent understanding of admiralty law. I have nothing but respect for those that stand up to this corporate entity because that is EXACTLY what it is...a corporation that took the contract to provide the 19 essential services that "gubermint" is to provide and they do so at a profit. It hgas to suck being you and believeing that your so called "leaders" give even so much as a flying fuck about you...they don't. You were made a surety on the debt, they bonded your birth certificate, monetized and insured it. You are worth more dead than alive to these thieving bastards that you kiss the ass of. Words cannot even express of how much people like you utterly disgust me. You deserve every fucking thing that is headed your way...spare me a thought when it happens.


Words cannot even express [of] how much people like you utterly amuse me.

Carry on, this is some of the best entertainment I've had in a while.
What leftards are under the impression of is that any land that isn't occupied by someone is owned by "da gubermint" and it belongs to this corporate entity and these idiots believe that the federal "gubermint" is just looking out for them by not allowing a rancher's cattle to graze on unoccupied land without paying a "fee" for cows eating weeds and grass. What these idiots do not know is that the international bankers that own USA.INC owns everything...even their homes. They do not have allodial rights to it...they do not own it outright and this is because of the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of 1933. If you have a clear title on your home, look at the occupant part and you will see "tenet"....think you own your home? Skip a property tax payment and tell me how that works out for you.

USA.INC is a for profit entity that was taken into receivership by the IMF in 1950, the same banking oligarchs that own the Fed central bank run the International Monetary Fund. We are not under the constitution and if you go before an administrator disguised as a judge demanding those "rights" without knowing Black's Law Dictionary 5th edition, you will get devoured in their admiralty courts. We are not under Common law and haven't been in our lifetime and that is a fact.

You know that 'admirality court' horseshit has never been recognized as having the slightest legal relevance in any court of law, right?

Dale......once again, you simply don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

The funniest part about it is that the "freeman on the land" morons take failure as success - every failed court case they've been involved in is somehow transmuted into a "victory" by their bizarro logic.

I have made it work for me on several occasions because I have a decent understanding of admiralty law.

No, you never have, Dale. As all of what you think you 'know' is merely empty conspiracy horseshit that isn't recognized in any court of law. Nor does your interpretation of Black's Law dictionary overrride any law in any jurisdiction. As Black's Law dictionary is as authoritative as a given court recognizes it is.

I have nothing but respect for those that stand up to this corporate entity because that is EXACTLY what it is...a corporation that took the contract to provide the 19 essential services that "gubermint" is to provide and they do so at a profit.

More pseudo-legal horseshit. The US government *own* a corporation. You've conflated that into the US government *being* a corporation.

Alas, they aren't the same thing.

Remember, you don't actually know what the fuck you're talking about. And whenever we've gotten specific and factual about your claims, they've always fallen apart. At which point you simply move on to yet another batshit conspiracy theory, and a new youtube video for you to repeat.

Brainwash. Rinse. Repeat.

It hgas to suck being you and believeing that your so called "leaders" give even so much as a flying fuck about you...they don't. You were made a surety on the debt, they bonded your birth certificate, monetized and insured it. You are worth more dead than alive to these thieving bastards that you kiss the ass of. Words cannot even express of how much people like you utterly disgust me. You deserve every fucking thing that is headed your way...spare me a thought when it happens.

Whatever youtube video you just wanted hasn't given you some special insight. You've simply swallowed yet *another* brain dead conspiracy theory. Like your truther idiocy, your claims simply don't hold up.

As usual, you simply don't know what you're talking about.

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