So on Tuesday when Trump gets arrested…

?????? Poster Gator is "unhinged"??
Didja see what he was responding to?
Here, this is a clue for the cluefull:

Yeah, I don't agree with the outburst from the Duke either, but it is what it is...And against my better judgement in even responding to your arrogance aside, we have a situation upcoming where, IMHO, we have an avowed leftist DA who is going to try and proceed with a big show about arresting Donald Trump, over a misdemeanor as a show. That people will protest is not surprising. After all that is one of the goals of this, right? Otherwise, Bragg would issue a ticket and a fine, and move on...But no, the psychological damage Trump has invoked on you people is astonishing....Nothing short of the total division of our country will appease you clowns...
As satisfying as it would be -- temporary as it may be -- to see him handcuffed, perp-walked, finger-printed, all that stuff, I agree. Let's just get this shit over with. And future cases, since it certainly looks like more are on the way, should go the same way. These loons are completely unhinged now, and a lot of innocent people could be hurt.

Not to mention the continued humiliation and embarrassment this profoundly needy child causes us on the world stage. Let's just get this -- whatever it turns out to be -- done and over with.

But you're no leftist, you're a moderate. :auiqs.jpg:
IMHO, we have an avowed leftist DA who is going to try and proceed with a big show about arresting Donald Trump, over a misdemeanor as a show. That people will protest is not surprising.

If he is arrested for only a misdemeanor charge I will join in the protest.
I am not being the tough guy. I am not the one calling the deaths, civil war, heads being bashed into concrete or any of the other shit people post on here.
Oh, then I suppose you'll don your helmet, and black attire, and go on down and confront any protestors then right? You're ready, right tough guy?

I am the one telling them to shit or get off the pot.

So, you're inciting violence? Poor form there Mr. Tough guy...

Oh, and I have never claimed to be a moderate in any way, shape or form.

Oh, well isn't that convenient....? I believe when you and I first met in here you described yourself exactly as a moderate....Guess that's out the window...? Embracing your inner leftist?
"...we have an avowed leftist DA..."
Can you source that for us here on USMB?
Meaning, how do you know that?
Just so we all have the same reference points as you do.
Thus we all can better discuss the nuances of this event in a more informed manner.
Thanx, in advance.

over a misdemeanor as a show.

You've seen the contemplated charges?
How didja do that?
Can you source this 'misdemeanor'-thingy for us?
Thanx, in advance.
No one ever planned to arrest Trump.

For non violent alleged crimes, the defendant can turn themselves in....when indicted. They've made security arrangements with SS, and Trump lawyers to turn himself in,


Trump's just trying to get you worked come to NYC and disrupt the grand jury, who meets only on Tuesday and Thursday, and on Tuesday they were suppose to make their indictment decision.

Trump wants you in NY to do what you did on 1/6, disrupt congress from accepting the electoral vote count, before it made Biden president. He wants you to intimidate the grand jury and prevent them from indicting him.

y'all really don't know this piece of shit sissy, well.....
Oh, then I suppose you'll don your helmet, and black attire, and go on down and confront any protestors then right? You're ready, right tough guy?

Why would I do that?

So, you're inciting violence? Poor form there Mr. Tough guy...

Not in the least. I am telling people to act or quit talking about it. It gets boring after a while.

Oh, well isn't that convenient....? I believe when you and I first met in here you described yourself exactly as a moderate....Guess that's out the window...? Embracing your inner leftist?

You believe wrong. The fact I have not sold my soul to either party does not make me a moderate. Can you name of a single issues I seem to be a moderate on?

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