So now Putin has threatened the world with nuclear war...

And the ignorant surrender monkeys running our nation will wag their fingers and promise to do something, and Putin will laugh and do whatever he wants because he knows our current leadership is feckless, ballless and absolutely cowardly. You can bet china is watching this with a huge Cheshire cat grin and that Xi has already given his orders about Taiwan. They know these fools in Washington will soon be replaced and will act long before that happens. Freedom means nothing to the socialists, in fact freedom is what the socialists in America want to take away from everyone. And how much do you want to bet that old man sanders can actually get an erection again as he watches his favorite country introduce Russian ideology to the free people of Ukraine through the barrel of a cannon. (*^^&Y%^*&^&**&
No worries, Biden and general Milley are currently working on a retreat from the Erath to Mars since the retreat from Afghanistan went so well.
Whatever the axis powers are going to do (if that term was good enough for Germany and Japan its good enough for China and Russia) they are going to do it in the next 3 years. They know the time is NOW with the current leadership in America.

We need someone with a backbone to run for POTUS and win.
I don't know about now, but we definitely had them in the 1970s. I doubt many people today are even aware of this, but some of the 5th Special Forces Group's operational detachments were deployed with them in Vietnam at that time, particularly the ones running operations with the Yards around the Central Highlands/Ho Chi Minh trail.
Perhaps, they were decommissioned/removed from our inventory in the 80s.....Supposedly. ;)
You don't leave a destructive dog in your friends home and after the dog ruins your friends home you don't ask what the response should should have known better than to leave it in your friends home in the first place....Joe Biden fucked up again stop defending his screwups....
Well you were screaming yesterday everyone that did not support Biden sanctions and harsh words were kissing Putin ass, so now you are asking what we should do with a insane man with nukes?

Well keep on screaming and yelling at him while hitting him with sanctions that don’t work and let just hope the insane bastard doesn’t wipe Houston out…

You were warned yesterday what could happen and now you are asking what we should do!
And you would do what?
Yes, Russia is just as bad.

Look at all the money they gave to the Clintons.



Just curious.

What do you suppose the appropriate response would be here?

Putin is clearly insane
PUtin isn't insane--he's a bully. You stand up to bullies EARLY on so they don't attack----allowing him to take Ukraine puts all in danger with him and China forming the NEW AXIS of EVIL and they will continue to attack. The correct response is to send our military and equipment in after kicking PUTIN out the world economy, but that would hurt Europe's energy supply but that wouldn't be a problem if dipshit crook puppet Biden didn't cut US output already.

Biden didn't even give the ukrainians weapons to defend themselves---they are having to resort to Mot. Cocktails. No one is this inept---whoever is pulling Bidens strings (china) has called for this.
Biden didn't even give the ukrainians weapons to defend themselves-
He certainly did. 200 million worth in just this past December...including 300 Javelins

But interesting that you want American troops fighting in Ukraine
Just curious.

What do you suppose the appropriate response would be here?

Putin is clearly insane
He's not insane at all. Obama Biden and Clinton sold him our Uranium and he gave them $145 Million in return fight in to the Clinton Foundation. Joe and Putin are good buddies, so is Obama and Putin and Clinton and Putin.

Putin is a good ally for the Democrat Party. It is why Obama, Biden, and Clinton paid he $13 Million for a KGB Fake Dossier to attack our Democracy with, in the hopes that they could rig the 2016 election.

This is why Obama gave Iran Billions of dollars so they could spend it on Russian Weapons to help Putin out.

It's why Joe Biden Shut down our XL pipeline while opening up Nordstream2 for Putin.

It's why Joe Biden told Putin he could invade Ukraine and he'd do nothing about it it because Biden is a failure and desperately need of some wag the dog, and something else for the media to talk about rather than Asterisk Joe's failure.
If Putin let's one off, do you really think it won't be answered because you hate Biden?
That aside, that's what you would like him to do anticipated confirmation of what you think not Biden.
You haven't even got confidence in your own country but you call yourself a patriot.
You low life POS.
I have confidence in our military, though the left has weakened it terribly. I have zero confidence in the people that have stolen the democratic party and given it to the most disgusting deviants and socialists that ever walked the face of this earth. And on your best day you couldn't even be a pimple on my ass, punk. Now go paint your hair blue and pretend to be a penguin or whatever it is you hamster herders do.
I have confidence in our military, though the left has weakened it terribly. I have zero confidence in the people that have stolen the democratic party and given it to the most disgusting deviants and socialists that ever walked the face of this earth. And on your best day you couldn't even be a pimple on my ass, punk. Now go paint your hair blue and pretend to be a penguin or whatever it is you hamster herders do.
That is some seriously deranged shit there junior

Our military is fine and you been drinking the Orange Kool Aid for far too long
I really don't believe Putin's "threat" is nuclear war.

It's just that he'd publish a copy of Xiden's purchase order with the lab in Wuhan.

Now that would destroy the world of The American Communist (formerly "democratic") Party!

And the ignorant surrender monkeys running our nation will wag their fingers and promise to do something, and Putin will laugh and do whatever he wants because he knows our current leadership is feckless, ballless and absolutely cowardly. You can bet china is watching this with a huge Cheshire cat grin and that Xi has already given his orders about Taiwan. They know these fools in Washington will soon be replaced and will act long before that happens. Freedom means nothing to the socialists, in fact freedom is what the socialists in America want to take away from everyone. And how much do you want to bet that old man sanders can actually get an erection again as he watches his favorite country introduce Russian ideology to the free people of Ukraine through the barrel of a cannon. (*^^&Y%^*&^&**&
I am not even sure Sleepy Joe would retaliate with nukes if Putin launched an attack on the continental USA. Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) relies on that retaliation to be a deterrent.

I have confidence in our military, though the left has weakened it terribly.
Really? What a load of crap.
I have zero confidence in the people that have stolen the democratic party and given it to the most disgusting deviants and socialists that ever walked the face of this earth.
And exactly who has stolen the party and who are deviant socialists who control it?
You don't have a problem with trump attempting to still control the GOP but now focus on the dems with your hypocritical ridicule. Grow up.
And on your best day you couldn't even be a pimple on my ass, punk. Now go paint your hair blue and pretend to be a penguin or whatever it is you hamster herders do.
Ooooooh, now we arrive at the idol threats as the frustration builds.
The urge to have another imbecilic input was to great. You had to have a say rather than not make a fool of yourself.

As if you care about the Democrat party. Not long ago on here some ratbag suggested they should all be shot and you never uttered a word. How bloody caring are you for your fellow American?
Where's was your ignorant opinion then?
Don't make me vomit.
Just curious.

What do you suppose the appropriate response would be here?

Putin is clearly insane
I notice this question gets asked multiple times but never gets answered. My guess is their hatred of Biden is all that matters here.

What would be a better response? One article I read suggested that the west, through multiple administrations, vastly underestimated Putin. Obama didn’t consider him a real threat, Bush found an unexpected ally in Putin when dealing with 9/11. Trump was more concerned with dismantling NATO and shifting more of the cost onto Europe. Biden, like the rest of the world, even Ukraine, did not believe Putin would invade. To Biden’s credit, one of his first initiatives was strengthening ties with Europe and NATO.
Are you not tired of repeating that bull about your every president and his administration being weak and incompetent? Choose a strong one for a change and be happy.
You mean choose an authoritarian regime that rejects human rights and democratic principles….? Something like that?

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