So, is the left denouncing Obama's "unlawful" war in Libya?

Under Obama, it's "humanitarian" and if Bush were president still, it would be about oil and liberals would be screaming that "Bush is a War Monger".

You have a short memory. With Bush, his "rationale" for war were Saddam's WMDs (alleged WMDs) and his WMD programs. Remember? Rumsfeld knew where they were. Are they still looking for those WMDs, or did they find them?

the day Obama puts troops on the ground I'll agree , but till then you neo-cons sound like spoiled children

But no problem with CIA on ground?

Lest we forget:

The CIA's Vietnam Histories
You have a short memory. With Bush, his "rationale" for war were Saddam's WMDs (alleged WMDs) and his WMD programs. Remember? Rumsfeld knew where they were. Are they still looking for those WMDs, or did they find them?

the day Obama puts troops on the ground I'll agree , but till then you neo-cons sound like spoiled children

But no problem with CIA on ground?

Lest we forget:

The CIA's Vietnam Histories

if you only knew what your talking about
Code Pink is denouncing Obama in the worst way...

...saying he's no different than Bush.

So all you hypocrite chasing hypocrites can go back to bed now.
Dummycrats could not comprehend what Bill Clinton was telling them. Obama Called on Anti War BS on Campaign Trail.

[ame=""]Obama Called on Anti War BS on Campaign Trail[/ame]
Some historical perspective on Libya:

"The leaders of 14 capitalist powers in Europe plus the United States met for a conference in Berlin 126 years ago to decide how all of Africa’s land and vast resources would be divided as colonies and zones of control among themselves.

"No Africans were invited to the conference.

"The 1884 Conference of Berlin, more than any other single event, became emblematic of the dynamic transformation of capitalism into a system of global imperialism.

"By 1902, 90 percent of Africa’s territory was under European control. African self-governance was wiped off the map in most of the continent. Only Ethiopia remained an independent state. Liberia was technically independent too, but it was in fact under the control of the United States.

"The so-called 'Scramble for Africa' by Britain, France, Belgium, Italy, Germany, the United States and the other capitalist powers was essential for the growth and enrichment of the modern-day capitalist class, which included the owners of the biggest banks, syndicates and monopolies.

"Africa was plundered and looted and, as a result, the western capitalists entered the 20th century with the largest fortunes in the history of the human race."

When the London Conference on Libya took place on March 29, 2011 it was convened by the same imperial powers that took part in Berlin in 1884.

In 2011 Africans were invited to attend, but only Tunisia and Morocco sent representatives.

Obama, Bush, Clinton, Reagan and Carter serve the same corporate masters.

War and Oil.

Nothing of substance changes by "choosing" between Republican OR Democrat at the polls.

Everything changes if hundreds of Republicans AND Democrats are FLUSHED from DC in November 2012.

The war against Libya in historical perspective
No? Well then what is the problem with Iraq again? (Not that I am defending Iraq, I thought it was dumb, I think military action in Libya is dumb too). So...where are the left's cries for peace like in 2003?

I know right...he freaking sent 10,000 troops to Storm that place just like in Iraq. He is a war monger. :eusa_whistle:
'Operation Odyssey Dawn'

^Own it Liberals...

You Voted for it.



No? Well then what is the problem with Iraq again? (Not that I am defending Iraq, I thought it was dumb, I think military action in Libya is dumb too). So...where are the left's cries for peace like in 2003?

Apparently, you failed to note the announcement by the Arab League and the vote in the UN to authorize a no fly zone and the necessary use of force to implement it. Did Bush have either of those kinds of international authorizations prior to invading Iraq?

Nailed it.
'Operation Odyssey Dawn'

^Own it Liberals...

You Voted for it.



No? Well then what is the problem with Iraq again? (Not that I am defending Iraq, I thought it was dumb, I think military action in Libya is dumb too). So...where are the left's cries for peace like in 2003?

Apparently, you failed to note the announcement by the Arab League and the vote in the UN to authorize a no fly zone and the necessary use of force to implement it. Did Bush have either of those kinds of international authorizations prior to invading Iraq?

Nailed it.

Since when do we need international authorization to declare war? The Constitution says approval from Congress.

We have that in the Iraq war. We don't here, yet.
Apparently, you failed to note the announcement by the Arab League and the vote in the UN to authorize a no fly zone and the necessary use of force to implement it. Did Bush have either of those kinds of international authorizations prior to invading Iraq?

Saudi king urged U.S. to attack Iran Should we do that to???

Iraqi government officials see Saudi Arabia, not Iran, as the biggest threat to the integrity and cohesion of their fledgling democratic state. Should we attack Saudi Arabia???

Should we fight the wars between the Mid-East countries for them just because they want us to???
Apparently, you failed to note the announcement by the Arab League and the vote in the UN to authorize a no fly zone and the necessary use of force to implement it. Did Bush have either of those kinds of international authorizations prior to invading Iraq?

We didn't fail to notice. We just failed to give a damn. Obama said that only an imminent threat to the United States justified the use of military force.

He's a liar, and you defend him.

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