So is the "hoodie" shooting black on black then why attack whites??


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
My local FL newspaper headline reads..
"Zimmerman[guy who shot black hoodie wearer] background confusing,confounding"

Seems while his father was white, his mother is Latina and his family points out there are also black relatives...

So why the rush to attack whites?

Jesse Jackson said the Martin case is getting plenty of media attention overseas, attention that is both embarrassing to white America and humiliating to black America.
He added: "Blacks are under attack." African American families are facing record home foreclosures and unemployment.

So Jesse and all you white haters why?
Zimmerman may "look white" BUT that's like saying all blacks look alike! For SHAME.

AND then we have idiot basketball team wearing "hoodies"... YEA... what a way to advance further proof of hoodielum, gangsta, profiling!

NO question the hot headed latino Zimmerman should be on trial and we have yet to hear the WHOLE story.. BUT leave it to idiots to JUMP to conclusions that this is a "WHITE on BLACK" CRIME first of all!
It was a Latino/white/Black individual that acting on a profile of a black,hoodie wearing, saggy pants teenager who acted aggressively we'll find out with cameras.. OVERREACTED NO doubt!
But to say it is a "white on black" crime is WRONG!
To say the entire American whites are hating blacks is WRONG!
To excuse hoodie wearing saggy pants wearing black teenagers as most likely to commit a crime IS RIGHT!

GEEZ folks...How often do you hear about a gang of white teens wearing ties, pants NOT saggy, with fedora hats attacking black old ladies?
NEVER! I've never heard that!
BUT as stupid as that sounds... YOU HOODIE defenders chastising Geraldo Rivera for his comments about "hoodielums" wearing saggy pants... HE WAS RIGHT and Beck was wrong!

REMEMBER folks ... if it looks like a duck.. waddles like a duck, quacks like a duck..
geez you think it is a duck??

The Latino/jewish/black guy saw a hoodie wearing saggy pants wearing black teenager who didn't respond like normal people to him.. saw him go for a "gun?" and "STOOD HIS GROUND"!

I mean come on folks... you can't tell me you when someone confronts you, YOU scurry off, saying " hit me again please"... ???
Whether he was white or not does not change the fact that he initiated a conflict and pulled a gun when it got out of control
My local FL newspaper headline reads..
"Zimmerman[guy who shot black hoodie wearer] background confusing,confounding"

Seems while his father was white, his mother is Latina and his family points out there are also black relatives...

So why the rush to attack whites?
You're too-late-to-the-game to matter.

Whether he was white or not does not change the fact that he initiated a conflict and pulled a gun when it got out of control
Here's another thing to consider....something different....but, familiar....​

March 24, 2012

"Last year, I received several automated phone calls from my school district that necessitated some very intense discussions in my home. Several girls my daughter's age reported that they had been approached while walking home from school by a man who tried various methods to get them into his car. This happened several times over the course of about six weeks; one of these events actually took place just outside my neighborhood. Wisely, the girls reported these incidents to their parents, the police and the schools and fairly quickly, a detailed description of the man and his car was put together and passed on to other parents. And the man was arrested after one quick student remembered the last few digits of his license plate and they matched it up with the description of the car and suspect. The school district deserve praise for their prompt work to avert a tragedy.

They also had the local law enforcement come into the individual schools to discuss "stranger danger" and what kids should do if they felt threatened.

But there was one thing first and foremost that both the police and we as parents told our kids to do: if they felt that they were being threatened by a stranger, run in the other direction and scream out to get the attention of other adults. The reasoning is that the screaming could a) scare off the suspect; b) bring witnesses out to the scene; c) avert a tragedy.

So when I heard the screams for help of Trayvon Martin on the 911 calls of George Zimmerman's neighbors, it hit me like a gut punch that not one of those people answered those screams for help."


That's fucked-up......especially when you consider someone must have looked-out their window.​
Whether he was white or not does not change the fact that he initiated a conflict and pulled a gun when it got out of control
Here's another thing to consider....something different....but, familiar....​

March 24, 2012

"Last year, I received several automated phone calls from my school district that necessitated some very intense discussions in my home. Several girls my daughter's age reported that they had been approached while walking home from school by a man who tried various methods to get them into his car. This happened several times over the course of about six weeks; one of these events actually took place just outside my neighborhood. Wisely, the girls reported these incidents to their parents, the police and the schools and fairly quickly, a detailed description of the man and his car was put together and passed on to other parents. And the man was arrested after one quick student remembered the last few digits of his license plate and they matched it up with the description of the car and suspect. The school district deserve praise for their prompt work to avert a tragedy.

They also had the local law enforcement come into the individual schools to discuss "stranger danger" and what kids should do if they felt threatened.

But there was one thing first and foremost that both the police and we as parents told our kids to do: if they felt that they were being threatened by a stranger, run in the other direction and scream out to get the attention of other adults. The reasoning is that the screaming could a) scare off the suspect; b) bring witnesses out to the scene; c) avert a tragedy.

So when I heard the screams for help of Trayvon Martin on the 911 calls of George Zimmerman's neighbors, it hit me like a gut punch that not one of those people answered those screams for help."


That's fucked-up......especially when you consider someone must have looked-out their window.​

You are right! Where were the "bystanders" if this were truly a situation where the hoodie wearing saggy pants teenager was being attacked?

Could it be there is MORE to it then the screaming headlines, screaming sharpton,Jackson crying racism?

So as you pointed out why didn't the bystanders jump in???
We'll find out before the grand jury meets in 15 days or less in Sanford,FL but in either event... the first issue is JUMPING to conclusions BEFORE all the FACTS are in is one of the worst characteristics modern Americans are exhibiting today!
To me the more recent "harder" looking photo's don't change my view of the tragedy of this shooting. Why however is the media using out of date pics of this young man?

Whether he was white or not does not change the fact that he initiated a conflict and pulled a gun when it got out of control

No, it doesn't if those are indeed the facts. However, people are making color an issue and claiming it's racism because Zimmerman is white and the young man was black. When you realize that Zimmerman is Hispanic, doesn't not even appear white, you have to admit that some are trying to twist facts to fit their agenda.

Why are some lying about Zimmerman's color? It's because they want to make it about color and to do that, they have to have black and white. Otherwise, their theory doesn't hold up as well. Liberals need to rally minorities before the election and they are using this case to do that. Obviously, they couldn't play the racism card and rile people up if they were honest about this incident being between two minorities. With the illegal immigration debate, they are reticent to paint any Hispanics in a bad light because they want their votes, so they decided to portray Zimmerman as a typical white guy. The facts don't support them, but that never stopped anyone who is trying to divide and conquer.

It's as simple as that.
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To me the more recent "harder" looking photo's don't change my view of the tragedy of this shooting. Why however is the media using out of date pics of this young man?


They have an agenda and are using this case for political purposes. They have two goals. One is to further divide races by pretending that Zimmerman is white rather than Hispanic and the second reason is to state their case for gun control.

You have to have a victim people can sympathize with. A young , innocent looking lad will do the trick. A smart-assed punk turns people off, so they simply went with an older picture to portray the victim in a certain light. It's not about truth, it's about how they want people to see things so they can garner support and further their agenda.

People are being played and they are so riled up that they can't see that.
If someone attacked me with a bag of Skittles, I'd sure as hell feel justified in murdering him....not!
Zimmerman had been arrested in 2005 on charges of resisting arrest with violence and battery on a law enforcement officer, according to court records.

Zimmerman had been the subject of earlier complaints by residents of the gated community in which he and Martin's family lived. At an emergency homeowner's association meeting earlier this month, one man was escorted out because he openly expressed his frustration because he had previously contacted the Sanford Police Department about Zimmerman approaching him and even coming to his home.

Zimmerman was also involved in a domestic dispute with his ex-fiance, Veronica Zauzo. Zauzo claimed Zimmerman was trolling her neighborhood to check on her. At her apartment, they spoke for about an hour when she asked him to leave. He asked for some photos and paperwork and she refused. A pushing match ensued and her dog jumped up and bit him on the cheek, Zauzo claimed. Zimmerman, in a petition filed the next day, painted her as the aggressor, wanting him to stay the night.
Let me get this straight....

I can now chase an unarmed guy down, start a fight with him, and then shoot him if I lose the fight?

Is this a great country of what?
Let me get this straight....

I can now chase an unarmed guy down, start a fight with him, and then shoot him if I lose the fight?

Is this a great country of what?

No Chris. If a guy fights with you you have to lie down on the ground and yell "not the face, not the face!" Not that you need my advice to do that anyway.

Zimmerman's color should have no bearing on the case. Zimmerman was not arrested, which tells me that plenty of evidence exists that he acted rightly in self defense. Monday morning quarterbacking is not helpful here.
The presence of the usual racists, Al and Jesse, tells me everyone wants to exploit thsi for political gain. Obama's piling on confirms it. He has weak support in the black community because his policies have resulted in record unemployment for blacks and he has seldom associated with the organized black community.
While Obama may have been trying to garner the idea that his 'perhaps son' was wearing a hoodie and looking like him, problem with that idea is that no one, including Zimmerman could tell his race. So IF Zimmerman were profiling, it would have been of a slim, young, tall male.

My own opinion is that Zimmerman should be arrested on something. He ignored the cease to follow by the dispatcher. In generals 'neighborhood watch' folks should be unarmed and non-confrontational.
Zimmerman had been arrested in 2005 on charges of resisting arrest with violence and battery on a law enforcement officer, according to court records.

Zimmerman was also involved in a domestic dispute with his ex-fiance, Veronica Zauzo. Zauzo claimed Zimmerman was trolling her neighborhood to check on her. At her apartment, they spoke for about an hour when she asked him to leave. He asked for some photos and paperwork and she refused. A pushing match ensued and her dog jumped up and bit him on the cheek, Zauzo claimed. Zimmerman, in a petition filed the next day, painted her as the aggressor, wanting him to stay the night.

George Zimmerman: Self-appointed watchman or racist killer? - Florida -

Oh, c'mon Chris!
State the facts.
Any charges against Z 6+years ago were dropped.
A lot of 'He said, she said' regarding the ex-fiance and ex-wife. No charges were filed.

He didn't seem to mainstream well and we all have our skeletons, eh?
Speaking of which.....

"Trayvon was a junior at Dr. Michael M. Krop Senior High; he had recently been suspended for 10 days, and was in Sanford riding out the suspension at his father’s girlfriend’s house"

At rally, &#x2018;This could&#x2019;ve been my child&#x2019; - Trayvon Martin -

They both had/have issues.

I am not rushing to judgment...but let the facts play out, doooooooooood!
AND then we have idiot basketball team wearing "hoodies"... YEA... what a way to advance further proof of hoodielum, gangsta, profiling!

What the fuck do hoodies have to do with gangsters. The fact that they wear them?

Hoodies are popular in all walks of life. It's a fucking ubiquitous piece of clothing.
AND then we have idiot basketball team wearing "hoodies"... YEA... what a way to advance further proof of hoodielum, gangsta, profiling!

What the fuck do hoodies have to do with gangsters. The fact that they wear them?

Hoodies are popular in all walks of life. It's a fucking ubiquitous piece of clothing.

So why are people protesting and making a big deal out of them?

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